* Contains level/interiors through the October pack
Project Custom Levels Archive was created on the 10th May 2006 and its target was to give the community a package composed of at least 95% of the custom levels ever created.
The packs became disorganised ever since December 2006 and there were no regular updates. Today, the Monthly Level packs [by Perishingflames] that come out will update CLA every now and then.
As of today, Project C.L.A features 1854 custom levels.
As an addition, find around 2625 interiors and textures in the interiors folder, which should compose of ~99% of the current interiors/textures currently available and ~99.99% of the levels in CLA.
As far as we're concerned, all of the levels can be beaten. Most, but not all have a beatable Gold Time, Platinum Time, and/or Ultimate Time.
BIG thanks to Perishingflames, for helping me to get ~99% of all the levels from 9th September 2007 onwards.
I hope you'll enjoy CLA and have fun playing the levels as much as I did while getting them organised for you.
Note - Make sure to copy and paste the files within the interiors folder instead of replacing your actual interiors folder with the one from CLA.
Note - Not all levels have a picture attached!
Bonus Goodies!
Project C.M.B.G gets an update as well:
Custom Marbles: Choose between Ian's, Luke, Tristan Dragon, Bob and a Golfball (for MMG)!
Custom Mods: Tech Geek's or LillBenny's two mods!
Custom Music: Choose between Tech Geek's or Tristan Dragon's UFO song!
Custom Shapes: Choose either Beau's or Tech Geek's.
Custom Skybox: Solo Hans, CyberFox and Tech Geek are your choices!
Custom Textures: Try out Tech Geek's textures for MBG.
Custom Sounds: Tech Geek, Matan or Perishingflames, 3 sound mods to choose from and all are good!
Everything can be downloaded here:
Important Warning: Putting all levels into MarbleBlast Gold/Platinum at once will cause it to be unstable and possibly crash. Even if it does not, be assured that it will be so quite laggy and freeze at times. We recommend having <400 levels in your custom missions folder at once for optimal playing and to prevent crashes (this means less than two or three alphabetically-organized folder's worth of levels at once).
Other Goodies (mentioned above): (BROKEN)
philsempire.com/platinum/cla/9th%....s_Textures.z ip
Happy Marble Blasting,
Matan and Perishingflames
"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.