The game is currently called "Dash Grid", with a similar art style to Geometry Wars.
As the game is ultimately being designed for iOS, the controls are a bit different, but still quite easy.
I'm very interested in suggestions for additional enemy types and game modes.
- I'm trying to stay away from power-ups, but if someone has an amazing idea, I might try it out to see how it feels.
- It's a survival game, not a killing game, so I don't want the player to shoot.
- There are 4 leaderboards (one for each game mode, and one for total points) for iOS Game Center
- There are a number of achievements (High points reached in game modes, total points reached, hold 5 shield layers for 10 seconds, end a round with under 7000 points) in iOS Game Center
- - Deffinitely would like suggestions for more "fun" achievements.
Here are some screen shots:
Here's the link: Dash Grid
Check out my website: !