Hi Everyone, I am using a Windows 7 desktop, and recently when I installed the updated versions of Platinum Quest, Norton is completely freaking out! It thinks that it's a threat to my computer. It wants me to remove it, because it just says that there is not enough information to prove that it's recommended. It didn't use to do this, so I didn't believe that it was a threat to my computer, so I clicked run anyway. After, Norton said that I must restart my computer. Now each time I try to run the game, Norton automatically deletes the exe file in the game directory before I can even click on anything in the directory folder. Has anyone else experienced this problem before?
This happens ONLY on my Windows 7 desktop. It does not happen on my Windows 10 desktop at my other home.
This happens ONLY on my Windows 7 desktop. It does not happen on my Windows 10 desktop at my other home.