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After I completed all the mbp levels in single player(not in lb),the allQualified.png appears.The bottom says "press space to continue".But when I press space,the game freezes and i keep pressing alt+esc.At the desktop the marbleblast.exe has stopped working window appears.
Please press Ctrl-T before this issue happens, then upload the corresponding console.log to the forums (preferably as a .zip). If you don't, it's much harder for the MBP team to debug the issue. Also post OS+game version.
OS = operation system. "+" is "and". I was asking for what operation system you used, so it can be of more help in the issue. So, it's asking what version of OS, like Windows 7 or Mac OS 10.6. Game version is simply what you're playing. It's going to be either MBP 1.50 or MBP 1.14/1.20, most likely.