The first issue i'll address is Respawn Abuse. For those of you who don't know what Respawn Abuse is, it's when a person is in the middle of a multiplayer match and in order to get closer to the next spawn, he/she presses the 'Respawn' button in the multiplayer menu or the backspace (or whatever key the command is mapped to). The button's main purpose is (I suppose) to correct potential spawn glitches that a player has, and it can only be used every 20 seconds. Though the button normally spawns the player as far away from a spawn as possible, it still has the ability to spawn players closer, or even right next to gem spawns, giving him/her direct access to the points doing little to no work. This is similar to normal spawn abuse, though the player (especially on enclosed maps) does not need to find an OOB trigger to get a new spawn.
The other issue i'd like to address is Camping. Now, obviously this is something that is simply out of the control of the game to dictate, so I'm talking about this from much more of an ethical standpoint. Camping is used (most often) by the leading player to get a potential 'jump start' on the next spawn, leaving a small set of gems behind for a trailing player to collect. This makes it little to impossible for trailing players to surpass the leader, especially on large maps such as Bowl or Sprawl. I am indeed guilty of this trick in the past, which is more why i'd like to hear your opinion on this kind of stunt.
What do you guys think? Are there any other cheap tricks that you approve of/disapprove of? Again, the last thing I want to happen here is to conduct a huge flame war, so think of this really as more of a brainstorming thread. All I really want is to make multiplayer as fair as of a mode of play it can be .