Here's a shader that makes MBP Expert levels brighter so you can play them if you have a hard time seeing them. It only makes the ground brighter, and should not blow out the skybox like a naive brightness filter does. If this is not bright enough, you can edit postfxF.glsl and change "color *= 1.5" and "color += vec4(0.1)" to use bigger numbers.
Extract this texture pack into platinum/data/texture_packs and then enable "MBP Expert Assist" from the Options > Texture Packs menu.
(Posting this here since I've uploaded it to Discord multiple times only for it to get lost in the sea of messages... remember when resources were publicly searchable with Google?? Pepperridge farm remembers)
Extract this texture pack into platinum/data/texture_packs and then enable "MBP Expert Assist" from the Options > Texture Packs menu.
(Posting this here since I've uploaded it to Discord multiple times only for it to get lost in the sea of messages... remember when resources were publicly searchable with Google?? Pepperridge farm remembers)
This signature is real code
function clientcmd12dothepq() {
commandToClient(LocalClientConnection, '34onthedancefloor');