As time goes on, we'll update the posts!
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this topic from the GarageGames forums.
You know you're addicted to Marble Blast when...
1) You roll everywhere. Literally roll. Whether it's on the floor or on the street, you roll!
2) You think the 100m sprint World Record holder used a super speed and went in diagonal movement.
3) You wonder from where did the helicopters managed to get an unlimited Gyrocopter.
4) You still wonder why it takes a helicopter so long to get off the ground!
5) You play in a pinball machine and wonder where're the gems and the exit. You also try and not get out of bounds.
6) You wonder why you cannot use testhceats=1;
7) Before taking a recording with your webcam/video camera/digital camera/whatever, you say '$dorecorddemo=true;
You are unhappy that you cannot make 'Custom Life' days.
9) You time how long does it take to you to do something and then try and beat it.
10) You then challenge everybody to beat that time.
11) Work/School is just another level: Avoid obstacles (teachers, homework, detention, bosses, other workers/students etc) and finish as fast, and good, as possible.
12) You actually do post in this topic a reply with your own 'You know you're addicted to Marble Blast When...' fun joke.
13) The only thing you do is chat about Marble Blast and you also ask others for tips and share tricks and pathways on certain levels.
14) Deadline is just another qualify time.
15) You dream about Marble Blast.
16) You cannot wait for MBU to come out on PC/Mac/Linux
17) You're the number one fan
18) You hold the most world records in Marble Blast
19) You know everything there is about Marble Blast!
20) You wonder how do airplanes fly without a Gyrocopter
21) The universe is just a big InBoundTrigger and anything that kills you is just another OutOfBounds trigger you need to escape.
22) You wish you could restart life and try it again.
23) You avoid fans and tornados, but if they're in your way, you go forwards and let them send you to the other side.
24) You have a large collection of sand clocks at home.
25) You somehow manage to relate everything in life to Marble Blast
26) You love making custom levels, in fact, you made over 100!
27) You collect every single custom level ever made.
28) You're desperate to find easter eggs and still believe in the secret levels, including adv 53 and the secret room, even when Garage Games staff said there are no such things.
29) You play over 12 hours of Marble Blast per day.
30) You made a status of a certain Marble Blast feature
31) You watch out for Gravity Modifiers and so you avoid astronomy classes and anything to do with arrows or yellow round balls.
32) Mines just explode but don't kill you, unless they send you out of bounds, so it's ok to step on them.
33) You built a shock absorber device so that you can fall from 200km height and still just hit the ground with no damage to you.
34) No matter where you are, at home, school or work, you have your Marble Blast window open.
35) You think springs are super jumps, so you built a shoe where the springs are the base, so you can jump really high.
36) Pogo sticks are super jumps.
37) You wonder why there are no elevators like in Skyscraper.
38) In swimming, flippers are the best super speeds.
39) You roll down a mountain. Literally roll down.
40) You want to roll back up on the mountain but for some reason, cannot.
41) Cars, trains, trams and anything else that can move is in fact a moving platform.
42) You put your hands on whatever you can find and attach wheels to it, just so it can roll.
43) You know what kind of friction surfaces exist on Earth. Sand is high friction, grass is lower friction, straight road has lower friction, but there's no such thing as no friction on Earth.
44) You check every hour the Marble Blast forums and is a very active poster.
45) There's nothing you didn't do on Marble Blast! You finished the game and every custom level ever made, you even did your own custom levels, you even modified Marble Blast and you also hold World Records as well as purchasing QuArK and anything else that relates to Marble Blast.
46) You know Marble Blast so well, that even GarageGames wanted to employ you!
47) You wish you had a shock absorber, just so you could jump off cliffs.
48) You relate to some of the examples posted here!
49) You made videos and took pictures of Marble Blast and uploaded them to the net.
50) You beg for multiplayer!
51) You day-dream how life was if it was all about Marble Blast!
52) When playing other games, you move the mouse to control the camera.
53) When playing other games, you press W, A, D, and S to move.
54) You use the space bar to try and hop in other games
55) You fall down off something and worry about going out of bounds
56) You think that everything else around you will stop for 5 seconds if you pick up an hourglass
57) You have more .ogg files than MP3's on your computer
58) Your son/daughter comes home after their curfew and you tell them you failed to qualify!
59) You wonder why NASCAR drivers can't just run the track in reverse to get record times
60) You add a red arrow to your trampoline to try and change it into a Super Bounce
61) You wonder why real acrobats don't use Super Speeds and ramps
62) You think that by moving the mouse you're moving your head/eyes.
63) Youve been telling your parents that you havn't got your 3rd marking period report card for 2 months because you got 2 D's and an F because you were playing so much marble blast that you forgot about your homework.
64) You hide the MBG window when you go outside so that as soon as you get back inside, then you don't have to wait for it to load again.
65) You have a MBG computer desktop.
66) Your desktop background HAS to do something with Marble Blast
67) You start doodling on TextEdit/Notepad a whole string of w, a, s, d, space as if you were playing MarbleBlast, while you were supposed to be writing a 3000 word academic essay.
68) You know Marble Blast so well that you can open TextEdit/Notepad and write the whole code for a certain level from scratch. In that level, you include many interiors and their excat locations, gems, power-ups and more. You only go to see that completed level and there are barely any mistakes.
69.) You find yourself daydreaming about playing Marble Blast at every possible moment.
70.) You're always thinking of new ideas for custom levels.
71.) You look on the Level Building forum twice a day just to see if someone has made a new level.
72.) You constantly try to get more elite at marbling than Matan.
73.) You look up at the sky when you go outside and try to spot a Marble Blast level WAAAAYYYY up there.
74.) You fear reaching the edge of the Earth and falling Out of Bounds.
75.) You miss Kenneth Mair and Alex Swanson, since they haven't posted for a long time.
76.) You dream of building a Marble Blast theme park.
77.) All the messages in your in-box are of people sending you custom levels.
78.) You have over 200 custom levels in your Custom folder.
79) You know each MBG level and know it's pathway to finish Normally or for Gold Time or for World Record as well as you know where everything is in that certain level.
80) You know each MBG Custom levels and how it's shaped and what it has. You know its name too.
81) You think of everything you see as another great idea for a MarbleBlast level.
82.) You're obsessed with making new marble textures and/or skyboxes.
83.) You constantly watch videos of Marble Blast levels.
84.) You build a house next to GarageGames' headquarters.
85.) You wish of becoming an employee at GarageGames.
86.) You wish that there was a TV channel all about Marble Blast.
87.) You are obsessed with other forum members.
88.) You stay indoors fearful that a lost, Out of Bounds marble will fall on your head.
89.) You want to own the farm, woods, and lake below each Marble Blast level.
90) You call playing marble blast a sport.
91) When you get grounded, the only thing your parents ground you from is marble blast.
92) You see every remotely round thing as a marble.
93) You have no self control about Marble Blast. Meaning you'll play Marble Blast rather than study for exams, or eat something etc.
94) Thinking and wishing that you could play Marble Blast in the middle of the exam, or have no exam and instead play Marble Blast.
95) You think that you have unlimited marblenergy.
96) You think of yourself as a marbleblastoholic.
97) You read this thread every 5 minutes
98) You can't wait for this thread to reach 100
99) You want to be the person who posts #100
100) You are the person who posts #100