file Mazik's Gem Hunt Level Reviews

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26 Dec 2021 05:03 - 29 Sep 2022 00:43 #1
A few days ago I decided I was gunna go ahead and review every Gem Hunt level that was considered for 70-79, now called pack 8, and now that I'm done, I thought it'd be a good idea to dump all my reviews here (also to make NF proud). All of these reviews can be found on the Master Sheet for each level I reviewed, but I hopefully plan to update this thread with any other gem hunt levels I play that people upload.

For starters, let's go over how I rate shit, this will be the general gist of my thought process:
10/10: A special rating that goes to the rare gem hunt level that I literally can't find a single fault in and that I enjoy playing endlessly.

7/10 - 9/10: Levels I would love to revisit, even if it has some flaws or even a major flaw that doesn't affect me much.

4/10 - 6/10: Levels that are basically average in my book, they can play nicely but if nothing about it is inherently great or bad they belong here (Marbleland is a great example, instant 5/10 since it's the flagship "boring" level for me)

1/10 - 3/10: Levels that I don't particularly enjoy playing for too long, for a variety of reasons or one huge reason that bothers me

0/10: The "I'm never playing this again" rating

Now for the levels and their ratings:

Nightmaria by Blasted: 6/10
Plays nicely, although its not my favorite to run due to the 1x1 pillars and lack of blue spawns in more common areas of the map. Also, a 130 AS in singleplayer is too high of a challenge score for the average player given the plat and blue rates. I would recommend lowering the challenge scores to 60 PS, 90 US, and 115 AS if you don't wanna mess with spawns.

Inferno Ring by Ignas: 7/10
Gets a 7/10 despite the unbalanced spawns because the layout of the level itself is enjoyable to traverse outside of like, 2 minor things. Powerup placement is perfect as well. I would suggest putting two yellows across from each other diagonally on those center pillars so that the center spawn isn't as broken as it is. If the spawns are to be kept as they are the challenge scores need to be 80 PS, 120 US, and 160 AS respectively.

Beacon by Blasted: 3/10
This map would be a lot better if it was shorter in scale, much like the original Architecture (although admittedly I'm not much a fan of that map too). I'm sure someone could get very good at this map with enough practice but the high blocks and certain sections where the blocks are super packed make for some awkward movement in my experience.

Basin Hill by CylinderKnot: 8/10
Flying across this map from one end to the other is honestly one of the best feelings in the world. Not to mention that there are also shocks and super bounces to help you get some gems quicker, especially for some of the more awkward spawns. AS is set at a reasonable 110 which does require good map knowledge to get, although I personally would've set it at 115. It's awkward traversing this map without a powerup at certain parts and I would've liked to see higher places to get up since this is Parkour Peaks inspired, but overall it still plays solid.

An Allegory for Economic Mobility by CylinderKnot: 6/10
I personally like the top half of the level more than I do the bottom half because it feels a lot easier to move around in, though that might be intended given the name of the level. This did play above my expectations though so I will give it that. The big teleporters are a cool concept that I liked using but when there's a spawn that's awkward to get to from your current position (no good teleporters and/or weird terrain to traverse) it's basically an instant reset for me.

Four Stairs by Yoshicraft224: 6/10
As a gem hunt level I think its pretty neat due to the sheer amount of gems you can collect very quickly, but it would be a lot better as a Gem Madness level with a 30 second time limit. I'm thankful for Yoshi putting blast here because without it I probably would've given it a 4 or 5 out of 10 (Spawn abusing also helps sometimes). 105 AS is way too easy though, I got it on my first finish. Challenge scores should be changed to 90 US and 120 AS.

Golfland by Frost: 0/10
I would rather get fucked in the ass by a dude than play this.

Marblitzan's Temple by Yoshicraft224: 2/10
I personally liked the first person perspective, but the way in which it was executed was just disappointing. The tornado here is really bad for the first spawn especially because the plat is literally inside the tornado. There's no way to get up to the 2nd floor from the tornado room alone and a stupid glass wall blocking one of the entrances in the 2nd floor. The level as a whole doesn't have much to offer outside of that.

Panels - Gem Hunt by QwertyQwertz: 4/10
I don't really have much to say for this one outside of the fact that the low gravity section is a little annoying. Its not bad, but its not good either.

Spaceballs by Nedison: 1/10
Good scenery but plays horribly.

Sequence by RandomityGuy: 4/10
Concept is nice, but it's repetitive and it plays out too long. Challenge scores need to be buffed too.
Last edit: 29 Sep 2022 00:43 by Mazik. Reason: Color coding and updated rating system. 9/28/2022 - Added the updated name of packs 70-79 (pack 8)
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10 Jan 2022 20:42 - 15 Jan 2022 19:34 #2
Big Freeze by Blasted: 6/10
Between Nightmaria and Big Freeze, I'd say Big Freeze is the better map, but only narrowly so. I compare this to Nightmaria because once again, this map has a seemingly luck based AT and the blue rate feels equal to the plat rate here. I lucked out on an older version of this map (only difference was the amount of SJ's) and ended up getting a 149 because plats decided to be in my favor. I like how compared to Nightmaria there are more options for you to get to different sections of the map more quickly, but one critique about the cannons I have is that I would've preferred if a "no movement" trigger stopped you from going OOB instead of an ice shard. The ice shard stopping you definitely fits the theme, but I would prefer those extra 2 seconds I have being frozen be dedicated towards getting gems.

Overall, just like with Nightmaria, put more places for blues to spawn and buff the blue rates so that the AT is actually doable in most games. If you don't wanna do that, lower the AT to like, 115 or something and adjust the other challenge times accordingly.
Last edit: 15 Jan 2022 19:34 by Mazik. Reason: Color coding

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15 Jan 2022 19:33 #3
Just finished playing through all of hPerks gem hunt levels since they had singleplayer variants, so I thought it'd be a good time to give my honest thoughts on them.

Wrap Zone by hPerks: 8/10
Controversial opinion but I absolutely love this level's concept. It's hard to wrap your head around at first (hah), but eventually the portals become second nature. The yellow/green side is absolutely perfect and I have no complaints about that side at all. The purple/orange side however isn't as enjoyable for me to traverse but still neat.

The 2 big things that prevent this level from being a 10/10 for me is the purple/orange side, and the very clear broken spawns with a bunch of yellows on the yellow/green side. If you want to have a very strong record on this level, you need to have lots of spawns on the yellow/green side of the level, especially on the bottom floor since they're the easiest to pick up quickly. If the spawns on the purple/orange side were more on par with the yellow/green side this would easily be a 9/10 for me.

Checkmate by hPerks: 9/10
The first custom gem hunt level to reach a 9/10 by my standards. This is really well made and it plays almost flawlessly. I love how hPerks intentionally made the pawns and knights just the right height so that you could use a gyro and collect two yellows on top of two pawns/knights at the same time. Pulling that off is really satisfying, and there's a myriad of other neat movement tricks you can do thanks to the sand and rug chess pieces. The only reason why this isn't a 10/10 for me is because sometimes the sand/rug pieces send you in random directions when you least expect it, making spawns a bit awkward at times, but even so I still think making the chess pieces sand/rug was the right move.

I would probably give this a lower rating if I was judging this as a multiplayer map (as it was intended to be), but in singleplayer it's just flat out amazing.

Ramp it Up by hPerks: 6/10
This is basically like a very early prototype of Ramps Revamped, and for what its worth, its not as bad as it looks. Plays decently well thanks to the abundance of super speeds and (sometimes) the bouncy walls. Main critiques are that the tarmac and especially the ice quadrants are a bit weird to move around in without blast and not enough going for it in the way of scenery. The sloped up gravity level concept is nice too but I was always meh about it since if you make a slip up it'll cost you a lot more than if you had normal terrain to work with. Could do with 2 more blue spots too but that's just me.

This level definitely works better in multiplayer, singleplayer variant isn't as fun.

Ramps Revamped by hPerks: 8/10
The cooler version of Ramp it Up. The more complex terrain easily makes this cooler to traverse through with less awkward moments where you're struggling to get somewhere. Don't have much else to say apart from that though, the blocks can be annoying but that's really about it.

Parkour Peaks by hPerks: 7/10
I was initially gunna give this a 4/10, but then I played it more and realized I was just suffering from a comically large skill issue. It's a very well made map for the more experienced players that's difficult to get used to at first, but when you find every little trick to maneuverer around this map, it will quickly become your favorite. Powerup placement couldn't be better, with super bounces and super speeds in the exact places you would need them.

This map definitely loses a lot of its maneuverability potential with the lack of blast however. If blast was included in the singleplayer version this would be an instant 9/10 for me, but it's still fun regardless. I'm also not much of a fan of this map having only yellows; 3 blues scattered about would make games a little more interesting.

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04 Feb 2022 14:09 #4
Requisite by Blasted: 7/10
Easily BM's best gem hunt level thus far. AS isn't terribly hard to get, and blues feel like they spawn at a decent rate compared to his previous maps. TT placement is good as well, forcing you to really think about if going for a TT is worth it in your path for gems. I like how the lava here also acts as a unique bounce surface that gets stronger the higher your fall distance and that propels you in the direction of your spin at the moment of impact. Definitely used it to my advantage in some instances.

The level plays really well, although there is one caveat. Lava gems. I like the lava surface, but getting gems in that one part near the elevator is very slow compared to other spawns and was often a big run killer when I was trying to get a 130 on this level (PB is 132). I originally planned to put this as an 8/10, but after playing the level more and more, the more I wasn't a fan of that particular spawn.

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06 Mar 2022 04:11 #5
Poolside Panic by MillieAmp: 8/10
Gotta say, I'm impressed with the amount of effort put into this. This level has both great aesthetics and great gameplay. I'm also not normally a fan of hunt levels with water in them but this level makes it so the water isn't as annoying as it is in Wonky Waters for example. My absolute favorite part about this level is maneuvering around the huts and the chairs, the chairs especially. Jumping over the pool to get to the other set of chairs and huts feels satisfying too.

The main critiques I would give for this level would have to be the half pipe gems though, the yellow ones in particular, and the random small gem groups you see sometimes. The former I'm not too fond of, especially when there's no water, and the latter is just sad when you're on a good run.

Challenge scores also need to be buffed a lot but thats not much of a critique since this is Millie's first hunt level and challenge scores aren't super hard

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19 Jun 2022 12:27 #6
Skatium by Blasted: 8/10
As a mix of Bowl, Skate Battle Royale (the brown hills), and Stadion (MIU Multiplayer Map), I'd say this goes hard. Super speeds littered everywhere make traversing this map fun and I basically rarely use the super jump's and gyro's as a result. AS is perfect too, not too hard, and not too easy (by my standards).

I don't have much else to say about this apart from minor critiques with level geometry. It's just really fucking solid and everyone should play it.
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13 Jul 2022 18:55 #7
Quadrant Collector by RandomityGuy: 10/10
I might be jumping the gun admittedly, but I never thought I'd ever see a hunt level that would top Triple Trail and Blender Chop in terms of replay value and enjoyability. The level may not look too appealing at first glance, but it is wayyy more fun than it looks.

It's really easy to chain the TTs together and incorporate them into your path for the gems. On top of that the geometry of the level is really fun to traverse too. It lends itself well to unique strategies with gem and TT chaining.

I legitimately can't think of anything wrong here. Outside of low point spawns there aren't any places on the map that are inherently bad or awkward to be in. The only part that comes remotely close is the lower half of the blue quadrant, but even then there's a cannon and Super Jump to help you out quicker than the intended way out.

Solid shit RG.

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16 Jul 2022 19:06 #8
Duplex by Connie: 9/10
I know this is supposed to be a multiplayer map, but fuck it, I'm gunna rate this as if its a singleplayer one.

This honestly rivals the official MBU maps. Not only does it look like an official map, it plays like one too. Super Speeds, Gyro's, and Super Jumps are all put in the right places and combined with blast, navigating the map is very simple to do. I can tell a lot of work was put into making this map be as good as it is.

The main thing that really prevents this from being a 10/10 map for me is that you always respawn on the light blue floor, which is a little annoying if you fuck up a spawn on the dark blue tiles and you just used your blast. Add some respawn points on the dark blue tiles and its a perfect map.

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08 Sep 2022 17:18 #9
Gem Racer by RandomityGuy: 6/10
Similar to Sequence (also by Randomity) but with more complexity. This level is definitely an upgrade because of that alone, to the point where the repetitiveness isn't even a problem imo. There's more options for timesave here outside of only "jump/bounce up this step/slope more efficiently and with better spin management to get the best score" for the entire level (which iirc was 7 minutes long). Since I'm not repeating the same actions over and over with every spawn here its definitely a better experience. I've also never seen Laps + Hunt (or "Sequence" as Randomity calls it) in a level before, so bonus points for creativity. I do wish this acted as a proper hunt level with random spawns but I understand the bugs/issues that would cause with laps and whatnot.

While I had fun with this level there were a few things that bothered me while playing that prevents me from giving this any higher than a 6/10. For starters, you're actually punished for trying to spawn abuse to save time, which imo makes no sense at all. You get a certain amount of points deducted each time you do it and its enough to make it so spawn abusing even once won't get you the highest score possible. Pretty dumb, but what I find even dumber is that the level just automatically ends after 3 laps, even if you have loads of time remaining. This means that there is a very hard score cap which can be achieved fairly easily, that score is 462, and I got it in roughly an hour or 2. I know I complained about repetitiveness when I talked about Sequence, but like I said before, its barely even a problem here. You don't even gain time after every spawn in the 3rd lap, so its like.. just let me continue until time runs out. Even without that hard cap, this level would have a hard cap anyway thanks to the nature of this gamemode, which I've yet to form a complete opinion on due to only playing 2 levels with it, but I can say for certain it sucks here for speedruns.

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25 Sep 2022 18:33 #10
Desertion by Blasted: 6/10
I'm not exactly the biggest fan of desert levels in any sort of game, I just think the overall theme is boring, but obviously that didn't stop me from giving this level a fair shot. The level pretty much met my expectations of how much I'd enjoy it, it's not a bad level by any means though there are some things I wasn't too fond of while playing.

Starting off with the good, I think the pyramid in the middle was designed pretty well. It's fairly easy to get to the top and not annoying to traverse through. It's even useful as a "launch pad" when you need to get to a certain spot quicker with a super speed, albeit it does require some amount of running speed beforehand. The "Oasis" corner (the one with grass slopes) is also pretty nice to move around in and has the best aesthetic out of all the other parts of the level. The "Brown" corner is probably equal in quality to the Oasis corner for me. I can tell it was inspired by Sprawl and platforming around there is equally as fun as it is on Sprawl.

The "Tornado" corner is the only one I'm kind of "meh" on. I think the sharp sand slopes are a nice touch to get out quicker and doing a mine hit to get out of there is one of the best feelings ever, but I'm not very keen on the tornadoes and the fact that if you're trying to go through that section it can be very easy to misplay and end up losing several seconds at worst.

The "Water" corner with the green islands is probably the section I dislike the most. It's not offensive or anything, it can just be slow to play around. I know BM used altered water physics for an earlier version to avoid this problem, but the problem with that was I was constantly surprised when the water physics didn't behave as I expected them to. I also dislike the various sand humps littered throughout the level for the same reason, it feels like I'm losing time for every spawn on them. Gems really seem to love spawning on those humps too...

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25 Sep 2022 20:02 #11
Hunting Playground by CylinderKnot: 7/10
I remembered playing this level at some point in either late 2019 or early 2020 and decided that I'd come back and revisit it just to rate it. It's a pretty nice and innocent level editor level that I can't give too much hate for. There are a few things that make me scratch my head - like a yellow gem spawning underneath a mud interior that you can't get out of too easily without going to the sides, and I think 1 or 2 missing SJ placements on corners (if they were even missing to begin with). Despite little things like that I had fun and enjoyed it for what it was.

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29 Sep 2022 00:49 #12
360 Degrees by Lucilla: 4/10
8 Battlecubes with the same level of confusion as Core is how I'd describe this. Sure you'll get used to navigating it but that doesn't really make it better. The spawns where you have to switch gravity several times to even get all the gems is the absolute worst thing about this in my opinion. Other than that there isn't much bullshit here.

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29 Sep 2022 00:51 #13
Luci's Hunting Grounds by Lucilla: 8/10
This is another example of a hunt level that further proves my stance that symmetry is not a bad thing. The layout feels very clean and easy to move around in, and every gem in a spawn feels very good to pick up as a result. The tornado in the center of the 2nd floor is basically the only thing I have a problem with, and thankfully even if you do get a spawn with gems on the outskirts of it, it's not a run killer like the tornado spawns on Outlook are.

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16 Nov 2022 06:20 #14
Crescent Layers by CylinderKnot: 5/10
The biggest hurdle to overcome is navigating between the different colored islands and such. Memorizing the powerup placements is essential to getting a good score here, and gyro's are your best friend here. The level overall is alright, nothing to write home about in my book. Think there could be some gyro's placed on the lower floors of the islands but that's about all I have for suggestions.

Gem Island by Jaxx: 1/10
Arm pain Island

AMONG US & AMONG US 2 by Red_zone: 2/10 & 3/10
Give the crewmates a fat ass and these will be 10/10's

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16 Nov 2022 06:44 #15
mfw when golfland is rated lower than gem island

"cheater hakcer i want your flair gikemve me it" - MASON35, 2020

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20 May 2023 19:38 #16
Target Practice by Daroachie: 6/10
There's a way to somewhat cheese this level so you can get plats every time, but even so, its satisfying landing plat after plat after plat.

One suggestion I have would be to have the yellow, blue, and plat pillars move around so that it isn't as easy to cheese and makes the level have more strategy to it. Would probably give a use to the various other powerups in the sky.

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24 May 2023 04:18 #17
Beacon (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 9/10
This level cockblocked me from getting 2000+, so I'm docking 1 point.

In all seriousness, this level is a huge step up from the original version (my rating for that level can be found in the very first post somewhere). This level gets rid of every problem the old version had and is also super fun to play. The terrain lends itself very well to all sorts of neat little tricks and feels rewarding when you pull them off. Two of my favorites are using the pyramids on the green floors to jump up to the blue floor without wasting a blast and taking advantage of bigger gem hitboxes to save a jump on those sprawl-like steps. The only thing I would've liked to see would be a higher floor in the center that isn't very big so that the center ramps have a bit more of a use, but that's a small nitpick.

Since this mod also changes a few things about SP gem hunt compared to normal PQ, I'll also give my thoughts on all the changes I noticed while playing.

Gem Colors and Values
The first thing you'll notice is that there are 3 gem types instead of 4: Purple, Gold, and Plat. These gems also give +10, +20, and +50 points respectively. I'm indifferent to either of these changes, although I will admit that a higher score that is always a multiple of 10 does feel nicer to look at.

Gem Size and Hitbox
Gems are also noticeably bigger here, which in my opinion is a welcome change. Like I said before, it lends itself well to clever platforming on the sprawl-like steps.

The hitbox is something I'm a bit iffy on though. While I was playing there were times where I'd think I would collect a gem but I was just barely out of reach for it. I can't tell if the hitbox needs to be bigger, the gem size needs to be a tad smaller to reflect the hitbox, or if this is just a skill issue. More people would need to give their comments about the hitbox for me to have a better understanding.

Great addition. I didn't have a problem with blastless gem hunt in PQ, but I just have so much more options now. If it wasn't for blast, the more scattered out spawns that are on both the green and blue floors would be slower to collect than they currently are.

Blast doesn't work exactly like it does in PQ multiplayer though. Here you need to wait until its fully charged to use it, making it not as OP and makes it so super jumps have more of a use when blast is on cooldown. I'm also indifferent to the cooldown since you aren't waiting a super long time till its up.

I'm more neutral here. Megas help a lot on spawns where there are two mid air gems above gaps on the blue floor, and on the sprawl steps. I'm not sure if its just me but it also feels like Megas give more acceleration compared to the ones in PQ multiplayer which is nice. Unfortunately its also subject to the same collision jank but we're all used to that at this point.

If you take away the level-specific positives though, you're left with just the acceleration, which a super speed does a much better job of doing anyway. This is why I'm more neutral on this addition.

Overall Thoughts on the Changes
I can tell that a lot of the changes made were inspired by MIW's multiplayer (MIW = Marble it Up Ultra), which definitely gives this mod's take on solo gem hunt a nice twist. Blast is really the main highlight though, as that's the one that affects gameplay the most. Overall this mod's take on gem hunt gets a thumbs up from me, nothing revolutionary but still fun to play.

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16 Jun 2023 16:12 #18
Target Practice by Yoshicraft224 (Original by Daroachie): 7/10
Cheese strat is still here and there are two variants. There's the easy way that requires a shock absorber and makes the AS a cakewalk, and there's the hard way with no powerups, which is exactly like the original, but more precise.

I like the updated look of this level, so that gets a +1 from me, along with the fact that the cheese strat from the original isn't as easy to do.
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28 Jun 2023 16:41 - 29 Jun 2023 01:07 #19
I decided I would look at some single-player hunt levels that weren't shown on the discord or ones I may have missed. Spoiler warning most of these are pretty shit.

Fleming's Baby Cage by Me: 2/10
Not even a good meme level

Warp Hall by Blasted: 3/10
Way too laggy and way too big for its own good. The pipes are pretty confusing to use initially and the 0.5s TTs need to be buffed by at least a second. Gravity Tower did it better.

Seventh level (UC) by Connie: 1/10
Pretty fucking shit but has some charm to it cuz of the gyros

Third Level (UC Season 2) by Connie: 0/10
Even shittier with no charm

Tree of Life by Nedifun: 2/10
A golden turd is still a turd at the end of the day. Absolutely gorgeous level but plays really badly. It's laggy, and the big tree doesn't seem to have the right collision in some spots. Not to mention the fans at the edges pushing you away from the gems in certain areas. Great concept that I really wish was done better

Super Gem Hunt! by Sandro421: 2/10
idk about you but my favorite pastime is collecting as many black gems as possible and putting my score in the negatives

BlastLand by Sandro421: 3/10
Innocent level editor level, not terrible but I also wouldn't play it for very long

GemWorld by Sandro421: 1/10
Can't get any simpler than random square interiors and only reds

Matrix Gems by Connie: 4/10
iirc this was some meme level Connie made, but its pretty decent imo

Generic Adult Hunt by vainlygreen385 & NotAFurry62049: 2/10
Generic Shit Level

Gem Collection by Minecrafter: 1/10
You can keep time frozen forever really easily. Other than that, the level feels like this guy just discovered how to put in fading platforms

Plannetory by Minecrafter: 0/10
I think thats enough shitty hunt levels for one day
Last edit: 29 Jun 2023 01:07 by Mazik. Reason: One word wasn't in bold :(

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28 Aug 2023 01:47 - 07 Oct 2023 00:53 #20
i fixed it by Connie: 6/10
This level puts you into the mind of a mentally unstable bitch, it's pretty accurate (I speak from experience)
Last edit: 07 Oct 2023 00:53 by Mazik. Reason: Finally figured out how to properly review this level

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07 Oct 2023 00:55 - 07 Oct 2023 01:09 #21
Undertow by Yoshicraft224: 7/10
This level underwent a fair amount of revisions while testing and I like the end result of it. It looks beautiful, and aside from 2 flaws, it's a pretty enjoyable level to grind out.

The gimmick this level presents you with is the water physics (hence the level's name), and I like the strength of it. It's not too strong like it was in earlier versions, but just strong enough to where it can disrupt you if you're not careful enough. I also like how the blue chevrons change direction depending on the direction of the water current, which helps a lot when you first load up the level. The only thing I'm kind of on the fence on is that the water current changes after each load of the level, but so long as you can tell where the current is flowing ahead of time it's not much of an issue.

The 10s TTs on 4/9 of the main islands also make this level a little more complex than it otherwise would be. Maximizing your TT bonus in the most optimal way is more challenging than you think. I'll often have to decide between risking going for a spawn and not making it to the first respawning TT in time, or playing safe and losing out on gems in exchange for a better chance at getting all the TT cycles.

This level isn't without a few flaws though. Really the main 2 gripes I have with this level are the really high floating gems on the side with the fast-moving bumpers and one of the main islands that has you collecting gems floating above bouncy floors. My main issue with the latter is that it's a run killer once you get beyond a certain score threshold. Compared to the rest of the level, that section slows the pace down more than it should, and if I were building the level I'd think of something else to put there entirely.
Last edit: 07 Oct 2023 01:09 by Mazik. Reason: Yoshi's comment below on water changing after each load + other edits to wording/grammar
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07 Oct 2023 00:59 #22
You only have to unload and reload the level, not restart the whole game. More complicated than just restarting the level, but, for the start of a run, I thought having to worry about both getting a spawn AND undertow direction you like would suck even more ass, and this eliminates one layer of RNG.

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07 Oct 2023 01:10 #23
fixed in my post
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02 Apr 2024 22:00 #24
I was gunna post these 2 months ago but uh, site pooped

Big Freeze (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 9/10
Out of all the Zenith levels/maps I've played, this is easily one of two maps that are the best. The other being Terrace Tundra, which would also be a 9 on my scale.

As a remake of the original Big Freeze, this is a big step up, replacing a large part of the middle section entirely with terrain that more closely resembles Frostbite from MIU Ultra. I'm a big fan of that mostly because it removes a few seconds of extra travel time if you got a spawn from the bottom and then another spawn on top for example. The huge moving platforms are now much smaller too, only 1 tile wide, which is very much appreciated since that could've been a major time loss in the old version if you were unlucky. Another thing I appreciate is when elevation does change in the new version, the terrain is sloped up along with the normal platforms, basically ensuring that if you do fall off the normal terrain, it won't be a time loss at all.

It almost feels unfair to compare this level to the original Big Freeze just because it doesn't feel like the same level anymore. It feels more akin to Frostbite than anything. All that remains are some of the core ideas like the zenith platforms, the 1 tile steps in the air, and the moving platforms.

I've yet to talk about the big reason why this level is a 9/10 though, and thats due to the snow slants, which have higher friction than normal floor. I can't begin to express just how huge this change is. It makes slowing down more manageable, any spawns involving those slants are instantly easier to collect than if they were ice, and they act as a great compliment to Mega acceleration if you need to travel from one side of the map to the other.

The only reason this isn't a 10/10 is because there are still some sluggish spots here and there, but that's kinda normal with a level like this. The green bounce pads could send you a bit lower in height too, but still a great upgrade regardless.

Desertion (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 8/10
If you love Promontory, the new Desertion will definitely be one of your favorites. This is the level you want to abuse Megas the most, as they are by far the fastest way to travel around with how much sand there is.

The level got an overhaul just like Big Freeze, and there are some changes that were definite upgrades, and others where I'm on the fence about. Starting with the center, the fat ass pyramid in the original is now an aesthetic piece of decoration more than anything, with the inside being the most obvious form of Promontory inspiration. I love this change a lot, mostly because the pyramid looks very cool and you can easily use a Mega/SS to cut your way through the pyramid to the other side of the map, saving time over how you would do it in the original.

The grass slope corner got some changes relating to its terrain and the water is now gone, all of which are welcome changes, but overall I feel its equal in quality to the original. One small nitpick I found while in this section though is that if you're looking at the tiny sand steps from a certain angle, its hard to tell what elevation they're at, which tripped me up at times.

The mine field corner is also an upgrade from the original albeit not much, I don't think the holes are as deep as they used to be, the tornadoes are gone, and the mines are almost rendered useless for getting out with Megas in play. The normal friction tiles on top are also standard Promontory terrain, which makes rolling around in a mega feel nice. Only thing I feel sad about is that gems don't spawn in the holes but its not a big deal.

The Water corner in this version is also better compared to the original, with most of the water gone and replaced with mostly promontory terrain and some sand on the sides of some steps. I do feel like there's more to be desired in terms of platforming here but I don't really mind. Now would be a good time to mention that water now sends you OOB, which I think is a good change mostly because it would be a huge time loss next to the pyramid if it weren't so, and can lend itself well to some spawn abuse in niche scenarios, though I haven't played the level long enough to really mess around with that seriously.

The last corner I need to mention is the former "Sprawl" corner. It's now been replaced with just Promontory terrain with some sand mixed in. I'm pretty neutral about this change, because on one hand the new version fits with the direction this level took, but on the other, I liked the more complex Sprawl-like terrain of the original. Still a pretty good corner nonetheless though.

Lastly, I have to mention the sand patches. They are significantly less annoying now and feel way better to traverse than the sand humps of the original. One of the better changes to this level for sure. One or two of the bigger sand patches can be a bit weird to move around in, but like, who cares, they still beat the original humps.

Skatium (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 8/10
Not much from what I can tell has changed from the original version outside of the lack of TTs and the sides of the purple floors being more friendly to roll on (good change). I do like the aesthetic change on the walls of the level though, gives it more flavor.

Since this review is so short, I may as well talk about the changes to the gem hunt mode here too, of which there are two big ones. First being the gem radar, which got a new design. Decent improvement over PQ's as it allows me to better see what type of gems spawn in certain scenarios.

Second one I'm a bit iffy on, and thats the blast cooldown going from 8 to 5 seconds. I feel its a bit too strong to be on such a short cooldown personally. If its going to be kept at 5 seconds it needs to be a tad weaker, otherwise I would prefer if it went back to 8 seconds. One neat thing that could be done with blast is to add a sound effect when its ready to be used, similar to how MIUU does it, so I instantly know my blast is ready without looking at the meter.

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23 May 2024 16:32 #25
Collector by A-Game: 6/10
A nice, short, innocent gem hunt level. One thing I was thinking about while playing this was... what if the gems were slightly bigger? It would allow you to save multiple jumps on the steps and would make the level more a bit more satisfying to play.

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20 Sep 2024 22:58 #26
Trapped (4) : Hunt by Minecrafter: 2/10
If Minecrafter isn't the creator of this level, lmk and I'll update the author accordingly.

Not really much to say here, you get used to how the level works pretty quickly and it is way too repetitive. Challenge scores also feel impossible to hit just from playing it a bit, or at least barely possible with great luck and not messing up your pathing. It's also a bit straining on your eyes after some time of playing but nothing too bad in my opinion.

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03 Feb 2025 04:57 - 03 Feb 2025 05:05 #27
Blasted put out a new chapter of his mod, along with 6 new hunt levels. I Immediately went to work and rated all of them. Put this shit through some TTS and enjoy your free lullaby 

Bermuda Square (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 9/10
If I remember right this was originally an MBU custom (also by Blasted) that was ported over. I never played it in MBU so as far as I'm concerned this is an original hunt map BM made for this mod that I can't compare to any previous version. 

It's nothing short of amazing tbh. I ended up playing this map longer than I should've to try and get 180 but eventually had to settle with a 172. It's basically a more open map with one trim steps scattered on various points of the map, but the main thing that I love about this map are the ice slope sections. Ice is a perfect choice for the slopes as it makes it easier to fling yourself in a slightly different direction when you're going really fast. The glass that the ice slope borders is a really great aesthetic for this map as well, huge fan of that. Last but not least though, are the edges that sit in between the ice slopes and glass. Sometimes they sit underneath a bridge, and whenever I got the opportunity, I would try and superspeed into them and bonk on the underside of the bridge to stope my momentum. Easily one of the more clever tricks you can incorporate in certain situations and that plus the ice slopes probably gives it two extra points in my rating. 

Some other things of note are the arches being a good aesthetic choice, and the powerup placements being pretty optimal for the most part. 

The thing that prevents this from being a 10/10 for me is the fact that you can't exactly spawn abuse for spawns that sit on the edge of the map. The spawn points are just a bit too far away from the gem spawns to make doing so worth it, and was a bit disappointed I couldn't do that. I would definitely add more spawn locations on the edge of the map to account for this, and also in case someone accidentally falls off so they don't lose as much time. Despite this shortcoming its still a very solid map though, no major complaints

Frictional Spire (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 10/10

Man idek where to begin with this, Jesus probably shit himself watching me play this. I consider this the best reimagining of Gravity Tower that will ever be made. Everything about this map feels so good to play. Starting with the obvious, the way you switch gravity here from one side to the other is a massive upgrade from how its done in the original. Here there are gravity gates that extend across the whole map, and to separate both gates from being too close there's a slant in between each side. It's nothing short of genius and I have no idea why this was never done before. 

Each side is separated by the distinct frictions the game has, grass (green), ice (blue), sand (yellow), and mud (red). I could talk about them all individually but I don't wanna drag this review on for too long, just trust my word that they all feel good to play on.

The only suggestion I was going to give this map to bring it to a 10/10 would be to add gravity switches that take you to the opposite side of wherever you are quicker, but then I noticed that the Super Jumps were conveniently placed so that if you used them where they are and jump + blasted, you would hit a gravity switch that would put you on normal gravity of the opposite side. This was a much better solution than I originally thought, and it has the benefit of not having to awkwardly navigate around a gravity switch as a sort of hazard at times. You do need to slow down to use them, making it not as effective as going around the map in most cases, but it still has its uses for me.

Nothing but praise from me, good shit.

Lunar Network (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 7/10
This is one I've actually played in MBU before, but not on my own. It's a pretty nice Nexus (MIUU)/Battlecube reimagining. Megas seem to be the ideal powerup here as they help with both travel (especially with sand on the edges of the map) and collecting more gems quickly in a spawn. Plats (+5) only spawn on the corner of each side, and its really satisfying ramming into the corner and collecting those spawns fairly quickly. 

While its a really fun map to play, I will say that there is a pretty glaring problem you'll notice as soon as you start playing. The level is just not properly lit on all sides. Don't get me wrong, the atmosphere of the map is downright gorgeous, but the first few times I played the level I got confused on the layout because 2 sides were not lit properly. I got adjusted to the light levels fairly quickly, but 1 side needs its brightness increased by a good amount, and another side only needs about half of that. I recommend placing the "sun" where all sides can get a roughly equal amount of light (I'm not a level builder but I imagine that has to be possible). 

One other thing to note is that one of the spawn points doesn't seem to keep you in the air at the start unlike the rest, seems like a bug atm.

Monument (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 5/10
Very clearly inspired by Horizon with how the terrain is laid out. My impressions after playing it for roughly an hour is that it feels like a more safe Horizon, as there are less chances to fall OOB here normally. There are also less chances to show off some insane gem snipes, although in singleplayer that isn't as much of a priority compared to just good pathfinding ability. Super Speeding across the map and stopping yourself with the glass walls still feel good though, and with how often blast comes back up its very handy when it comes to quickly getting up one block walls as opposed to using the slopes sometimes. 

It's good enough for what its worth, unfortunately can't think of any suggestions here, but I will say I was never huge on Horizon so its only natural this map wouldn't be among my favorites either.

Nightmaria (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 8/10
A very solid upgrade from the original. This time around there are no more 1x1 pillars, and some of the little sections either got reworked or had a complete overhaul entirely. 

Regarding the 1x1 pillars in the old version, the reason I never liked them in the old version was because there were gems placed on them, which at times were awful to grab, and the same applied to gems which were placed on trees for some reason. With those now gone, the flow of the map now is much better.

Like most other maps, Super Speeds are your best friend as this is a fairly big map, so minimizing travel time is crucial to getting a getting a good score (along with close and compact spawns if you're lucky). Maneuvering around the map generally feels good just like in the old version.

The main thing that holds this level back a bit is the middle section with the grass and mud roof. It's personally my least favorite part, as spawns there take longer to collect usually. The same applies to certain sections that have a lot more mud in them than normal terrain, just sorta kills the flow a bit, but not enough for me to hate the map or even call it average. I would also increase the light level just a tad bit to help with visibility, but its not as bad as it is in Lunar Network for what its worth.

Omega (Marble Blasted) by Blasted: 5/10
Very obvious Epicenter remake from the preview alone. Unfortunately I would have to say its a step down from the original. 

A large part of that has to do with the center being replaced with the huge bridge structure. For starters, it doesn't feel as fun to play around compared to the volcano-like center of the original. The volcano gave Epicenter some personality, even if collecting spawns might be a bit weird sometimes. In Omega, the bridge kinda just feels like the rest of the level, just some normal terrain you roll around. 

Even beyond the center itself, two other things that give Epicenter its identity are the fact that you can gyro across the map to snipe a blue on those type 2 diabetic pillars and spawn abuse next to the rest of the patch, and how you can use megas to launch yourself from one part of the map to the other. 

The bridge makes those gyro snipes from across the map less effective to do in a real run in my experience. Basically the only times where its really effective to gyro snipe a plat (+5) is when you are on the side of the bridge that allows you to get on top and a plat spawns somewhere on the other side with those pillars, and if you go around the bridge with some height from those slopes on the bottom part of the map. Don't really like how gyro sniping basically got nerfed due to the bridge.

As for the megas, the pillars now have grass friction instead of the higher friction metal surface in Epicenter. Those crazy Mega launches are non-existent, and as a result Megas are only useful for a slight acceleration boost on the normal floor. Definitely a bit underwhelming.

Despite all this its still pretty average for me, so that's good at least.
Last edit: 03 Feb 2025 05:05 by Mazik. Reason: Clarifying that MBU Bermuda Square was also made by Blasted
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