file Expert Levels: Tips and tricks

  • Buzzmusic
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11 May 2012 01:18 #1
The following is Buzzmusic100:

Hello! This is my guide for beating most of the expert levels in Marble Blast Platinum. I'll go through most of the levels and tell some of my tips on how to beat them.

If you are a professional who is just reading this for fun, you may tell me some more tips if you have any, and I will modify this post to show your tips if so.

Oh and just so you know:
MP = Moving platform
JB = Jump boost
TM = Time modifier
SB = Speed booster

Expert levels in general:

Expert levels take agility, timing, speed, accuracy, and confidence. Try to beat most of the advanced levels before attempting expert levels. The reason I said most is because you shouldn't force yourself to accomplish an advanced level if you think you're good at a particular expert level. Some people are better with different skills. I beat almost all expert levels before beating Morph. So you never know what you're good at. Have you ever browsed through the unqualified levels and saw Space Station or something and thought This…is just too hard. I can't do this! Well, for each level, you have to start somewhere. Don't finish The Ultimate Friction Challenge and then give up because Tale of the Tall Skyscraper looks too hard. You'll need confidence and practice.


For the steps at the beginning, it takes timing. When the first MP starts to move out, jump on it because it will be completely out by the time you land. Simple. For the slope MP, do it quickly with jumping.
On the next MP (where you get the first two diamonds), roll onto it and then quickly jump to the first diamond so that you'll have plenty of time to jump on the MP as it moves and then jump to the next diamond. It is possible to jump from the first diamond tower to the next. But it takes tricky diagonal movement. So jumping on the MP and then jumping to the second diamond is easier.
After some other stuff is the MP with two slopes on the sides. Remember: Left, right, then back to the left. The reason you go back to the left is so that you can fit into the hole afterwards without having to jump.
At the trapdoor part, there is a hidden helicopter. If you are rolling at the left side of the trapdoors, you'll get it. It's not the easiest thing in the world to get, but if you do get it, you can launch right to the finish.
Keep in mind that you'll have to practice speed in this level so that you can finish before the par time.

Tunnel Vision:

Here's what my brother and I did.
We made a map of the level. We rolled into each path that we could roll into to see where the OOB triggers were. Then we drew the correct pathways on the map. By the way, don't be afraid to roll where you want. That's the only way, you'll get to memorize this. So after that's on your paper or whatever, the level is easy. But if you're not trying to get PT or UT, don't try to enter an OOB trigger that might be above you.

Michael's Final Adventure:

Here's Kwill15's really easy path. It avoids tightropes completely and I think can go under the platinum time.
1) Climb up the sand slope. Try to get some momentum, so you don't slide back down.
2) Roll down the half-pipe and get enough speed to fly all the way to the blue part with the wooden tower. Collect the first gem.
3) Grab the JB and hop down to the small yellow platform with the gem next to the tightropes and the slanted ice platforms.
4) Use the JB to jump back onto the blue platform. Grab another JB.
5) Hop down to the flat ice platform and go directly under the hole of the wooden volcano (or whatever you want to call it )
6) Use a Jump + JB combo to jump straight out of the hole and back on the upper blue platform. This part is somewhat difficult, because you have enough boost to make it out of the hole, but not much more. Maneuver carefully, so you don't fall back in the hole. If you do, you have to either restart, or take the long hard way.
7) Grab another JB, and Jump + JB over to the other blue platform (closer to the start and finish). Taking the tightropes works too.
8) Drop down and grab the last gem on the yellow platform. Finishing should be easy from here.


I don't have many tips for specific parts but I'll try…
Do the left part first. Keep in mind the after the tightrope is a wall of bounciness. The part that I used to always have trouble with was the part with the diamond that activates the rising MP. You'll definitely need to work on diagonal movement. With the JB, get the diamond and then fall and wait for the JB to respawn. Then jump+JB way over to the diamond above the slanted ice.
Fall to the slanted ice and get those two diamonds. For the three MPs nearby, jump as far as you can with diagonal movement while the farthest MP is up (it may be down when you land). The rest is easy.
Also, where there are small green circles, jump on them. They make finishing the level possible.


Like with Tunnel Vision, try to make a map. The map will show which holes you should jump into. Don't be afraid to jump into holes. It will only help with your map. Then just do the path. You can do the path slowly at first a bunch of times just so you memorize it. Then you can do it fast and beat the par time!

Dizzying Heights:

A good tip, for your own sanity, is a precaution, in case you fall out OOB. If you fall, manuever yourself as close to the edge of the level as you can, so as to save time. Whatever you do, don't land on a platform on a lower part of the level. The checkpoints are buggy, and if you land on the interior which it's on, you run the risk of respawning at a lower checkpoint, which is annoying. - Kwill15

Helicopter Monster Course:

At the tornado part, don't try to go SUPER FAST or you'll miss the diamond. Look up and see the diamond before flying.
For the triangle bumper part (which I think is pretty hard) I activate the Helicopter either before or exactly when I hit the bumper. And I jump on the highest point of the bumper. Same for the round bumper part.
If you just want to beat this level and move on, don't get the TMs. They are the hardest part of the level. But because of their high values, you might want to get them for the platinum/ultimate time.

Recoil Ultra Course:

I used to get stuck on this level because of ragequitting. So don't ragequit first of all.
I'll be talking about individual hard challenges. If there's one you're stuck on that I didn't give tips on, post that challenge and I'll add tips here.
For challenge #5, don't jump+JB. Instead, back up, roll forwards and at some point on the blue platform, activate the JB. You'll get it eventually. It just takes timing.
For challenge #6, you can either do edge-hits or wall-hits. I prefer wall-hits. You can also get the 15 second TM for challenge #5 here if you didn't already.
For challenge #7, roll about halfway to the wall then activate the SB to achieve a wall-hit (remember to jump for the wall-hit as always). If you go too fast and go close to the gravity defier, diagonal movement backwards can help you to not touch that. You need to get the diamond before getting the gravity defier. But if you accidentally get the gravity defier first, it's not the end of the world. Because after challenge #8 lies a helicopter that you can use to get the missed diamond.
For challenge #11, keep in mind that the helicopter isn't necessary.
For challenge #12, activate the marble recoil and fall to the diamond with accuracy. DO NOT activate the JB before getting the diamond. Also, after the bounce, don't go forward until you see the platform you're supposed to land on.
Challenge #13 might frighten you a little bit because of the diamond placement. Well, it's easier than you'd think. Just go to the right and roll through the tornado by going forward/left. You'll easily get the diamond.
After challenge #14 you're probably going to be starving for a checkpoint. But there is one soon. After all the falling and stuff is a very nearby checkpoint. You'll find it! And after the checkpoint is challenge #15.
OK, later on is challenge #17 (I think), Trampoline Trap. Just try to gain speed and jump into the box. getting out of the box is easy.
At the final challenge, use the marble recoil and the SB in a combination and you'll bounce to the finish. It takes some accuracy but it'll work!

Bouncing Fun:

I'm only mentioning a few challenges. So if there's one you're stuck on that I did not list, I'll add tips about it to this.
For challenge #7, remember to back up a lot. Once you land, use diagonal movement backwards to slow down.
For challenge #10, jump onto the center of the bouncy floor and let the tornado do it's thing.
For challenge #14 (I think), go to the right near the bouncy floor and with lots of speed, go left/forward (diagonal movement) and you'll catch the gravity modifier and be heading towards the yellow platform. The scenery can help too. The second gravity part doesn't require the same technique. For that, just go forward and maybe move some in the air.
For challenge #15, go up the hill the first time to get the diamond. Then a second time to get all the way up. I don't know if it's just me, but I seem to have trouble doing both in one try.
Other than that, I have not much to say. For different challenges, try out different things and practice so you can get used to the bouncy floor. You can study all you want with the bouncy floor to see how high it bounces you and other things it can do.

Speed Attack:

On the second challenge with the water, remember to jump before falling off!
There's also the slope part right afterwards. Here's what I do:
Roll quickly about a quarter of the way into the long slope, then use the SB while facing slightly up the slope. It works for me.
Another hard thing is the ice slope.
Keep in mind that the far away ice curve is just for TMs. So don't try to go there. Instead, jump onto the main ice curve, activate the SB (while facing forward), activate the other SB, don't try to go TOO fast or you'll miss the diamond. Don't use the last SB immediately. Do downhill, turn around (180 degrees), and once you're close to the gray platform, activate the SB.
At the part after that (where you go under the floors), activate the SB right after you fall down. Don't activate it too late! But if you activate it too early, you'll hit the floor that you're on.
The edge-hit part is something that I used to get stuck on. But what you need to do is back up, hit the edge with speed, and then immediately activate the SB. So the edge-hit comes before the SB. That's how you gain height.
The SB+MR part requires a technique too.
Be sure to bounce off the wall hard. But if you land on the green platform and keep going, you'll go too fast and miss the checkpoint. What I do is use diagonal movement BACKWARDS once you're close to the green. You'll bounce head-achingly up and down on the green, but you won't go forward that much. And that's what we want. If you just go forward, you'll have no bounce and go too fast.
At the gray MP part (which I find quite hard), here's my trick:
Grab a JB and get close to the MP. Jump and activate the JB. When you fall, fall to the diamond to the right. Then without having to activate the SB (if you even got it), you have a good amount of time to go the the diamond to your left.
At the tornado part, take the shortcut. Notice that there are tornados in the air. Use them. There's also that other tornado part. Here's a VERY important tip: DON'T GO INTO THE TORNADO WITHOUT HAVING THE SPEED BOOSTER! If you do, you will get stuck in the tornado and be FORCED to restart!!
The rest IMO is simple.
But there is that gravity part. Here's a nice shortcut:
After you have the last diamond, you can fall to the long finish road with the gravity as it is when you get the diamond. It's a little bit of a tightrope but the fall is easy if you bounce on multiple scenery poles.

The Time Modifier Race:

You'll need to rely on speed for some parts. But you should still risk getting a bunch of TMs. Some TMs have higher values then others. If you get a TM that's worth 1 second or more, try to memorize where that is.
The first TM and the third TM are both positive. Also, if you do an edge hit at the light brown part, you'll see two TMs on the walls. The right one is worth 6 seconds and the left one is worth -6 seconds.
This level may take some memorization, but not that much. You should just try to go for the pricey TMs and rely on speed for some long road parts. Don't take 10 seconds to get a 0.0235864383495039 second TM.
If you keep practicing you may get the hang of it.

Sand Storm:

This is a fairly easy level in my opinion. But there are tricky parts.
For the brown complicated MP before the fan, all you need to do is jump to the diamond and then jump to the next part. Way simpler than it looks. Not much timing is required. But just to be safe, it might be a good idea to jump when the diamond isn't on the MP so that when you land, the MP will be in the safe place. But I wouldn't worry about that too much. The FAN is the harder part. But here's what you need to do.
Get centered with the fan. Then look where you're going. In a second, you should be moving because of the fan. Just be sure to jump before you fall off of the platform.
The colored MP part is also challenging. Wait for a yellow or orange MP to come your way. Hang on to that MP. Then wait for a green or pink MP to pass by. It may be hard to hang on, but you'll get the hang of it. You just need to get the diamond and then jump to the next part when the time is right.
The rest is pretty easy. But keep in mind that you'll need diagonal movement for some parts.

Platform Mayhem:

Try to use a path that sort of goes with the flow. In other words, don't choose a path that gets diamonds in a random order. Try to use a route that works smoothly. Also, if you keep practicing, you may get faster and faster and eventually beat the par time! It's OK if you finish above par time. Just as long as you practice enough to get faster and eventually beat it.

Uphill Racing:

Do wall-hits hastily and don't get too frustrated. Like with other par time levels, try to finish at regular speed first and then practice a lot to get faster. Most of the wall-hits here are easy to do fast. But some require backing up a lot. Try to be creative with wall-hits and if you miss one TM, it's not the end of the world. If it takes you 10 hours to get one T M, it's not worth it at all. You should still try to get as many TMs as you can. Just don't waste too much time.

Carcaddy's Diamond Collection:

You… can't lose. At least not easily.
Try to use the helicopters a lot. Also the hardest rule for this level: DON'T ragequit!
Sorry if you need more tips for this level, but that's all I got.

Don't Jump:

NUMBER #1 TRICK: don't jump.
Try to go really slowly for stuff like bumpers, but quickly for stuff like fans. Keep in mind that if you hit a wall too hard, you'll go up and therefore OOB. For magnets, you need to get as centered as you can and then go throughout them quickly. There is one part where you can't really do that, but you should still try to be at least a little centered.
Near the beginning of the level are trapdoors used as doors. They are in sets of four. In the first set it doesn't matter where you go. But at the next set, pick the trapdoor that is to the right, but not the farthest to the right. That one is passable.
After that are nukes.
There is a fan behind you at one part so look behind you or you'll get blown into a nuke! I think there's a fan part after that. Try to go through that real quickly.
At the end is the ice part.
Right after an MP moves out of your way, roll forwards quickly. Then there's that weirder MP pattern. When one of those gets in front of you, follow it. Then it'll kindly move out of the way. Be sure to say thanks to those MPs.
And actually, forget about not-jumping. As Kwill15 wrote...
Spawn abuse is your friend here. Don't be afraid to jump if you're in the reach of the next checkpoint. Yes, you will go OOB, but if you can manuever yourself to the next checkpoint in time, you will respawn there.

Trapdoor Mania:

Be sure to keep jumping and jumping and jumping! And also moving. This level requires agility as the main skill.
The level is mostly straightforward until the non-linear part.
For the first non-linear section, try to look in a nice forward direction and be sure to use the A and D keys. Once you're at a small gray platform, stay there so you can prepare and think through what you're gonna do for the next set of trapdoors. Don't rush yourself! Do what you do in Scaffold (if you have beaten that). The A and D keys are not only used for diagonal movement and this level shows why.

Arch Acropolis:

Choose a path that works and try to get faster and faster times with that path. But what always helps is using the helicopters. Seriously, use them. They make our lives easier. Also the JBs below can help too. Gaining height from powerups is a great way to see which diamonds you have left. Then you could, for example, fall to a helicopter, grab that diamond, go back to a helicopter or JB, blah blah blah. Just try to be creative with your pathway. This level may require accuracy because every wooden bar is about the width of a marble. Helicopters are always your friends for those things. OVERUSE powerups all you want!


Here's an easy path I made that can get the platinum time and maybe even sub-3:00.
Grab a JB from the blue part and the go to the pink part. For the pink part, avoid the first slanted platform. Instead, follow the normal two pink platforms and jump right to the checkpoint. You will need to go through the next slanted platforms though. You can use the A and D keys all you want for those. Once you have the diamond, JB to the checkpoint you activated and jump back to the start.
Next you go to the blue part. Go to the JB that's closest to you first. Activate the JB and follow the next path. Once you have your next diamond, fall to the yellow platform below. It should be the one with the diamond and TM. Get that diamond.
OK, now you're on the yellow section. Go to the checkpoint for the yellow section next. Close to you are four or something platforms in a line with the last one having a wall and a diamond. Here's what you do for that: Without diagonal movement, jump to each platform in quick jumps. For the last platform in that path, use diagonal movement and do a wall-hit sort of thing. You'll get the idea if you try it. You'll just kind of rebound back. There's one more diamond in the yellow part. Get that one too. Then go back to the start.
Next, go to the other blue path with the JB that's farther from the start. Do that path and get the diamond. Then just do that path in reverse. But when you fall back down, grab the JB that you used. You'll use it later.
So then go to the green and do the brown part. Go back to the green and do the section left of the green. Once you have all the diamonds, back up and use the JB you have to go to the finish. Remember to jump and to use it with speed!
I'm sorry if this was too confusing. But I tried my best to describe the pathway.


I've heard that tightropes are disliked by many. I personally don't mind tightrope levels and I find them pretty easy.
If you're facing completely straight, whatever you do DON'T press A or D. It's easier and works better if you move your mouse slightly. And be sure to look right where you're going. But if you're trying to use diagonal movement, that's a different story.
Also, it's important to keep your confidence on this level. There are checkpoints and the tightropes are wider than the marble. If you remember that, they won't even seem too narrow. MBG has narrower tightropes. If you survived that, you can survive this.

The Ultimate Friction Challenge:

There are many challenges that are way easier or harder than others. So I'll talk about the parts that I think are challenging.
The tornado challenge is something that I used to struggle with. Here's what I do now…
In a centered direction, roll into the first tornado. The TM is surprisingly easy to get! So if you don't even go near it, you may be going too slow into the tornado. And by now, you should be pretty high and fast. You'll need to skillshot the diamond (which is an easy skillshot IMO). And once you have it, press W and A. If you're going fast enough, the tornado doesn't harm you so much. And because of the speed, stop yourself with the sign. This method for the tornado part may take multiple tries, but it will work after some time.
On the challenge with the curved ice (like in MBG level, Shimmy) notice how there's a completely flat part in the middle to roll on. Think of this challenge as a tightrope challenge. Just line up and roll on the narrow flat part.
The fan part is something that annoys me sometimes.
Quickly roll along the ice path while staying close to the fan, but not too close.

The Tale of the Tall Skyscraper:

Matan (IsraeliRD) made walkthroughs here:
Part 1:

Part 2:
(warning: gives away the easter egg)
Part 3:

Part 4:

This is just a walkthrough, but if you watch it enough, you'll be able to beat the level like he did.
Other than the videos, all I can tell you is to use ALL of the tips I gave you before in this expert levels guide for this long level with varying styles.
The hard part for me was to have confidence and to not ragequit.
But if you know how to have confidence, you CAN beat this level and move on.

Mastering the Marble:

Beware: this level is quite hard.
At the first small challenge, there's no need for diagonal movement. Just roll forwards and you won't fall. Then there's the MP challenge. I'd use the MP that's closest to you. When it starts to come your way, use diagonal movement and jump. By the time you land, it'll be there. Then there are the next part with the sand slope. Just use diagonal movement and jumping. Don't be afraid to get a fast start. Once you're in the air, you can kind of see where the sand is. Then there's the two MPs before the checkpoint. They're difficult. They require advanced timing.
At the bumpers, you can easily skip the big ice/grass curve with a simple, classic bumper shortcut. Later on are the tiny bouncy floors. Be sure to look down while doing that part. After that is sort of a puzzle. The solution to that is to gain speed, bounce off of the slope and once you're sort of high up, activate the SB.
You know how there's ice after the next checkpoint? You can skip that by using the checkpoint as a slope. Gain a little speed and roll up the checkpoint. Once you're at the highest point, jump. Do all of that kind of fast.
Later is the tightrope. Roll forwards with diagonal movement and jump once the tightrope gets impossibly thin. You'll make it to the checkpoint.
Once you get to the weird part at the next checkpoint, you can jump right to the shorter platform if you're ON the checkpoint. Once you're there, you can jump to the taller platform and with lots of speed, do a wall-hit. Also at the ice slopes that go down, try not to touch the slopes at all so that you don't slide off. BTW, there's a 20 second TM around here.
Next is the start of the gray half. It begins with large downhill ice slopes. Like with the other ice, you should avoid the slopes to avoid slipping. Though this time, you should go faster. And if you get the checkpoint but fall off because of the speed, it's OK because you just got a checkpoint. Then use serious diagonal movement to get to the next platform but don't fall off!
Later in the level is that LONG wall-hit. Here's a tip for wall-hits like that.
You know how for wall-hits you jump right before hitting the wall? Well, to achieve victory for this and other long wall-hits, jump RIGHT BEFORE you hit the all. RIGHT before!
After the next checkpoint is a help trigger that says to get as much speed as possible. That's not a lie. Don't be afraid to get AS MUCH SPEED as possible!! This is really hard!
For the trapdoors afterwards, try to work in a circular path so that you kind of hit all trapdoors.
At the ice/sand slopes, going near the top of a sand slope and jumping twice can help you gain a little bit of height. Just a little, but it does help you get up the ice slopes more easily.
At the final slide, you can make an edge-hit at the last gap and land on the finish platform.
Hope this helps with certain techniques found in this hard level!

Space Station:

Like with Dizzying Heights, it's hard to give tips on a level with such differing challenges. Once again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
If you're struggling with finding where to go, here's a nice no-shortcut video by CHORUS:

If you have trouble with one specific part, I may give a tip or two on it. But for now, I have nothing.

Battlecube Finale:

First of all, if you have beaten all of the previous levels, YOU CAN beat this. If you're not confident in your abilities, you should be no matter how long it took you to get this far.
This level is about pathfinding. The par time might scare you, but in all honesty, this level doesn't need all that much speed. It's mostly about the path you take. Here's Matan's path:
Water, dark pink squares, tarmac, light brown, sand, dark blue, carpet, lime green, grass, dark yellow maze, ice, dark yellow finish part.
BTW, when I said dark pink squares, I meant the other side of the tarmac. And when I said dark blue, I meant the other side of the carpet. Just thought I'd clarify that because they both look dark blue.
Personally, I don't use the checkpoints. But maybe that's just me.
To get the 10 second TMs on the tarmac part and dark pink part, you don't need SO much speed.
If I were you, I'd do the level in this pathway slowly first. Then try again. And again until you beat the part time. If you practice enough, you WILL be able to beat this monster level. Be confident and remember that beating all expert levels of MBP is one of the biggest, if not the biggest achievement in Marble Blast. Good luck.

I hope these tips help you! Have fun!

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11 May 2012 01:54 #2
Great tips, had a good read. It's interesting to see the solutions people come up for the levels.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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11 May 2012 02:15 #3
Great Guide. Here are a few of my tips:

Michael's Final Adventure: I found an easier path where you don't have to use the tightropes at all. Here are the steps:

1) Climb up the sand slope. Try to get some momentum, so you don't slide back down.

2) Roll down the half-pipe and get enough speed to fly all the way to the blue part with the wooden tower. Collect the first gem.

3) Grab the JB and hop down to the small yellow platform with the gem next to the tightropes and the slanted ice platforms.

4) Use the JB to jump back onto the blue platform. Grab another JB.

5) Hop down to the flat ice platform and go directly under the hole of the wooden volcano (or whatever you want to call it )

6) Use a Jump + JB combo to jump straight out of the hole and back on the upper blue platform. This part is somewhat difficult, because you have enough boost to make it out of the hole, but not much more. Maneuver carefully, so you don't fall back in the hole. If you do, you have to either restart, or take the long hard way.

7) Grab another JB, and Jump + JB over to the other blue platform (closer to the start and finish). Taking the tightropes works too.

8) Drop down and grab the last gem on the yellow platform. Finishing should be easy from here.

DizzyingHeights: A good tip, for your own sanity, is a precaution, in case you fall out OOB. If you fall, manuever yourself as close to the edge of the level as you can, so as to save time. Whatever you do, don't land on a platform on a lower part of the level. The checkpoints are buggy, and if you land on the interior which it's on, you run the risk of respawning at a lower checkpoint, which is annoying.

Don't Jump: Spawn abuse is your friend here. Don't be afraid to jump if you're in the reach of the next checkpoint. Yes, you will go OOB, but if you can manuever yourself to the next checkpoint in time, you will respawn there.

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11 May 2012 02:19 #4
Good job Buzzmusic100! (And the hijack from Kwill15 ) Now the expert levels are easier to me now that I've absorbed your tips into my head section for MB. Thanks a bunch!

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11 May 2012 03:48 #5
Thank you all! Kwill15, I'll add your tips tomorrow. Thanks for posting them.

May 10, 2012, 7:19pm, stonemarble wrote:Good job Buzzmusic100! (And the hijack from Kwill15 ) Now the expert levels are easier to me now that I've absorbed your tips into my head section for MB. Thanks a bunch!

Thank you! Mission accomplished.

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11 May 2012 05:18 #6
omg, thank you, as I am horrible at playing. Thanks for the awesome tips! Yea, I absolutly suck at playing marble blast...*wonders why i still code in it if i can't even play the game that i hack in...*

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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11 May 2012 15:03 #7
Kwill15, I added your tips. Thanks. Also, that's a really awesome pathway you suggested.

All posts from my account that were made before July 29 2013 are from the point of view of my dad unless it states otherwise.

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11 May 2012 17:06 #8
Great topic, stickied.

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11 May 2012 17:31 #9
Good tips you guys!

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11 May 2012 19:55 #10
May 10, 2012, 6:18pm, ajdallas wrote:Speed Attack:

Here's a VERY important tip: DON'T GO INTO THE TORNADO WITHOUT HAVING THE SPEED BOOSTER! If you do, you will get stuck in the tornado and be FORCED to restart!!If this is the part I think it is…

I did this once, I had the Speed Boost but pressed forward then activated the SB instead of backward like you should (the marble is on the bottom of the platform so movements are reversed), didn't escape, and got stuck. I was at 30 or something minutes at that point so I didn't want to restart so I tried for over 10 minutes to get out, and actually managed to escape. But I agree, you might as well restart if you get stuck.

A time can be beaten, but a path can't be rediscovered. The best path stays forever.

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12 May 2012 01:04 #11
Thanks for writing this. Please sticky!

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12 May 2012 01:12 #12
May 11, 2012, 6:04pm, mbgaddict wrote:Thanks for writing this. Please sticky!

It is stickied...

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11 Jun 2012 17:15 #13
Bump: oops, sorry Pablo

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11 Jun 2012 20:27 #14
That bump wasn't necessary.

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12 Jun 2012 01:13 #15
And you aren't Pablo.

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12 Jun 2012 03:03 #16
That's more spam too

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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