file Marble Blast Timeline

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04 Feb 2011 00:01 #1

Back in 2007 I decided to create a timeline of all the major events in the Marble Blast community's history. Since then, the timeline has been regularly updated. These events date from the creation of the game from all the way back in 2002 to today. Much research has been done in the creation of this timeline, from the earliest posts on the GG forums, to the GG news archives, to the Rubbish Bin on these forums, you name it. I have tried to date each event as accurately as possible. Do note that events from 2006 and before are less complete than from 2006 onward.

So enjoy this look back at the community's history! Each year (except for the earliest ones) has its own post. Use the table of contents below to quickly navigate to a certain year. Discussion and feedback of the timeline can be done in this topic.

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04 Feb 2011 00:04 #2
2002-2005 (the early years)



30 - GarageGames (GG) announces to the world the upcoming release of their new game, Marble Blast.


12 - The PC version of the Marble Blast game and demo is released.

28 - An early review of Marble Blast by Avault's David Laprad gives it 4/5 stars, saying, Ultimately, Marble Blast is a cool groove of a game that's easy to pick up and hard to put down.



2 - The first custom level, SkyHook, is released.

16 - The Mac OS X version of Marble Blast is released.

31 - The Linux version of Marble Blast is released.


3 - Marble Blast becomes the first commercial game on Lindows Click-N-Buy.

12 - Kenneth Mair joins the community.

13 - A FX edition of Marble Blast is created for nVIDIA to show off at GDC.

20 - Jayar joins the community.


9 - The gold version of Marble Blast (MBG) is released for PC and Mac.


24 - eGames ships a boxed edition of Marble Blast under the name Marble Blaster.


9 - Solo Hans joins the community.


28 - Henry joins the community.


4 - GG's custom level archive page is created.


11 - Lillbenny joins the community.



2 - The first attempt at a community group level is started by Solo Hans.

31 - The 100th custom level is posted to GG's level archive page.


3 - Michael McFadden joins the community.


7 - Mike McFadden released his gold time guide for MBG.

14 - Chevy Mac joins the community.


2 - Chevy Mac is temporarily banned from the GG forums.

4 - GG announces a version of Marble Blast for the XBox Live Arcade.



10 - Technostick joins the community.


3 - Sceptus joins the community.

25 - Homsar Walker joins the community (known as Tech Geek).

30 - The first World Records topic is created.


20 - Matan joins the community.


15 - Turbo4000 joins the community (as Peter Geiss).

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04 Feb 2011 00:06 #3


25 - Marble Blast Ultra (MBU) is released on the XBox 360.

31 - Matan makes his first post on the GG forums.

March -

12 - Bobby joins the community.

25 - Andrew Sears joins the community.


11 - The World Records walkthroughs are completed.
- Tristan Dragon joins the community.

20 - Matan posts his first video on YouTube.

25 - Beau joins the community.


6 - Perishingflames joins the community.

9 - Project CLA is started.

11 - Phil joins the community.


15 - The first (successful) community group level is started by Matan.

24 - Jase joins the community.


(Unknown) - Bobby leaves the community.

9 - CGL 1 is released.

15 - Xelna joins the community.

25 - CGL 2: The Ascension is started by Technostick.


12 - Luke Skywalker (aka Satan) joins the GG forums.

13 - Ian joins the community.

14 - Project CLA is renamed and reorganized as Project CMBG.

24 - The original Gold Time for Ramps Reloaded (15 seconds), previously thought to be impossible, was beaten by Xelna (14.56).

28 - Robot Marble joins the community.

29 - CGL 3 is started by Homsar Walker.


2 - Beau leaves the community.

13 - Moshe joins the community.

15 - CGL 3 is released.

23 - The Marble Blast Quizzes (by Matan) begin.


3 - The new Marble Blast forums are created by Matan and Technostick.

6 - Luke is banned from the new forums.

25 - Homsar Walker is demoted to a moderator.


9 - The Mod of the Day game begins.

11 - CGL 4 - Interdimensional Rifts is started by Ian.

12 - Matan and Xelna's World Record rampage video is uploaded to YouTube (in 4 parts).

14 - Marble Blast Platinum (MBP) is conceived by Phil, Matan, and Jase during an MSN chat.

17 - Sporlo joins the community.

20 - Permission is given by GG to create MBP.

28 - Lonestar joins the community.


8 - Ian, Andrew Sears, and Robot Marble are added to MBP staff.

14 - Custom Powerups and Mods (CPM) is started by Robot Marble.

15 - CGL 4 is released.

17 - Perishingflames and Technostick are added to MBP staff (as testers).
- Nominations begin for Level of the Year - 2006.

24 - Andrew Sears is added to forum staff as a moderator.

26 - Luke Skywalker is banned from the GG forums by Joshua Dallman.

28 - The Rubbish Bin board is opened for all members to see.

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04 Feb 2011 00:07 #4


4 - Bobby returns to the community.

11 - The Marble Blast podcast is started by Robot Marble and Homsar Walker.

13 - Bobby leaves the community again.

14 - The Council is formed.

25 - The results of Level of the Year - 2006 are announced.

31 - Lonestar is added to MBP staff.


7 - Podcast #1 (and the only one) is released.

13 - The results of Level of the Month - January are announced.

14 - A spammer attacks the forums with random spam. Guests are now forced to register before being able to post.
- The forums reach 100 members.

16 - Pablo joins the community.

18 - Homsar Walker gets the password for the MBP staff board and breaks in, stealing the skybox.
- Matan's Level Editor video guide is posted on YouTube.

20 - Marble-Mini-Golf released.

21 - The forum live chat opens.
- The Marble Blast Mystery Pictures game begins.


1 - Ian is added to forum staff as a moderator.

3 - Homsar Walker is suspended for 30 days for making an illegal copy of MBP.
- An image uploader is added to the post reply pages.

4 - The 1000th topic is created on the new forums.
- CGL 5: Marble Theme Park is started by Ross.

6 - The What the Hell is Wrong With This Picture game begins.
- Technostick is promoted to President of the Council, and Andrew Sears is promoted to Council Vice President.

12 - The podcast is cancelled.
- Riblet15 joins the community.

15 - The results of Level of the Month - February are announced.
- CGL 6: QuArK it Up! is started by Matan.

19 - Oakster joins the community.

20 - The level competitions are started by Matan.
- Post count for the Non MarbleBlast Discussion board is disabled.

23 - Beau returns to the community.


1 - April Fool's prank. All members except Matan are suspended for 12 hours, and everyone's gender becomes female.

5 - Robot Marble is suspended for 3 weeks due to behavioral issues.

8 - CGL 7 is started by Perishingflames.

9 - Constructor is released.

12 - Robot Marble is discovered to have stolen the Easter Egg and Teleport codes from GG. To get him out of MBP staff, a plan is enacted in which all staff except Matan, Phil, and Jase pretend to be fired.

15 - Downtown-Minority begins advertising on the forums.
- Moshe leaves the community.

16 - A file uploader is added to the post reply pages.

18 - The results of Level of the Month - March are announced.
- Marble Blast Master (MBM) is conceived by Homsar Walker.

22 - CGL 5 is released.
- The New Levels board is reorganized so that each member has one level thread.

27 - Technostick reveals that his idea to fire most MBP staff was part of a larger plan to get MBP released quicker.


3 - The forum theater opens.

14 - The blogs section of the forums opens.

16 - The results of Level of the Month - April are announced.
- The level competitions are cancelled.

18 - Multiplayer is cancelled due to Robot Marble's scheming, lying and mishandling of CPM.

20 - Robot Marble leaves the community and is fully banned shortly thereafter.


1 - A release date of June 29 is announced for MBP.

3 - The pre-installation instructions for MBP are released.

5 - MBM is cancelled.

6 - The number of posts on the new forums exceed those on the GG forums.

12 - MBP is postponed indefinitely.

19 - The results of Level of the Month - May are announced.
- The Marble Blast wiki opens.

26 - Marble Blast Advance (MBA) is conceived by Nibbler.


1 - CGL 8: Master of Friction is started by Homsar Walker.

6 - Lonestar is added to forum staff as a moderator. Ian is demoted.

14 - The Council Membership Competition is announced.

15 - The forum arcade opens.

27 - The results of Level of the Month - June are announced.

28 - A petition is started to get GG to release a patch for MBU.


1 - Robot Marble, posing as MBP Anonymous, sends several members the MBP level Double Loop-Loop.

2 - Construction on the MBP demo begins.

5 - Pablo and Oakster are added to MBP staff.

12 - Otto joins the community.

20 - Moshe returns to the community.

17 - The MBP demo release date is announced.

19 - The LotM competition is returned to the public.


1 - MBP demo is released on Philsempire.
- The shoutbox is re-added to the forums.
- The results of Level of the Month - July are announced.

8 - The Council Membership Competition begins.

9 - The Wiki gets a major overhaul and a new host.

29 - The winners of the Council Membership Competition are announced.


2 - The results of Level of the Month - August are announced.

4 - Mod of the Day game is overhauled with new powers given.

6 - Aayrl joins the community.

12 - Spy is added to MBP staff.

19 - The results of Level of the Month - September are announced.

30 - The time capsule opens for entries.

31 - The forum's special Halloween celebration. The background and writing are changed and the staff members get new usernames.


2 - Lonestar, Pablo, and Oakster are added to the Council.

14 - The time capsule is buried.

15 - Marble Blast Fubar (MBF) conceived by Aayrl.

16 - GG announces Marble Blast Online (MBO), an online Marble Blast game hosted by InstantAction.

18 - Andrew Sears is dismissed from the Council.

28 - The results of Level of the Month - October are announced.

December -

5 - Matan posts his 500th video to YouTube.

6 - The final MBP competition begins, where members must send in their own marble skins for potential use in MBP.

10 - Timeline first created by Andrew Sears.

13 - Trace joins the community.

15 - Homsar Walker and Moshe leave the community.

18 - The Marble Blast timeline is posted.

23 - MBP is released for the Mac, PC, and Linux.

24 - The results of Level of the Month - November are announced.

28 - MBP Patch 1.01 is released.

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04 Feb 2011 00:09 #5


5 - MBP Patch 1.02 is released.

9 - The Marble Blast quizzes are revived.

10 - The beginner and intermediate video for the MBP World Record Rampage is released on YouTube.

14 - The results of Level of the Month - December are announced.
- Voting for Level of the Year - 2007 begins.

16 - The level competitions are resumed.

17 - Downtown-Minority ends its advertising on the forums.
- CGL 2 is revived by Andrew Sears.

25 - The beta for InstantAction opens, along with MBO, but the game is only compatible on Windows.


11 - The MBF Riddle Game is started by Oaky.

16 - The Monthly Level Packs are started by PF.

24 - CGL 2: The Ascension is released.

29 - The MBF Alpha is sent to people who requested to test it.


4 - A plan for putting custom levels and MBP levels in MBO is announced.

20 - CGL 6 is revived by Oaky.
- The results of Level of the Month - January are announced.

23 - The results of Level of the Month - February are announced.
- HiGuy joins the community.

31 - Aayrl is promoted to a moderator.


1 - April fool's joke. Usernames and certain words are censored and become silly parodies of themselves for 12 hours.

3 - Oaky is demodded, or removed from the Council.
- The forums are upgraded to Proboards v4.5.

8 - The Chatbox is reopened.

10 - Matan announces production on his upcoming vid, Marble Blast Gold: The Movie.

14 - The Mystery Picture game is revived.


1 - The results of Level of the Month - March are announced.

2 - Jayar returns to the community.

3 - Nibbler is fired from MBA, and CyberFox takes over as the leader.

5 - Marblefire joins the community.

7 - A staff member contact list is created by Aayrl.

15 - The results of Level of the Month - April are announced.

24 - Marble Blast Gold: The Movie goes live on YouTube.

27 - After downtime, MBP is re-uploaded onto PhilsEmpire for all to download.


7- Signups begin for the MBF beta.

11- The Skyebird's Trail level project is started by Aayrl.

17- The results of Level of the Month - May are announced.

18- Skyebird's Trail is released.

28- MBF beta registration ends.

30- The MBF beta is released.


14 - The arcade is removed.

16 - Tech Geek returns and flames the forums and forum members. Pwnage ensues.

22 - MBP 1.03 is changed to 1.10 and leaderboards are announced.


4 - SonicW1 joins the community.

11 - The results of Level of the Month - June are announced.

19 - The MBP and MBG World Record topics are officially closed.

25 - The results of Level of the Month - July are announced.

29 - CGL 6 is (finally) released.

30 - The forums reach 500 members.


1 - CGLs 7 and 8 are revived by Ian and Brixar, respectively.

5 - The forums are optimized. A rules topic is created, boards and categories are rearranged, and old threads are thrown into the Rubbish Bin.

14 - The Windows build of MBP 1.10 is released.

16 - The MBP leaderboards are hacked by Matthew.

21 - MBP 1.11 is released.

23 - Battle of the Levels: MBG is started by Oaky.

25 - Matan mysteriously goes on a hiatus.


2 - The Mac beta for InstantAction is released for Intel Macs.

3 - The worlds' greatest flame post by Matan, explaining his mysterious absence. Matan later apologizes the same day.

4 - A news ticker is added to the forums.

14 - The results of Level of the Month - August are announced.

21 - The results of Level of the Month - September are announced.

25 - The Junior Council is created, with Marblefire, Andrew Sears, Riblet, Oaky, and Aayrl as members.

November -

1 - Marble Blast Reloaded (MBR) is started by Trace.

10 - The results of Level of the Month - October are announced.

14 - The time capsule is unburied.

19 - The results of Level of the Year - 2007 are (finally) announced.

23 - Andrew Sears starts the Hangman Game.

24 - MBP 1.12 is released for Windows.

25 - Battle of the Levels: MBG ends with Skate Park as the winner.
- Matan revives the Caption Game.

27 - Rokoshu joins the community.

December -

1 - Featured Level of the Week begins.

9 - InstantAction unlocks all MBO multiplayer maps for everyone to access and play.
- Brixar leaves the community.

10 - The time capsule is re-buried.

12 - The Mac version of MBP 1.12 is released.

17 - The forums get a new domain name ( along with the old one.

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04 Feb 2011 00:09 #6

January -

1 - An Alerts Thread was created to help staff deal with the issues of forum members more efficiently.

10 - The results of Level of the Month - November and December are announced.

13 - GG completely revamps their website and the old forums.
- Matan and Pascal announce the making of a second WR rampage for MBG.

23 - MBP 1.13 is released for Windows.

28 - The Caption Game ends, and MF becomes a Council Vice President for a month as a reward for doing so well (Pablo will get VP later, as well as Andrew and Riblet becoming Council Members)

February -

9 - An MBO tournament is announced, and sign-ups begin.

10 - WickedScepter starts a Bounty on IsraeliRD on MBO. Anyone who knocks Matan off the map Bowl gets free ActionTokens.

15 - MBP 1.13a is released for Windows.

20 - The first round of the MBO tournament begins.

21 - Battle of the Levels: MBP - Beginner begins.

March -

18 - The results of Level of the Month - January and February are announced.

19 - Level Competitions return for a new set of fifteen LCs.
- Marble Blast Mobile (MBM), a port of MBU for the iPhone and iPod touch, is announced.

25 - Filefront announces plans to shut down indefinitely due to the poor economic conditions.
- CGL 8: Master of Friction is released.

29 - Bobby returns to the community again.

31 - The first round of the MBO tournament ends.

April -

1 - The forum's annual April Fool's joke. The background is changed to a very ugly one, usernames are changed, and many words are censored.
- Filefront is bought by the original founders, and plans to shut it down are canceled.
- The second round of the MBO tournament begins.

14 - Ladleo becomes the forum's 1000th member.

27 - The second round of the MBO tournament ends and the third round begins.

May -

1 - Ultrablast leaves the community.

11 - The Daily Quiz is started by Matan.

14 - MBM is released.

15 - Brixar returns to the community.

19 - A point system for the forums begins. Plans to open a forum shop in the future are also announced.

22 - The results of Level of the Month - March and April are announced.

28 - The second MBG WR rampage is released on

29 - CGL 7 is released.

30 - The third round of the MBO tournament ends and the fourth round begins.

June -

2 - The results of Level of the Year - 2008 are announced.

5 - Seizure22 joins the community.

11 - Due to a lack of maintenance, the Alerts thread is converted into a Resources thread for new members.

19 - Lonestar returns to the community.

20 - Version 1.1 of MBM is released.

29 - Matan announces that he has been hired by GarageGames as an intern.

July -

6 - Ian Valentino starts the MBO League.

13 - The results of Level of the Month - May and June are announced.

17 - The Graphics Board Directory is created.

August -

4 - Ultrablast returns to the community.

27 - After being down for several months, the MBP leaderboards go back up.

28 - Version 1.2 of MBM is released.

September -

1 - MBP patch 1.14 is released for Windows.

22 - The results of Level of the Month - July and August are announced.

25 - Alex Swanson leaves GarageGames to go work for another game company.

26 - The final Daily Quiz question is posted.

October -

4 - The Mac version of MBP 1.14 is released.

14 - Cyberfox creates the Marble Blast Development Kit for aspiring mod-makers.

19 - The forums undergo a major clean-up and code-fixing.
- The point system is removed.

27 - Steven leaves the community.

November -

3 - The idea for MBP 1.50 is conceived.

6 - Moshe returns to the community for the 1907378th time.

8 - The MB9 GUI design contest begins.

11 - The MB9 GUI design contest ends.

17 - The results of Level of the Month - September and October are announced.

22 - The forums start cracking down on underage members.

December -

8 - GarageGames changes its name to TorquePowered.

9 - The time capsule is unburied.

22 - The forums undergo a massive cleanup, where many boards and old topics are thrown to the rubbish bin.

24 - The Hangman Game comes to an end.

30 - BlazerYo is banned from the forums for flaming and bullying several members.
- MBP 1.50 is announced.

31 - The time capsule is re-buried.

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04 Feb 2011 00:10 #7


4 - Matan purchases the ShoutBox to improve its uptime.

13 - The results of Level of the Month - November and December are announced.

17 - The Mod of the Day game is cancelled after running for 3.5 years.

21 - After 7 competitions, the second set of LCs are ended.

22 - An option is added to like or dislike posts.


9 - Quizzes board is moved to the Non-MB category, the forum ranks are changed, and the requirement for getting a colored name is changed.

13 - The community is told about MBP 1.50's Quota mode.


6 - Davidjl123 posts the forums' 100,000th post.

10 - IA goes down for site maintenance.

15 - LotM becomes a tri-month competition due to a lack of submissions.

26 - BlazerYo posts (through Lukie) about a standalone version of MBU he created.


4 - The live chat and chat box are removed.

10 - The forums' 10,000th topic is created.

11 - A warning is posted in General Announcements about the MBU standalone and how illegal it is to be in possession of it.

17 - SonicW1 starts the Marble Blast WR channel on YouTube.

29 - xmisterhardx becomes the forums' 2000th member.


2 - The name PlatinumQuest is revealed for MBP 1.50, as well as an announcement of a Quota level competition.

13 - The forums are upgraded with new icons.

14 - Aayrl announces an upcoming upgrade to the MBF website, as well as other random updates.

16 - The results of Level of the Month - January/February/March are announced.

18 - Ian Valentino returns to the community.

19 - BlazerYo leaves the MB community for good.

22 - MBR is released.


[no events of importance]


1 - A bulletin is posted regarding forum members' behavior and actions, which had been slowly degrading.

5 - Xelna revives the MBP world record rampage. This time, anyone can help out by recording WR runs of MBP levels.

6 - A guess who type game called Who am I is started by someone in the quizzes board.

8 - Hints and MSN convos revealed by Andrew and Pablo show that the person who started the game was Oaky. These manage to bring the game to a screeching halt.
- The results of Level of the Month - April/May/June are announced.

10 - As a result of their actions regarding the Who am I thread, Andrew and Pablo are demoted for a month. Pablo becomes part of the Junior Council, while Andrew is removed from staff entirely.

17 - MBF's new website comes online, and people are able to start registering.

22 - The forum rules get an update.

27 - PQ's Hunt mode is revealed to the community, as well as a new Hunt level competition.

30 - PQ's first trailer is released on YouTube by Matan.


5 - The results of Level of the Year - 2009 are announced.

12 - Andrew and Pablo regain their staff positions.

17 - The Resources Thread gets a major update, done by Marblefire.

25 - Beack is suspended for 5 days for constantly using other people's stuff (such as marble skins) without permission.

30 - The custom level packs for the MBP leaderboards are finally fixed after four broken levels had gone unnoticed/unreported for 1.5 years.


9 - The forums get an overhaul with a new board arrangement.

11 - Greg Venterarie starts Marble Blast Opal.

12 - The Beginner part of the MBP World Record rampage is uploaded to YouTube. The remaining parts would be uploaded over the following two weeks.

17 - MBA is released.

22 - Lonestar makes a second return to the community.
- George starts GMBGMM (George's Marble Blast Gold Mini Mod).


1 - The MBU standalone is re-released; a day later, however, one of the developers wisely decides to shut down the site and remove the download links and videos.
- Marble Blast Future is started by Beack.

22 - The winners of Level of the Month - July/August/September are announced.

23 - The winners of the Hunt level competition are announced.

26 - A new rule is created that bans adult jokes and vulgar posts from the forums.


3 - Jeff joins the community.

11 - InstantAction announces that it will be shutting down operations permanently.


4 - The Support board is opened up for guests as well as regular members.

23 - MBP 1.20 is released for Mac.

31 - Dobrak Ma>>o releases the Marble Blast Mods Creator.

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04 Feb 2011 00:11 #8


3 - The IA website is officially taken down.

17 - Lamp47 starts Marble Blast Elite.

20 - TorquePowered changes its name back to GarageGames.

31 - GG loses the IP rights to many of its games, including MBG.


22 - Matan revives the Hangman Game.

23 - A Day at the Links is arbitrarily declared the winner of Level of the Month - October/November/December.


10 - Threefolder99 releases the demo for his mod Marble Blast Revived.

17 - Xelna leaves the community.

19 - SonicW1 leaves the community.

21 - MBElite's first official trailer is released on YouTube.

24 - Phil officially announces that he is leaving.


7 - Matan announces that the Windows version of MBP 1.20 is being suspended indefinitely.

13 - MBOpal's official website goes up.

15 - GG loses the rights to MBU, and thus the game is removed from the marketplace.
- Ian Valentino returns to the community.

16 - GMBGMM is released.

21 - MBOpal's first trailer is released on YouTube.

27 - A new rule is implemented in the Miscellaneous MB Mods board restricting the types of responses people can make in mod threads.


2 - MBRevived is released.

8 - Beack is fired from MBOpal for allegedly stealing codes from that mod to use in MBFuture.

11 - Aayrl announces an end of summer release for MBFubar.

18 - MBFuture releases a demo, to negative reviews.

28 - Alphanumeric, an annoying member of the forums, deletes his account, then proceeds to make several alternate accounts. All accounts are banned.

30 - Jeff supposedly makes a breakthrough on multiplayer, but announces the following day that production on it will not continue due to the amount of bugs.

31 - A new rule for the Support board - now only Support Moderators can respond to help threads.


10 - MBEmerald releases its first trailer in ages.

12 - Ian blogs about his mod plans - finish MBEmerald first, then finish MBOpal, and finally, start on MBEmerald 2.

17 - BlazerYo is allowed back into the community.
- PQ releases its first Feature Spotlight, which reveals the cannon.

24 - MBFuture is officially declared dead, and all of its stuff is released.

30 - Kwill's brother Stranger1337 is banned after a week of anger issues and flaming other members.


11 - PQ reaches the 1000th revision on its Subversion repository.

12 - BlazerYo is banned again after hacking the shoutbox and harassing several members, especially MBEmerald staff.

13 - BlazerYo leaks a buggy version of MBEmerald onto YouTube in retaliation for his ban.

26 - The forums go into maintenance mode for a few hours to fix some bugs with its skins.

30 - MBEmerald is officially released.
- Production of MBE2 begins.


10 - Jeff releases an incomplete version of MBOpal.

21 - MBE2 dies after Jeff and HiGuy get tired of Ian Valentino's leadership style and quit. As a result, Ian decides to leave the forums.

26 - Aether releases Marble Blast Portable, a program that allows Windows users to store all MB mods on a flash drive.


29 - Technostar starts a new CGL called Golf Course.


17- PQ's second feature spotlight is posted, which reveals info about the ice shard.

19 - Hi Guy and Jeff officially announce their new mod, Project Revolution (PR), which features working multiplayer.


7 - The announcement is made that the singleplayer portion of PR will be dropped, and will be multiplayer only.
- Lamp47 is revealed to have been stealing codes from PR. He and Explode threaten to leave the community, but everything is quickly and peacefully resolved.

26 - A debate/poll about whether to bring back LotM/Y starts.


2 - LotY is brought back for 2011, with modified rules.

13 - Aayrl and the MBFubar team begin releasing packs of MBF extra levels every day up until Christmas.

24 - The first (beginner) video in the 3rd MBG World Record rampage is released on YouTube. The other two would be uploaded on the 27th and 31st.

28 - Thanks to Lonestar and Seizure, an updated map2dif program is made, complete with a Mac version.

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01 Mar 2012 07:42 #9


2 - Explode917 revives the Marble Ninja competition.

13 - Seizure released DifFix2, a program that will let .difs export directly from Constructor run in MBG.


15 - The LotY 2011 competition is cancelled due to the low quality of level nominations.

17 - The MBElite demo is released.

18 - Xelna asks the community to help out in making a WR rampage for MBA.

21 - Version 2.0 of Aether's Marble Blast Portable is released.

25 - A teaser, consisting of only a level picture, is posted of the next PQ Feature Spotlight.

29 - MBG WR rampage #3, complete with audio commentaries by Matan and Xelna, is uploaded to SDA.


2 - PQ's third Feature Spotlight is released, discussing water.

20 - Another cleanup of the Blogs board is done by Matan.

23 - Aayrl beings Fubar Fridays on DedalusTech - where small teasers for MBFubar are posted on the blog each Friday.


1 - The annual April Fool's celebration. All boards are deleted except for one, filled with spam, censored words, and characters played by members.

8 - Version 3 of Marble Blast Portable is released.

25 - Marble Blast Portable v3.1 is released.

28 - Based on an idea by Ticket2Ride, a thread is created where members can post unfinished levels for other people to pick up and complete.


4 - Work on Project Revolution is cancelled.

8 - Mr. E/Technostar hands over leadership of the Golf Course CGL to Matan.
- Buzzmusic100 begins the now-popular MB Memes thread in the Spam board.

29 - Version 2 of MBP for the Mac is released. The Platinum team also announces an upcoming version of MBP for Windows, and introduces Jeff and HiGuy to the Platinum team.


11 - Kwill15 ragequits the community after being called out by various members on on some posts he had made that were considered rude. He apologizes the next day.

20 - The fourth PQ Feature Spotlight is released, which discusses the Phys Mod trigger.

29 - Matan uploads the first video of the MBAdvanced World Record rampage to Youtube. The other two parts would go up over the following few days.


16 - Gary announces a new mod called HappyRoll.


2 - Jeff and HiGuy suddenly disappear from the forums and MSN. Luckily, they decide to return a week later.


10 - GG announces that Torque3D will be going open source. This comes to fruition ten days later.

13 - The Golf Course CGL is finally released.

26 - The forums switch domain registrars (from GoDaddy to Namecheap).


14 - The fifth and final PQ Feature Spotlight is released, which talks about moving objects.


3 - PQ reaches its 2000th revision on its Subversion repository.

7 - Microsoft announces that MSN will be out of service by March 2013.

26 - Marblefire returns to the community after having vanished in January.
- It is announced that production on a patch for MBEmerald will no longer continue.

29 - Jeff announces in his blog that Multiplayer will be releasing soon.


21 - The forums survive the apocalypse.

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01 Mar 2013 05:41 #10


6 - The forum staff members and staff rankings are adjusted.
- Xelna requests the community to help out in creating the second MBP WR rampage.

26 - Matan announces an upcoming forum cleanup.


6 - Ian Cordle returns to the community.

25 - Moshe returns to the community.

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