Category: Marble Blast Elite
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Marble Blast Elite is a major mod to Marble Blast which so far has a demo release only. Development of Marble Blast Elite goes very slowly, and it appears to be slowly dying. Staff either join or leave for prolonged amounts of time. The demo version of Marble Blast Elite contains 26 levels.

Marble Blast Elite so far contains some exciting new features, including moving crates, marble resizing powerups, neat skybox scenery and some interesting new friction floors. These join familiar features of checkpoints, teleporters and easter eggs.

Reception to Marble Blast Elite’s demo has been average. Many liked the scenery and textures, as well as the new gameplay elements. Levels received mixed reactions, as people liked some of their challenges but were overall too hard for the categories they were placed; most people did not like the white trim texture.

Marble Blast Elite was going to release a newer demo build that addressed most of the community issues, but this did not occur. Since then the mod underwent through many changes to its structure, including changing many levels and the way it was going to be presented, but no word had been heard since.

Created 2014-01-04 04:23:11
Changed 2014-01-05 02:44:36
Version 1.00
Size 126.83 MB
Downloads 4,608
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