I saw mini flamewars sparking up on ''Marble Blast Stop'' board that reminded me of the whole MBSuper fiasco.
The core of it was that people gave their criticism on mod. Mod maker's didn't wanted to accept the suggestion or criticism by the community and continued their thing. Then people start repeating same things again and again to somehow ''enforce'' what they want person to do. And there we are having a flamewar pointing fingers at each other.
. The question is not who thinks right or wrong, the question is how we present our truth to others and how we criticize people.
For example when MBS2 was announced there was this ''300 levels thing for a mod'' discussion going on. People pointed out that that is insane. Jiquor said that he still want's to do it. People lift some good point's why it's ''crazy''. Jiquor says that he has understood all the point's lifted by community members and that he still want's to do it. Then why are we still talking about 300 levels and still criticizing him about it? Why are we still trying to force the idea that is bad down his throat like ''yeah he will eventually get annoyed and change his mind''? By somehow constantly reminding him about this we are not making the situation better and it won't make jiquor change his mind.
. I believe you have to let people make, what you think are, mistakes or do things that sound insane to you, sometimes you have to let people do what they think is best. Maybe what you think is right is wrong, maybe what thousand's of people that agree that you think is actually wrong (*khem* example:modern feminism echo chamber), maybe truth has changed around, maybe you are right, who knows? I believe that Jiquor learned a lot from MBS1 and that he may surprise us with something even with 300 levels and knowing his hard working spirit he will do it. Or this mod will fail, only time will tell. But please let's not make this into a mess that MBSuper was. I think we all learned our lesson from that as a community. Our general community atmosphere is great and is probably one of best around but mod board has kind of turned into place where to expel our pent up emotions about failed mods on newer members.
. P.S. Not siding with Jiquor or anyone else. Just getting tired of pointless discussions
Some guy that does DTS shapes and levels.
AWESOME time HINT : When making PQ level place your custom interiors and textures in platinum/data/interiors_pq/custom
makes life easier for you and everyone else