Hey everyone. Recently a lot of new users have joined MB level building so it seems like a perfect time to host another event, this time a bit unusual one. This event is all about making a level in 48 hours or less. Doesn't matter if it's done in level editor, Quark Constructor, Notepad,if you have just started getting into making levels or you have been doing it for years. If you can make a level, we want to see it. During this event everyone will also have chance to participate in multiplayer testing matches (they will work for singleplayer levels too) where level makers will will be able to receive feedback directly from players and improve their creations . In addition some people will be streaming so it should turn out fun experience for everyone participating. Since this is a jam there will be no winners, however anyone who participates will receive a new sparkly flair on their profile to enjoy.   

Event will take place from 11th to 13th of march, (Check your timezone below):

Start: 11th of March 4PM CST (Central standard time US) Click this to check time at your location

End: 13th of March 5PM CST* (Central standard time US)  Click this to check time at your location

*event ends at 5pm since America has daylight savings clock turning at 13.03

For further details visit the main event thread HERE.