file Favorite levels thread

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05 Dec 2012 19:57 #1
This is a thread for posting ones personal favorite levels.

I shall start with my own.

1. Busy bee. This level seems to be the most creative to me. It's short and challenging.

2. Keep on rollin'. I just think this level is fun to speed run. It's very replayable.

3. Hazard loop. This level taught just the very basics of hazards. I thought it would be extremely difficult, (given the creators.) but it was just right for me. Even if the cyclone part is a bit unoriginal.

4. Recoil training. This level taught me what mbg didn't. It taught me all about how the rotation of the marble in mid air affects it's landing. It made me confident falling long distances and thus, altered my strategy. (The level itself is pretty good too.)

5. Ground zero. This level has just so many ways to finish it. Almost every time I play, I find some sort of shortcut.

Least favorite, King of the marble. I dislike levels with many diamonds on an easily traversable area but a short par time. (There is an exception though, as you'll see later.)

I'll skip intermediate, because all the levels to me are somewhat dull.


1. Lightning ice. This level is just fun. It requires just the right amount of skill and is also extremely satisfying when I finish it. I instantly wanted to play again.

2. Treachery. To me, this is exactly the difficulty and length that an advanced level should be.

3. Treacherous path. I just like linear levels. (Perilous road was too boring to make the list.)

4. Frictional battlecube. The best of the battlecube sequence. The perfect amount of difficulty and time pressure somehow justifies how dull the whole battlecube thing is.

5. Thief. This level is one of the harder advanced levels. It has great puzzles and great obstacles. The only reason it's ranked so low is the completely unneeded par time.

Least favorite, Nuke field and Fighting slopes. Both of these levels are utterly tired and unnecessary.


1. Arch acropolis. This is the exception to my hatred for diamond-collecting levels. I had to really perfect my agility to finish this level.

2. Sandstorm. This level is excellently paced. An array of short difficult challenges with little pathways between them.

3. Stamina. I thought that this was exactly what an expert level should be. I enjoyed it a lot more than the extremely long and expansive levels.

4. Slowropes. This level introduced new and creative ways to use catwalks. It remains to me the only enjoyable catwalk level out there.

5. Mastering the marble. Okay okay. This one's pretty decent.

Least favorite, Nukesweeper revisited and battlecube finale. The first nukesweeper was a cute little memory game, but this is just inexusably

As for battlecube finale, it seemed like a pretty anticlimatic way to end the game.

What do you think?

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06 Dec 2012 01:37 #2
Dive! and King of the Mountain remain some of my favorite levels of all time.

Tightropes never appealed to me. Even after learning the trick to beating it, it still isn't fun.

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06 Dec 2012 03:54 #3
My favorite levels gotta be KotM. When I was in elementary school, I had dreams about it! From MBP, my favorite level was Stamina. There's something about the way you play that level that's so fun... MBA also has some pretty good levels (can't remember any names mfw).

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06 Dec 2012 03:57 #4
My favorite level to play, while it is a custom level, would have to be seizure22's Fullspeed. That level is awesome. As for official levels, I really like Twisting the Night Away. It's fun and replayable, and also intuitive.

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06 Dec 2012 09:26 #5

After all this time, I probably like Twisting The Night Away and Dive! best. Moto-Marblecross and Monster Speedway are fun and still original. Although Pinball Wizard is not a personal favorite, it's amazing for the fact that I've never seen anyone base a custom level on it (CLA interior usage notwithstanding, although I can't remember seeing it in any CLA levels either).


Downhill Racing (how could you not love this level?)
Skill Zone
Combo Course
The Time Modifier Race
Sand Storm
Mastering The Marble (believe it or not)

I like a lot of the Expert MBP levels, but most of them are too long and hard for me to ever want to play them again.


So many great ones. I like my own 3 levels (Red Blaze less than the other two), and my favorite custom by someone else is probably Collection Conundrum by Leaf (which unfortunately was never a well-known level, and interestingly was made right before I joined the forums).

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07 Dec 2012 02:50 #6
The following is Buzzmusic100...

Here are my thoughts:


3rd place: Learn the Time Modifier
This level has many Time Modifier challenges unlike the MBG version. And if you're an expert player, you can try to get some of the long-lasting TMs. (Awesome EE too)

2nd Place: Recoil Training
Great practice for accuracy!

1st place: Hazard Loop
Pretty big and fun for a beginner level. It's even fun to replay for the sake of getting better and better times! Plus, the fan tutorial was done PERFECTLY.

Not a big fan of Busy Bee mostly because in my early MBP days, it was hard for me.


5th place: Perplexingness
REALLY fun! Enough said.

4th place: Skill Zone
My brother beat this in just under an hour. Ah the memories. Also, this is a great and pathfinding-filled skill course.

3rd place: Powerup Practice
The scenery is awesome and it's fun doing a bunch of stuff with powerups.

2nd place: MMG Icehole
Very scenic. Love the style a lot!

1st place: Daedal Helix
Where do I start! This level's idea is so epic with the two completely different ideas in one level and it's very fun to play as well.

I don't really like Dragged Up because while the idea was interesting, the top of the ramp didn't work well because of all the spin on the marble.


5th place: Treacherous Path
Extremely fun in so many ways!!

4th place: Platform Race 2
Amazingly creative idea. Same goes for PR1, but I like PR2 better.

3rd place: Thief
This is an example of a fantastic castle level. The theme was executed perfectly with the castle parts doubling as gameplay. Plus it's very fun!

2nd place: Combo Course
The powerup usage was really creative.

1st place: Morph
AMAZING idea! This level shows how cool you can make a level if you put enough effort into it. Seriously, a level MORPHING into another? If this level wasn't really hard, it would be the best official MBP level EVER!


5th place: Sand Storm
Same reasons as bulinger96's.

4th place: Bouncing Fun
This level has a lot of thinking outside the box when it comes to bouncy floor challenges.

3rd place: The Ultimate Friction Challenge
Just another giant and magnificent ultra-course type level.

2nd place: The Tale of the Tall Skyscraper
Oh the wondrous feeling you receive after beating this beautiful, creative and humongous level.

1st place: Mastering the Marble
The challenges are SUPER creative, the layout is perfect, the amount of fun is unbearably great (if you're an expert player) and even the way it looks is great! In my opinion, this is the best official MBP level EVER!

There aren't many bad expert levels, just hard ones. However, I probably would've not liked Nukesweeper Revisited if I didn't memorize the path in Matan's video.

I'm not sure if I'll make a list for best MBG levels, but I can say right now that King of the Mountain is definitely one of the best. You can appreciate it even more when you try making a mountain in Constructor. They're really hard to make, but King of the Mountain was perfectly made and had some great challenges. And who could forget the most well known shortcut known to Marble Blast at the start of the level!

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02 Jan 2013 23:07 #7
My thoughts:

MBG Beginner:

5th Place: Learning to Roll
I did pascal's edge hit but I didn't do it in a .rec file

4th Place: Mine Field
The Wall-Hit to the finish is easy

3rd Place: Platform Party
I can finally do that edge hit that leads you to the finish.

2nd Place: Gravity Helix
I can do that start pad trick to get a faster tme

1st Place: Winding Road
I like playing this level. I always wanted to get a sub-10.50 on it.

MBG Intermediate:

5th Place: Spork in the Road
A really fun level with time modifiers.

4th Place: Jump jump jump
I always finished this level without time restarting.

3rd Place: Tornado Alley

2nd Place: Go for the green
I like this level. I wish I can do the WR path.

1st Place: Upward Spiral
A creative climbing level.

MBG Advanced:

3rd Place: Leap of Faith
I can do the path on the MBG WR Rampage 2

2nd Place: Icarus
A cool level with spin control.

1st Place: King of the Mountain
A creative level and a challenging one.

I don't like Survival of the Fittest, There and Back again and Hoops. They are all pretty hard.

MBP Beginner:

4th Place: Recoil Training
I don't have anything notable to say abou this level.

3rd Place: Battlecube
This level is very creative and I think its good to have a dedication.

2nd Place: Learn the Time Modifier
I got a 0.96 on it.

1st Place: Learn the Wall-Hit
A really great level that tells you everything about wall hits.

MBP Intermediate:

3rd Place: Dragged Up
I made it to the top with enough speed and got the UT on it.

2nd Place: Puzzle Ordeal
A nice level with so many fun challenges

1st Place: Byzantine Helix
I like it. Pablo is one of the top level creators.

MBP Adanced:

5th Place: Gap Aimer
This level has a gap of flying fun

4th Place: Frictional Ascent
This level is creative. Someday, I'll beat the UT on it.

3rd Place: Platform Race
I can do the alternate path on this level.

2nd Place: Pink-Fold Maze
This level is great to get a UT on.

1st Place: Platform Race 2
The traplaunch is insane if you do it at the right time

MBP Expert:

3rd Place: Tunnel Vision
A challenging level. You might find a way to beat the UT.

2nd Place: Nukesweeper Revisited
I got the UT on the Leaderboards

1st Place: Bouncing Fun
I got a 1:01.xx on this level. It looks really cool

I don't like Hazard Loop, Skill Zone, Morph and Mastering the Marble. They seem difficult to get the UT on.

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03 Jan 2013 02:50 #8
blastedmarble, this thread is about FAVORITE levels and WHY. Not because i can do certain tricks or because you use additional codes (blast/grav swap were made to make levels more interesting [see eNetro50 runs] rather than for making them easier).

Levels you've actually done right:
Battlecube, Puzzle Ordeal, Gap Aimer (??), Frictional Ascent and Bouncing Fun
Becuase you mentioned reasons like the previous posts. All the rest are rubbish.
Please fix your post before I'm calling it a spam post.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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03 Jan 2013 03:02 #9
IsrealiRD: I fixed some of the descriptions of the levels. Some are all I can say.

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03 Jan 2013 04:30 #10
Fine. You got called with a spam post. Consider this a warning not to spam again.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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05 Jan 2013 04:36 #11
Not gonna rank beginner.

Top 5 Best Intermediate:

5th. Place: Loop Exits
It was really indimidating at first, but now, it's a really fun, simple, challenging level that's just fun to do.

4th Place: Bumpy Highway
Pretty standard level, but it's great fun to see how fast you can go.

3rd Place: Divergence
Good level for speed and finding the quickest path. The PT/UT are really low so you've got to find a crazy way to get over there.

2th. Place: Skill Zone
Good pathfinding level

1st Place: Gym
The new remodeling is really great, and this one just has all kinds of fun stuff to do.

Top 3 Worst Intermediate

3rd: Dragged Up: Great idea, but as someone said, the spin on the ball makes it frustrating.

2nd: Ramp Madness
Just repetitive and boring

1st: Avoiding Hazards
It's so short and easy, when you play it, it's immediately forgettable

Top 5 Best Advanced:

5th: Quaked Path:
Another really short, yet fun and original level

4th: Strategy Climb:
Well laid out challenges and a well-set par time

3rd: Thief
Brilliantly designed level with hard challenges and great scenery

2nd: Combo Course
Great fun, and good powerup usage

1st: Lightning Ice
My favorite MBP level. Such a quick, beautiful, replayable, fun level. I play it all the time

Top 3 Worst Advanced:

3rd: Slope Madness:
I don't know why, but this one always bored me

2nd: Nuke Field
It's just a big circle with nukes all the way around, it's really repeptive.

1st: Nukesweeper
I don't like puzzle levels like this. It's annoying finding all the gems.

Top 5 Best Expert

5th: Arch Acropolis
A strange and beautiful level. Finding a path is hard and I don't play this one much, but when I do, it's a lot of fun

4th: Mastering the Marble
Once I got past the first challenge, I realized the beauty of this complicated, comprehensive level

3rd: Don't Jump
The first expert level I ever beat. It's a great, original level and I play it a lot

2nd: Catwalks
The best tightropes level ever made. I don't know why I love it so much, but I do.

1st: Bouncing Fun
Bouncing is very fun

Top 3 Worst Expert:

3rd: Carcaddy's Diamond Collection
This thing just annoys the hell out of me. It's really frustrating and annoying. Praise God for that teleporter though, the original level must have been so much worse

2nd: Nukesweeper Revisited
I didn't like the original, but this is twice as bad. It's just the same as the other one only bigger and harder; it's really kind of pointless though, The EE is, however, amazing.

1st: Battlecube Finale
I know it's the last level and the grand finale and everything, but I just can't like this level. It's the only level I can't beat. I don't have the motivation to though, because BF just frustrates me to no end; especially the tarmac part

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15 Jan 2013 05:25 #12
One of my all-time favorite levels is Reuse. It's a custom level, and off the top of my head I cannot place it's creator. I really love that level simply because of the theme and all of the different things you have to do within it.

Iapyx and Pathfinder are two really great pathfinding levels that I also enjoy due to the numerous options you can take to finish the levels.

Camp 2 and No Jumping II are also really amazing. I can't manage to find working downloads for either of them though. If anybody has these levels, if, out of respect for their original creators of course, they could upload them, that would make my day.

I have the original Camp downloaded, and I love that level because it's like the entire Beginner section put together in one level so smoothly. Camp 2 however, as I remember it, it nothing of the sort. The level's first section alone makes me love it.

No Jumping II is simply the greatest MB level ever made in my mind. Oaky (whom I believe created it) created a new friction and 2 new colors of Random Force, as well as a script line preventing the marble from jumping, just for the level! I'd really like to use those textures and tricks in some future levels if I can reacquire this level. The level flows really smoothly without jumping. Your marble seems to glide through the obstacles, almost as if you're playing an automated level.

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15 Jan 2013 19:11 #13
Reuse is by Phil.

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16 Jan 2013 06:45 #14
The following are Buzzmusic100's opinions…

Marble Blast Gold


5th place: Skate Park
Pretty cool idea and the curves are surprisingly good.

4th place: Gaunlet
It's a great style and it's very fun and repayable since it feels very open and fast.

3rd place: Upward Spiral
Not really much to say. It's just very fun and iconic.

2nd place: Monster Speedway Qualify
So fast-paced! I love levels that make me feel like there's momentum I'm building. Monster Speedway has more difficulty and therefore less flow which is partially why it's not on this list.

1st place: Marble Playground
The name says it all. This level is a huge playground full of pathfinding opportunities and things to play around with. While getting lost isn't that fun, it still fits the theme of not knowing exactly where to go thus giving the level a very unique gameplay theme!


5th place: Tie for Scaffold and Money Tree
I couldn't decide, so I went with both.
Scaffold does a great execution of a construction theme with it still being repayable.
Money Tree also has a well executed theme and collecting gems as you climb a tree is a nice reward after beating the first advanced level.

4th place:
Moebius Strip
Like with most speed levels, this level uses complete craziness and freedom to go fast as a way to be fun and it works really well!

3rd place: Dive!
The interior for the level is SO fun that you can get away with using it in a level billions of times just to make your level fast and enjoyable! Needless to say, the amount of fun is abundant.

2nd place: King of the Mountain
It's very adventurous, interesting, and hard, making it a nice way to end the game. The level building is fantastic even though the curves are few (trust me, mountains are hard to make). The only thing that would make the level better would be some checkpoints.

1st place: Block Party
I don't know completely what I love about this level, but it's probably the pathfinding, wacky colors, crazy gravity modifiers, and overall enjoyment. It's a blast finding your way around all the colorful blocks with fun gravity logic! And the funny thing is, it must've been so easy to make this level but sometimes simplicity is the way to go.

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18 Jan 2013 10:49 #15
*Platform Party-lost of old memories

*Keep on rollin'

-I hate busy bee, way to annoying and difficult. Very well built, though.


*Gym-Where to start. This level is plain fun. I also like dragged up.

-I don't like spin practice it was so hard and annoying I removed it from
the missions folder to keep playing the levels. You dirty cheater!

*Twisting the night away and Icarus are very fun.

*Frictional Ascent, Ultimate Tree, Strategy Climb, Morph and Thief are the best advanced, and I think show the most level building skill in the mbp official levels. (Other than mastering the marble.)

-I hate the platform race levels. Creative, but not my type. Ring stunts was also annoying.

*Tunnel Vision (My credits go to Inter dimensional Rifts, AMAZING level)

*Sand Storm

*Speed Attack

*Mastering the marble.

-I hate PLatform Mayhem, the diamond collection and battlecube final.


*Interdimensional Rifts: Amazing creativity, very fun.


*Pandora's box

*Tini Skycastles

*Tornado ultra course, best ultra course.

*My house sucks, I'm moving. I am really a fan of those adventure levels, which were kind of lost in the mbg classics. That's what makes them so good.

*Anything from Cyberfox.

MBP director's cut:

*Bent Reality- This is creative and fun, should have been added.

*Pool, also should have been added.

MBP, contains the best level ever made (so far):

*The noobs island levels, TONS of fun, feels like the good 'ol mbg classics. (With checkpoints )

*Polygon Principle- Very creative.

*Descent w/ mod.

* Skyebird's trail, excellent submission by Phil and Oaky.

*No Jumping II

*Day at the links

*Snail Course

*Nerves of Steel

*Water World

*Pablo's maze level which I forgot the name of

*Coco Valley

It goes on. I plan to do a top 50 levels review, but closely before the release of pq to go over the best levels previous to it.
*And now for what I think was the best level ever made......

*CGL 8, Mater of Friction.

-This level is pure fun and shows excellent level building. Every section is unique in it's own way, and masterfully crafted. It just keeps getting better, until PerishingFlames's part, which I believe is the best part in the level. Then it finishes off nice with a fold maze, which isn't too frustrating, and some nice scenery. CGL's have so much potential, and I believe that this level (and interdimensional rifts) really take advantage of this, making some of the best levels ever. I still play Master of Friction over and over again, and wish I had the opportunity to participate in it, and I am considering hosting another friction related cgl. I'll probably make a review with the top 50 custom levels when I have time.

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19 Jan 2013 21:58 #16
Agreed, Master of Friction is awesome.

Is Interdimensional Rifts in the CGL? I don't remember seeing it

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19 Jan 2013 22:19 #17
Jan 19, 2013, 1:58pm, gyrocop wrote:Agreed, Master of Friction is awesome.

Is Interdimensional Rifts in the CGL? I don't remember seeing it

Interdimensional Rifts is a CGL. Did you mean CLA (Custom Level Archive)? Because I'm pretty sure it's in there somewhere.

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20 Jan 2013 00:07 #18
Haha yes, I meant cla. I'll look around later. Is it an MBG level or MBP?

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20 Jan 2013 00:25 #19
It's an MBG level.

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20 Jan 2013 05:54 #20
I would have to agree completely with BuzzMusic about Scaffold. Although it's the same 2-4 second run for me every time I play it, it never gets old for some reason!

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20 Jan 2013 13:33 #21
IRifts is in the CLA, however, I can't find master of friction anywhere online :/. SOMEONE SHOULD REPOST THE LINKS TO THE CGL'S, THEY'RE ALL BROKEN! Also, that overused sand castle in mbg, was it's first appearance in Interdimensional Rifts? I also forgot to add Evil Ian's Castle, creative and fun, but ends abruptly.

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20 Jan 2013 16:16 #22


3º Pitfall
I really liked the level in my early MBG days, just creative and simple to go through

2º Winding Road
I was playing this level soooo many times until I get even more lower times, very fun and replayble (early MBG days too)

1º Grand Finale
Overcome all the, just go for it!

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20 Jan 2013 22:49 #23
5. Grand Finale
4. Spork in the Road
3. Pinball Wizard
2. Three Fold Maze/Escher's Race
1. King of the Mountain

5. Bunny Slope
4. Black Diamond
3. Mountaintop Retreat
2. Divergence
1. Glacier

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21 Jan 2013 04:47 #24
MBG has some pretty neat level designs. I especially like Whirl and Acrobat, without doing any shortcuts the feel of the levels are really nice, and doing the half loops is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, haha.

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