Category: Marble Blast Space
Downloads: 1
zip0 mbs_1.0 1.00 HOT
(9 votes)

There is little known about Marble Blast Space as it never received public attention. It contains 14 playable levels (one of them is in custom), new graphics and skyboxes. New sounds are available but they appear to be sped up/slowed down versions from somewhere else (Gold or Platinum). Although it does have some of its user interface changed, it’s still largely based on Marble Blast Gold.

There is nothing known about the reception to Marble Blast Space, so we took it to a test run. Although there is nothing special about this mod, we really liked the gravity level’s skies. If you wish to download, you’ll beat it under 10 minutes... but it does look good!

Known bugs and problems:
The mod comes with its own prefs.cs file. Do delete it so you’ll start from scratch and without user-times.

Created 2014-01-04 03:30:32
Changed 2014-01-05 02:44:28
Version 1.00
Size 4.39 MB
Downloads 6,798
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