Feb 27, 2013, 6:38pm, conor wrote:Was looking for how to unlock custom levels

lol'd hard
Feb 27, 2013, 4:36pm, andrewsears wrote:I was in this community before these forums were even created.
I found these forums through this topic:
That Matan guy posted about them and I thought why not check them out. I liked them and decided to just make an account but like everyone else I thought to stay on GarageGames' forums. Sadly Luke got worse so I talked to others and we resolved to move to the forums Matan made because he banned Luke, so we had some quiet. However by the time GarageGames decided to ban Luke it was too late and we just decided to stick in these forums.
Just to give you an idea of Luke just check the topic above... or more below.
Now while we were still at GarageGames, that Matan guy kept advertising his forums, like here:
Which was annoying. But as the topic below tells us,
As you can see the large majority switched to these forums, myself included. People like Ian iirc didn't want to move to the new ones and stuck at GarageGames but there was no activity so he and the remainder made the move.
A few months later killed Matan and took his place as administrator for these forums. Now everyone thinks I'm Matan while I'm not (and I kept telling them that) and there's pretty much nothing I can do to convince them otherwise... short of killing them too but whatever, they're good people.
On a more serious note, I found the GarageGames forums while looking up for help on how to beat the Gold Times in MBG because they were stupidly hard. I got stuck in Scaffold so I quit Marble Blast, but when I came back months later I remembered I once
read somewhere you could bypass levels but couldn't figure out where (forums? a guide?).
Anyhow, after searching for a fair bit I found the GarageGames forums, and an extensive/exhausting search in it yielded Mike's Gold Time guide as well as how to bypass levels.
Skipped Scaffold to Airwalk. Oh god I hated it instantly.
Skip to Shimmy, went alright.
Path of Least Resistence? Liked.
Daedalus? nah, skip it.
Ordeal? hgdiusfa skip.
Battlements? I can't beat the start and when I did, the fans killed me. Skip.
Pinball Wizard? too hard, skip.
Eye of the Storm? oh god that's as bad as Airwalk. Skip.
Dive! heck to the epic yes. I wanted to play that level so bad. Beaten.
Tightrope? More like noperope. Skip.
Natural Selection? I hate these type of levels. Skip.
Tango? Can't stand it. Skip.
Icarus? Skip.
Under Construction? Skip as well.
Pathways? Skipways.
Darwin's Dilemma was solved by the same thought as Natural Selection.
King of the Mountain too hard.
Okay, I'm done with this game.
Probably too demotivated and barely played it or decided to go for some gold times. I can't remember, probably quit.
But at some point I improved my Skyscraper time (was randomly playing Marble Blast) and wanted to see what was the top time, which meant I had to search again. Finding the Forums didn't interest me, but Mike's Gold Time guide was what I wanted to find. I found out my 1:04:9x was a ton better than his 1:29:9x, plus I beat his Space Slide. I decided I then wanted to get Gold Times and see if I can beat Mike himself. He beat all Golds, he was a total pro at this game and beating some of his times meant I could probably be better. I'll admit I could never think of Fork in the Road route (are you serious it's that easy?) and always tried going from the left side of the level instead of just jumping, but I did beat some of his Gold Times.
That gave me an idea that I too wanted to write a guide so I started one up for all my Skyscraper routes (I had 5 at the time iirc) and also a few other ones. I slowly started attaining better Gold Times and eventually re-found the Forums, and this time found the World Records topic. I saw I beat a few of those and I decided not to be shy like I always am, so I made an account and posted my times. Sceptus's reply of finding paths he couldn't made me joyous, and from there I started competing against him for records.
Since then I beat more of the levels I skipped above and the rest is history. A FYI, I had maybe 30-40 records in this game before I beat the game's final Gold Time: Half Pipe Elite. And then I took it's World Record
Oddly enough this is also Pascal's last level to get Gold Time on. Go figure.