I understand there's some tension regarding the lack of activity from the moderation team which I might address another time in another discussion.
- Doomblah
Well I went and all but disappeared for nearly two weeks so I'm certainly not contributing to the solutions in that regard. I have little ground to stand on as far as being a good moderator as of late. That being said I meant it when I said it ought to be another discussion, but it's become abundantly clear that this cannot be avoided/sidelined any longer. I'll attempt to address much of (though probably not all of) this issue and the recent responses about this in this post.
I'm continually impressed with everyone's thoughtful responses and commitment to improve our little community. This community would die without people like you working to fix the very real problems we face like this. Thank you. I'm honored to be a part of a community so driven as this.
Response to ShadowVisions:
Well that was really humbling. Seeing in undeniable detail all the ways I as a moderator fail to uphold what I set out to do which was develop and uphold a good-natured community. There is indeed this long-term built up frustration about the moderation of this server and I've done absolutely nothing to address it in any practical sense. I talk grand ideas here in the forums, that's something I'm more adept at, but never really follow through on them. That's entirely my failing. Seeing that I've fallen far short of this ideal I start to wonder if I ought to step down. But since no one else is calling for that, I'll just mention it as much as that. I do however want to address these quite serious problems that are only getting worse as I continue to fail in my duty as a moderator, and actually follow up on them, instead of just talking about it.
I suppose the most pressing and immediate issue is of response time to particular incidents. One of the things I've tried to do as a moderator is be transparent about our moderation decisions and policies, and given the weight of this discussion it's no longer tenable to keep this privately discussed idea among the staff secret, helpers. We once discussed the idea of granting to trusted, mature, and *active* members of the community a role we called helper which gives them chat moderation tools such as timeouts and deleting messages. I think it's long overdue to revisit that idea and discuss who might get it. Centralizing the power of moderators in just a few people does indeed seem to be too much for too few people to handle so it only makes sense to let more people moderate the discord and forums (thought I suspect the latter doesn't actually need it all that much).
Behavioural standards. Sounds like a good idea that could be discussed with whatever team of helpers we assemble. I think that'll have to happen after they are appointed the role.
Controversial figures. Perhaps you're right and something more drastic needs to be done more often. Maybe it's not always worth it to give people more chances to improve, especially if they're not taking them and not improving. But the standard by which such decisions are made is critical to that process, and I think again needs fleshing out with whatever team of helpers is eventually assembled.
I think you're 100% correct in your assessment that the problem lies primarily with moderation in this server and not so much with channel structuring (though some change there would still be nice), or with the community attitudes/behaviours as much as those can be improved as well. Moderation is going to be the most effective and powerful driving force in implementing any of these changes and if I continue to be away from the community for weeks at a time it'll never happen. It's time for more people to join the staff in a helper role and moderate the chat on a moment to moment basis. That is something I can no longer do myself. And as much as I might like to think I could still do a good job without it I now see that I cannot.
Response to Kalle:
1. Restructuring will still be nice even if it doesn't actually fix much of anything. A secondary or tertiary issue really.
2. My thoughts about what's best for the server has changed drastically through the course of this discussion. I've largely come to this same conclusion. The community comes first. That being said I still want to see the Marble Blast specific channels moderated more strictly even if they're not prioritized like I originally wanted. Which I suppose leads into your next point...
3. As far as more/less strict moderation goes I'm not opposed to a strict/free general channel being created in line with this thinking. For strict chat I'd leave bug-reports, suggestions, and the likes still in their very strict current state, I'd like to see Marbleblast general discussion, speedrunning, level-building and such be more strictly moderated than they are (though not as much as bug-reports/suggestions), and then general can have a strict/free variation, and then we can leave something like memes to be the least strict chat. Also agree with giving a strict general ban on troublemaking individuals as you suggest. That being said I'm not comfortable with an absolutely no rules channel a la all-the-spam.
4. The entire server has taken a more democratic approach in the last 4 years and I think that's done a load of good. But sometimes decisions need to be made quickly and decisively and perhaps this would be a good idea. Someone ought to become a sort of final decision-maker/leader of the community. In your response to NF mentions not having a single point of failure, I wholeheartedly agree. Helper roles show a distribution of the power of the staff and much could be done similarly here perhaps. There's more to unpack there but that's a good point to end that for now. I do have cause for concern regarding how would we pick who becomes the leader though. Do we have a community (or staff only?) election? Do we just choose someone? I like the idea, don't get me wrong, I just have reason for caution about how they're chosen.
5. Becoming forums only again does seem like it will not happen. I think embracing Discord despite it's flaws is the best option. That being said we're discussing how to improve it so maybe many of the big problems can be improved from this discussion.
Response to Jean:
Moreover, in search of trying to find a middle ground of what people want, it is resulting in no one being happy
All the more reason to elect(?) someone as a leader, which I fully support.
What to call this leader. Mayor? Chief? President? I dunno, this is of no importance but your response brought to mind this question so here I am asking it.