Even better, now if you use a different computer or something, you won't overwrite your old global highscores unless the new score is better
Added two new levels, one by RadiantVibe, and one by IsraeliRD.
Unfortunately I can't accept any more levels, as the system has changed from pictures to points (Which is much better for the future, where custom levels will be saved and sent as text JSON files (~5kb) instead of images (>1mb))
IsraeliRD's new map features a Speed Powerup, activated by the left mouse button.
Finally, there is another Marble skin that can be unlocked from one of the level's Easter-Egg.
-- Replays will use whatever marble skin you are using, couldn't change that this update, sorry.
I may have also tweaked a bit of the physics, can't remember now
Link in my Signature now
Check out my website: alvios.com/ !