After two months in development, the Platinum Team is happy to present Marble Blast Platinum 1.50 Beta 3!

The new beta build includes new dedicated servers so if you cannot host due to port forwarding issues, then you can simply join them. Main gameplay changes in multiplayer relate to weaker blast and mega marble.
Overall we have over 20 major additions and 60 fixes so there is plenty to check out in the new Beta.

We would like to thank many users who submitted bugs/errors and console.log files as it helped us a lot.

Download the beta HERE!
Please note that Windows and Mac downloads have ignition files pre-installed, so you don't have to worry about manually installing MBP. We are providing alternative downloads for those who wish to manually install. If the website download fails please try out the alternative download links (directs to

Happy Marble Blasting,
The Platinum Team