question-circle My Departure?

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12 Mar 2021 07:15 - 12 Mar 2021 07:24 #1
Ok, for the last 3 months. This community has brought me nothing but pain. To see the state it got to and got to see some behind-the-scenes action I really didn't want to see, I think its time for me to at least back off from the main community. I don't like to communicate anymore because I can't even trust half of you and you know who you are. Am I going to discuss the details? Probably not, because they make me wanna throw up.

I still adore this game to bits but I can't stand being in the close-net community anymore.

Will I still talk to some members? Of course
Will I still play the game on the lbs and create videos? Yes
Will I contribute to the spreadsheets? If I don't have to talk to any bigots than yeah
Will I visit people's streams? Fuck yeah I will
Will I participate within the wider community? Not anytime soon
Will I come back? If I see the community in a different light

I don't see myself apart of this group of people anymore and that just sickens me.

Were the old staff really that bad, or are you guys just hellbent on starting a revolution?
To see the iceberg of what this community actually is makes me not want to participate within the wider community.
No wonder why the staff left, they were sick of it.

I will finish this statement with quite the few thank yous and I wish I could leave two massive fuck yous but it's not worth my time:

Thank You to Doomblah, Jean, Alexis, Ignas, petalflurry, Eguy, M@s, c0wmanglr, Nockess, DKman00, Jackrb, gittles, Nature Freak, hPerks, HiGuy, Matan and finally Xelna. These individuals made the community feel like a family to me, I really thought I was part of something special and I will never forgot those moments. But I will never want to remember the moments from Jan 12th 2021 - Mar 12th 2021.

To everyone reading this, think about why you're here and why some of us aren't.
This is my departure, if my arrival comes up then I will land safely.

P.S. If you want your place to talk about politics, then talk about politics.
Last edit: 12 Mar 2021 07:24 by Eclipsia.
The following user(s) said Thank You: HiGuy, Kalle29, NF, Eguy, M@s, Connie, Doomblah, Yoshicraft224, Go'way, Gittles, Cobalt, petalflurry, c0wmanglr, azful

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12 Mar 2021 07:33 #2
Sorry to see you go. If that is how you feel about the state of the community, you have a right to that opinion and I respect that. You are welcome to leave if you are not satisfied with it. Good luck on your future endeavors.
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12 Mar 2021 07:56 - 12 Mar 2021 07:57 #3
Nah. Thank YOU for being the coolest Australian ever and for dropping some truth bombs on your way out. ily <3

"it's the internet eguy. where children are men. men are monkeys, and women are PQ."
-Jeff 2014
Last edit: 12 Mar 2021 07:57 by Eguy.
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12 Mar 2021 09:05 #4
I wish all the best for you if you are indeed going to distance yourself from the community, however this post is really confusing to me for a couple of reasons that I really would wish for you to go into a little bit further. If this seems like too much, just understand I’m trying to get a perspective on where you are coming from. I think a lot more people here also want the community to become a better place than you believe, and that includes myself. If you see issues with the community over the last few months and want to find a restoration for the community in the future, then you should definitely go into detail. A lot of the things that are said in here (regarding “bigots”, half of people who can't be trusted, two “massive fuck yous”, even the whole politics thing at the end), is being too vague to find out what really has to be improved or looked at further. So yes, I would encourage you to discuss the more important details. I would really appreciate it and understand the frustrations a lot better.

"cna you salt spalt the slevel salt of 6 year salt who ca salt the lsat" - nobody, 2017
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12 Mar 2021 09:51 #5
politics: screenshot leaks of the politics showing vile conversations on other members of the community for being trans and for being furries, me being a target in a fair few of those screenshots.
bigots: referring to those people in the politics server who made those comments and continue to wreck havok.
the two massive fuck yous: just two people that really grind my gears and were the main reason I wanted to leave, not gonna name but those two, I really can't see myself being in the same 'community' as them.

I don't want to go into any more detail as I am sensitive of the subject but I just gave a brief of those 3 things you mentioned xeef.
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12 Mar 2021 10:29 #6
if you don't want to go into any more detail then why did you go into more detail

brapdoors mbg #OhBoyFreeAM!

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12 Mar 2021 11:04 #7
I think it's best to let Eclipsia be for the moment. If she doesn't want to get into more details then we should respect that. And she obviously can come and go as she pleases, no problems with that.

If you ever decide to come back you are more than welcome to.

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12 Mar 2021 12:27 - 12 Mar 2021 12:30 #8
Since I'm not always communicating in the community or properly reading past message history, I am not all familiar of the situation at hand nor even aware of the lore behind how this went down. Though I do understand your frustration as I do picture this being a very unpleasant experience and the things said being uncalled for, especially for this serious of a topic.

Also, I completely agree with everything Kalle had stated, Eclipsia shouldn't be pressured into informing us in more detail of the given situation, as it does sound like a bit much to deal with and talk about, and you have the rights to keep the detail to whatever length you please. And even though, we don't know each other much or even talked through voice chat, I am unlikely to forget your membership in the community, and even if the community appears better and you return, I will still honour your presence.

Anyways, wish you the best and hope your future betters. If you ever see me, TrueSlayer74, online, then don't be afraid to say "Hi" or start a conversation, and if you're still gonna be streaming, I'll be make an attempt to drop in and also say "Hi" and tune in for as long as I can. Again, stay safe, stay strong, and take care. Cheers.

Notice how I don't communicate over the community as much? Yea, I think that's the reason I barely post. :P
Last edit: 12 Mar 2021 12:30 by TrueSlayer74.
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12 Mar 2021 14:00 #9
I understand that some are weary of repeating the points that were already made regarding the community, and perhaps this isn't the forum topic to do so, but I felt this is my only opportunity (for the time being) to speak up about the recent situation as well as your departure, especially since I hardly ever use these Forums. I'll try my best to get my point across, and if you have any questions, I'll try answering them here but preferably in a chat on Discord.

With that said... let's go this

The events from the past 2 months have been a rocky road in general from what I can tell, in my case especially the first couple days after the news were shared. Frankly, this is one of few times I had legitimate worries for how a community will carry on in the future. But, I believe that being a part of the community will eventually expose you to its internal drama (or the "iceberg" as you called it) regardless of the severity and importance, which happened several times throughout my now 6-year long history here and way before I joined. And while I wish this was handled in a more professional way (don't we all?), there is no mean of erasing this conflict from history all that easily. All we can really do is learn from mistakes of others (and maybe ours) and try our best to positively change how the community should function when we are still able to, as I know from experience that is not the case with every one.
While most of our people were suddenly informed about the recent changes in staff and how that was handled, I heard that the disagreement between staff members had been a problem for several years prior and eventually lead to what occurred that week. Thus perhaps we should focus on fixing those mistakes long-term rather than forming a revolution, even though I was originally for that idea were it about to happen within the first several days.

I joined the game for... well, itself, for how well it functions despite the limitations of its outdated game engine and how customizable it is, but I intend to stay because I found this place comfortable enough to talk with others (and perhaps make real-life friends in the future?) and because of people who made these interactions possible (even though some of those decided to leave).
I'm glad I became part of this wild ride, that I made anyone here (of course, including you) feel more comfortable, and I hope to continue doing what I can towards that goal.
If you think you should take a break from the community as a whole, the game itself, or both, taking everything in the time frame you mentioned, then it may be for the best to do so. Though I have to agree with Xedron that the overall message about what you implied was indeed vague, and I can only guess who doesn't deserve a shoutout, or rather deserves the opposite, so I'll let your self be the judge as it's tough say anything in this regard... Slip into my DMs if you decide to talk about it

So... my point as a tl;dr - [strike]joj[/strike] I can relate to most of the points you mentioned or implied, I would also take a break from interacting with the broader community if I were you, and I can see how you would start distrusting some people you have in mind, but I don't know how to help you with that distrust issue specifically and I'm conflicted about what to think of why you decided to cut yourself off the broader community for now. But, I'm glad I could at least make your life a bit easier during your stay here. It was somewhat painful for me as well to deal with all this personally (even though it wasn't my first time encountering such a divide).

I'm not sure how to conclude this so I don't sound like a broken record... So on that note, I hope to see you come back whenever you wish.
After all, the community's issues aren't the only ones we have to deal with as individuals.
Also, don't forget, you're here forever. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk PogChamp
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12 Mar 2021 20:48 #10

Eclipsia wrote: politics: screenshot leaks of the politics showing vile conversations on other members of the community for being trans and for being furries, me being a target in a fair few of those screenshots.

Having seen the inside of the politics server, and getting an earful about how much its primary members value transparency and not shit-talking behind people's backs while being nice to their face, this is pure hypocrisy and I hope everyone realizes this.

"it's the internet eguy. where children are men. men are monkeys, and women are PQ."
-Jeff 2014
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13 Mar 2021 04:20 #11
It's sad to see you go for now, Eclipsia, but I think it is absolutely vital that everyone should always put their mental health before anything else, and if you needed to leave in order to be happy I fully support you. I've had to leave myself in the past, because at times I was a lot happier when I didn't have to think about what was going on in this community, so I understand a part of how you're feeling.

I do think that this community should take what you said seriously and reflect on how we can do better. I appreciate that you elaborated on your feelings, and I welcome anything else you have to say because I want to do everything I can to make this community friendlier and more welcoming to everyone involved. It's clear after reading your posts that there's still more to be done to make this place better, and I'll do what I can to help. I hope that I might see you online sometimes, because you've always been fun to have around. Thanks for being honest, and please take care of yourself!
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13 Mar 2021 05:01 #12
Goodbye. You're welcome to return here whenever you wish to.

Eclipsia wrote: Were the old staff really that bad, or are you guys just hellbent on starting a revolution?

The old staff did a good job for many years. Afterwards, they progressively became more and more unreasonable, slowly digging their own grave while tripping on their power with foolish and overbearing moderation practices. The way they responded to the consequent community backlash only made problems worse. The camel's back was bound to break one day, and the unjust banning of Yoshicraft was the straw that did it.

Eguy wrote: Having seen the inside of the politics server, and getting an earful about how much its primary members value transparency and not shit-talking behind people's backs while being nice to their face, this is pure hypocrisy and I hope everyone realizes this.

The pot calling the kettle black. Shit-talking also happens in other offshoot Discord servers of this community, some of which you participate in. I personally don't care about it. People talk shit behind other people's backs, that's just life. The problem comes when people such as yourself, and others here, abuse the trust put in you and leak things from one private server to another, with knowledge that most people in the latter dislike most people in the former. In the end, this only causes unnecessary drama and further aggravates tensions between certain members.
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13 Mar 2021 09:55 #13
This isn't about me or what happened two months ago but aight

"it's the internet eguy. where children are men. men are monkeys, and women are PQ."
-Jeff 2014

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