Marble Blasted was a project that has been on my mind for over five years now. It started out like any other Marble Blast Gold mod, scrapped or otherwise, with a bunch of reused MBG textures and below average custom ones. The project fell through sometime later, and I haven't thought of reviving it for a long time. Then PlatinumQuest's development build was released in early 2021, and it eventually gave me an opportunity to build a mod level pack hybrid from it, in an offshoot GitHub branch named BMdev1. This new iteration of Marble Blasted plans to have 5 chapters, each with 12 levels, most of them being recreations of custom levels I made over the years, giving them a fresh coat of paint and removing what didn't work in them.
Here's the fork repository if you know how to install them:
And here's the current version of the game with four out of five chapters, ten hunt levels, and three sumo levels:
Marble Blasted Chapter 4
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