MBE No Jumping Compilation
Recorded this video quite a bit ago, but a combination of being away, crappy internet, and laziness got in the way of uploading it.
Anyway, here is a nice little compilation of MBE levels, all marked as impossible by the MBE staff, all proven as possible without jumping.
Bumpers and Bounce: Pretty simple stuff, could be done a lot faster. Sorry about the laggy recording, it gets better though
A Bumpy Quest: That little jump platform area threw me off at first, I realized pretty quickly that I could get to the gem easily enough, but thought I would need a SJ to get all the way through. I couldn't get a SJ there though, so I tried again and realized that if I went fast enough I would punch through. The last part is like that too, just go fast.
How To: Frictions: First level I proved possible w/out jumping. I first tried it before I realized just how little traction you have on space. I got lucky on just my 2nd try and beat it. It took me a lot longer to reproduce those results...
Random Level: Easy Peasy Pudding and Pie.
Risin' Speed: I had written this level off as impossible, but I gave it another shot later and discovered that it is very much possible without jumping, and that my path is probably the easiest way to get the Emerald Time.
How To: Rocket Booster: Still not sure why I get enough height to make it to the finish if I do it just right, but not complaining. There is another way to get up there too, my original path, but it is difficult and takes longer (looks cooler though).
Thunderbolt: You may notice that I go to the side of the top of the first ramp, not the shortest distance. If I do it like that I can get enough height to skillshot the gap on the otherside. Also possible to do a much softer launch, and bounce of the bottom layer of leaves on the tree on the right.
Climb: First 2 .rec's were not playing right (they didn't like the tornado launch) so I went back to the drawing board and recorded this. I only wish I could get that tornado launch, and what led up to it in a with jumping run now...
PS Some editing changes: Better quality video, and letterboxing so that everything doesn't appear stretched here on youtube...