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Reply: Changing controls in OpenMBU
Topic History of: Changing controls in OpenMBU
Max. showing the last 20 posts - (Last post first)
- SuperSpinout
no camera control from keyboard ?
too bad... But thanks anyway, I tried the new binds and they work perfectly
- DoxtonPink
Powerup is "mouseFire"
Blast is "altTrigger"
There is no specific bind that exists for camera control besides the one assigned to the x and y coordinates of the mouse (651 and 652 in the screenshot earlier). Unless someone compiles together a few lines of code to control the camera using keyboard, you're out of luck on that department.
- SuperSpinout
Thanks, but I've just managed to change the keys to move the ball. For the camera, powerups and blast I can't find the commands to change the controls.
For example: to look to the left I press āqā.
to look to the right I press ādā.
- DoxtonPink
There is no official way to change the configs in OpenMBU, since it's trying to be a 1 to 1 recreation of the Xbox 360 version without any modifications.
However, there is two ways you can change the controls yourself.
First method [Installing a mod]:
The installation process should be present in the README file.
Second method [Changing the code by yourself]:
Find the "default.bind.cs" file, which should be under "\marble\client\scripts"
Next, open the file using a text editor (Notepad++, Visual Studio, either or.) and scroll all the way down to line 610, that's the line that contains general controls (keyboard or controller)
What's going to be relevant to you is line 632 up to 636, those are you keyboard controls to move the marble.
As for mouse, it's going to be just 649 and 650.
Though this doesn't mean you're limited to those controls, you can change a keyboard bind to work for mouse and vice versa, it's just a matter of preference.
For example, if I want to bind blast (which is called altTrigger in the code) to a key instead, I would change the first value from "mouse" to "keyboard", and the second to whatever key I want (in this example, "e", WITHOUT the quotations.)
This is what the line initially looked like, underlining the ones you should change:
moveMap.bind( mouse, button1, altTrigger );
Applying what I instructed you to do, the code should now look like this:
moveMap.bind( keyboard, e, altTrigger );
The way you do it to change something into a mouse control just the opposite, where you write mouse and button0/button1 instead.
As a handy guide, this is how you can read the code:
moveMap.bind( {hardware}, {input}, {action} );
I hope this helped!
- SuperSpinout
I don't know how to change commands in marble blast ultra on PC (I play on keyboard). Is there a solution to this?
Thanks in advance