Good luck to everyone for the playoffs!!!
Round of 32
Creep 3-2 MASON35 $100
Sefaro 3-2 Jackrb $100
Eguy 3-2 theturk1234 $100
Kalle 4-1 obee58 $100
HiGuy 5-0 NF $200
Rosie 3-2 Hitgod $100
MBCollector 5-0 Laplace $200
Storminorman 3-2 Dave $100
MBOUltimate 5-0 Yoshicraft224 $100
M@s 4-1 MikeSan $100
Lee 5-0 Wubba $100
CylinderKnot 5-0 Nutmegg $100
ItzJean 5-0 eNetro $500
Tue27 5-0 Alex $200
LaSharkus 3-2 CyberMedium $100
Robert 5-0 jacob69431 $100
Spot #1: Sefaro $100
Spot #2: theturk1234 $100
Spot #3: HiGuy $100
Spot #4: MBCollector672 $100
Spot #5: MBOUltimate $100
Spot #6: Lee $100
Spot #7: Tue27 $100
Spot #8: Robert $100
Spot #1: Kalle $100, Eguy $100
Spot #2: MBCollector $100, Rosie $100, HiGuy $100
Spot #3: MBOUltimate $100, Lee $100, M@s $100
Spot #4: Robert $100, ItzJean $100, Tue27 $100
Spot #1: Rosie $100, HiGuy $100, MBCollector $100, Kalle $100
Spot #2: MBOUltimate $100, M@s $100, Lee $100, Tue27 $100, ItzJean $100
Rosie $100, HiGuy $100, MBCollector $100, MBOUltimate $100, Lee $100, Kalle $100
Awesome Hint:
Since the Awesome Time/Score is secret, you will have to beat it in order to find out what it is. Just practice every day, and be ready to keep pressing the 'Restart' button...A LOT!