This is a Blender plugin to import and export MBG Torque DIF interiors and Torque Constructor CSX files. Supported Blender Versions: 2.8.0 to 4.3
File > Import > Torque (.dif).
It can't be any more simpler than that.
If you want to load a Torque Constructor (.csx) file and create a Torque DIF, use File > Import > Torque Constructor (.csx).
File > Export > Torque (.dif)
Additional export options - Important!
Located in the object properties panel
Current Version: 1.3.0
This is a Blender plugin to import and export MBG Torque DIF interiors and Torque Constructor CSX files. Supported Blender Versions: 2.8.0 to 4.3
File > Import > Torque (.dif).
It can't be any more simpler than that.
If you want to load a Torque Constructor (.csx) file and create a Torque DIF, use File > Import > Torque Constructor (.csx).
File > Export > Torque (.dif)
Additional export options - Important!
- Flip Faces: Flip the normals of the dif, in case the resultant DIF is inside out.
- Double Faces: Make all the faces double sided, may increase lag during collision detection.
- Max Polygons: Number of maximum triangles that a DIF can have before splitting into multiple DIFs. Reduce this number if export fails.
- Apply Modifiers: Whether to apply modifiers to meshes before exporting.
- Export Visible: Export only visible geometry.
- Export Selected: Export only selected geometry.
- Use Material Names: Use Material Names instead of file names of the material textures.
- Optimize For Marble Blast: Make the resultant DIF optimized for Marble Blast. Uncheck this if you want to use this for other Torque games.
- BSP Algorithm:
- Fast (Default): Use a sampling algorithm to determine the best splitter. This method is inherently random and may not always yield optimal results.
- Exhaustive: Use an exhaustive search algorithm to determine the best splitter. May take longer but builds more balanced trees. Deterministic algorithm.
- None: Do not build a BSP Tree, utilize this for fast conversion times or if building the BSP Tree fails/hangs on export.
- IMPORTANT: If your geometry is too complex, consider using None mode as there is no guarantee that a BSP Tree can be optimally built within set constraints.
- IMPORTANT: BSP Trees are only used for raycasts and Drop To Ground feature in Marble Blast. If you are not using these features, you can safely disable the BSP Tree.
- Point Epsilon: The minimum distance between two points to be considered different.
- Plane Epsilon: Minimum difference between values of two plane to be considered equal.
- Split Epsilon: Minimum difference between values of two splitting planes to be considered equal.
Located in the object properties panel
- Interior Entity Type:
- InteriorResource: normal static interior type
- PathedInterior: moving platform type interior
- Marker Path: a curve object that describes the path of the moving platform
- initialPathPosition: set using the "Evaluation Time" parameter located in Curve > Object Data Properties > Path Animation
- totalPathTime: time it takes for the moving platform to complete the path, set using the "Frames" parameter located in Curve > Object Data Properties > Path Animation.
- Marker Path: a curve object that describes the path of the moving platform
- Game Entity: represents an entity in the DIF such as items
- Game Class: the class of the entity such as "Item", "StaticShape",etc
- Datablock: the datablock of the item.
- Properties: a list of additional key value pairs which will be set to the object on Create Subs
- No Trigger support: I tried but Torque was being Torque even when I successfully embedded them into DIFs.
- No Game Entity rotation support: there isn't even a rotation field for Game Entities in DIFs, and torque doesn't even use the rotation field explicitly passed as a property
Current Version: 1.3.0
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