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Advent Calendar compilation Pa Advent Calendar compilation Part 1 HOT

For December 2013, I did an Advent calendar, posting one level per day until Christmas. These are those levels compiled into three downloads (The file size of all of the levels together exceeds 15,000KB). Don't ask about the levels for December 1 and 2. I think Santa's reindeer ate them.

List of levels:

December 1, 2, and 3: Toboggan Hill
December 4: Skating Pond
December 5: 9-gem puzzle with 8 pieces
December 6: Precision Jumping
December 7: Origin of Species
December 8: Icy Waters
December 9: Frictional Obstacle course

Created 2014-01-12 03:07:00
Changed 2014-01-24 02:16:50
Version 1.00
Size 4 MB
(7 votes)
Created by Marblemaster1
Changed by IsraeliRD
Downloads 969
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