Definitely not SnS 4 .
Didn't get to keep these videos earlier cause of my absence, and to those who did not see these videos...Enjoy!
The UT path, nice and simple. I slowed a bit in the last few places but I had no hurry really, plus it can be beaten without the bumper tweak too (that is just a peek on the many available tweaks). I'll go lower in my MBP Paths 2 video. Enjoy!
MBG Leaderboards:
Easy paths for good records in the MBG side of the custom leader board, I guess they can go lower but this is good enough to me. Enjoy!
MBP GG Paths:
A few levels and a few records (WRs too maybe), they can go lower but I figured I'd show the paths I used. A sequel with Expert Levels to be expected! Enjoy!
Chevy's Intermediate:
Chevy's Biggest Finalest Unbeatable Challenge of Intermediate Levels. I had found the double Sj a long time ago and was going for a sub minute but I turned out to find more tweaks that shocked my 59.84 to more than 15 seconds lower! So here it is at sub 45s, and yes sub 40 is possible but I just wanted to share...
Super there and back again 2 Paths:
2 Paths on this cool level, they both can go lower and the major TS on the first run is the slope near the SJ, you simply hit it to reduce air, can get like 30-32s or even maybe sub 30s with that tweak, but anyway... Enjoy!
Enjoy all I have to offer!
*Note to self, MAJOR BUMP! *