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MBG Horizontal Widescreen support - Win MBG Horizontal Widescreen support - Windows HOT
The widescreen support for Marble Blast Gold now functions with true horizontal FOV expansion algorithm from it's original vert- widescreen behavior. To that end, 16:9 will be in the same height as 4:3 as well as other wider aspect ratios. To use, copy and replace the following files in the MBG program directory: marbleblast.exe opengl2d3d.dll Next, open up prefs.cs and then edit the resolution values to a 16:9 resolution or whatever in these line: $pref::Video::resolution = "width height 32"; $pref::Video::windowedRes = "width height"; Finally, open up the exe and you'll see the results.
bandicam_2017-05-04_17-53-26-746 bandicam_2017-05-04_17-55-40-9572
Created 2017-05-05 01:28:30
Changed 2017-05-05 12:17:54
Size 1.14 MB
(0 votes)
Created by brandondorf9999
Changed by brandondorf9999
Downloads 1,633