Hello all,

Wow, 2020 has been quite a year, huh? All this madness is really driving some of us inside, leaving school and work early, seeking some sort of asylum during these times.

Well, what if I told you Labor Day is right around the corner, and with it, the annual Labor Day Madness event?

That's right! You too can join us on Monday, September 7th from 2:00 PM EDT (18:00 UTC) - 8:00 PM EDT (0:00 UTC) for the largest Marble Blast event of the year! Please join us in Aayrl's "Labor Day Madness" Server during the specified time window to join the fun!

The event will feature several rounds of traditional multiplayer gameplay, a series of special Event Custom Levels (including some from the Marble Blast Developer Archives), and end with a full play-through of the classic Marble Blast Gold levels in a round of multiplayer Co-Op! There may be a few surprises in store, as the Community Staff have a knack for playing with console commands ..

Doing something else on Labor Day? Hey, that's totally fine - I'll be streaming the whole thing LIVE on Twitch, so you can experience the action on your own schedule!


Rest up, we'll see you on Monday!

Marble Blast Community Administrator