I've been working on a new mod of MBG for the past few years now, however as I was looking through many files, I kept on noticing that MBG must of had a server/multiplayer mode back in the day. There are lots of references to it in many of the scripts, there are multiplayer looking GUI options that seem to be disabled in the client/ui and server folders and thanks to Mr Obvious, there is a server folder in the root game directory!
For testing purposes only, would it be possible to re-enable these old settings to see how it would function back in the day! From what I can see within the scripts, all of the files (gui elements, scripts, networking files...) are in the correct places, but they are not enabled??? Have they been disabled?
I've tried making some functions that might enable some of it but it hasn't worked.
Would this be possible, and how would it be done?