I shall start with my own.
1. Busy bee. This level seems to be the most creative to me. It's short and challenging.
2. Keep on rollin'. I just think this level is fun to speed run. It's very replayable.
3. Hazard loop. This level taught just the very basics of hazards. I thought it would be extremely difficult, (given the creators.) but it was just right for me. Even if the cyclone part is a bit unoriginal.
4. Recoil training. This level taught me what mbg didn't. It taught me all about how the rotation of the marble in mid air affects it's landing. It made me confident falling long distances and thus, altered my strategy. (The level itself is pretty good too.)
5. Ground zero. This level has just so many ways to finish it. Almost every time I play, I find some sort of shortcut.
Least favorite, King of the marble. I dislike levels with many diamonds on an easily traversable area but a short par time. (There is an exception though, as you'll see later.)
I'll skip intermediate, because all the levels to me are somewhat dull.
1. Lightning ice. This level is just fun. It requires just the right amount of skill and is also extremely satisfying when I finish it. I instantly wanted to play again.
2. Treachery. To me, this is exactly the difficulty and length that an advanced level should be.
3. Treacherous path. I just like linear levels. (Perilous road was too boring to make the list.)
4. Frictional battlecube. The best of the battlecube sequence. The perfect amount of difficulty and time pressure somehow justifies how dull the whole battlecube thing is.
5. Thief. This level is one of the harder advanced levels. It has great puzzles and great obstacles. The only reason it's ranked so low is the completely unneeded par time.
Least favorite, Nuke field and Fighting slopes. Both of these levels are utterly tired and unnecessary.
1. Arch acropolis. This is the exception to my hatred for diamond-collecting levels. I had to really perfect my agility to finish this level.
2. Sandstorm. This level is excellently paced. An array of short difficult challenges with little pathways between them.
3. Stamina. I thought that this was exactly what an expert level should be. I enjoyed it a lot more than the extremely long and expansive levels.
4. Slowropes. This level introduced new and creative ways to use catwalks. It remains to me the only enjoyable catwalk level out there.
5. Mastering the marble. Okay okay. This one's pretty decent.
Least favorite, Nukesweeper revisited and battlecube finale. The first nukesweeper was a cute little memory game, but this is just inexusably
As for battlecube finale, it seemed like a pretty anticlimatic way to end the game.
What do you think?