Download details
UTILITY: Map2Dif Plus - Mac UTILITY: Map2Dif Plus - Mac OS X HOT




v1.01 - Triggers export correctly now

Upgraded map2dif compatible with MBG.

- The upgraded map2dif_plus conversion engine (converts more maps, with fewer limitations)
- Does not save LightMaps by default (as MBG makes no use of them)
---- reduces file size
---- to re-enable saving, use -p on command line

- May crash if:
---- Multiple WorldSpawn entities
---- Multiple Detail entities
---- (Possibly if) MP entities out of order
---- LightMap resolution is rediculously huge (small number)
- Requires 0 texture to exist before creating 0 surfaces
- Make sure your triggers are not on an angle or skewed, as the polyhedron doesn't export correctly, which will crash MBG upon interior test

- Detail hidden surface removal (Constructor's export has this)
- Handle multiple brush entities better

Mac instructions (command line):
cd into directory containing .map file and textures
(make sure the map2dif file is there too)
./map2dif_plus_mbg -t . -o . <>

Created 2014-07-01 14:54:52
Changed 2014-07-01 11:02:03
Version 1.01
Size 3.38 MB
(3 votes)
Created by
Changed by Aayrl
Downloads 972
License GNU/GPL external
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