So, Quaternion development is finally starting! Get excited!
As I said, in these weekly threads I'll begin by posting the goals for the week. Then, the thread will serve as a general discussion / update thread for everything that gets done that week. Every week, I'll try to have a primary goal (what I expect to be able to finish with no issues) and a secondary goal (what I'd like to finish but am not sure).
This week's primary goal is Stripping: taking a fresh copy of MBG and stripping it down to only include what I think I'll use. That means removing hazards, powerups, etc. so that all that's left is the basic gameplay functionality. This is to eliminate the potential clutter that would result from having too many unnecessary files and such in the Quaternion directory.
This week's secondary goal is Audio Hacking: to add engine functionality to the game for FMOD audio. FMOD is a more extensive audio system than the OpenAL library that MBG uses, so this will be helpful in enhancing the game's audio (like adding pitch-shifted sound beyond just the marble's rolling).
Looking forward to the week! As always, if you have any questions/comments, they can be posted in this thread.