In Forum Rules:
Wasn't this changed a short time ago? Isn't it that no one under 13 may join?Since we own the website we do not have an underage rule
This should probably be "However, before you do so,".Before you do so; however,
This section should be removed because the ShoutBox no longer exists.Posting in the ShoutBox:
1. "Postcount" is not one word.Member rankings (numbers indicate postcount):
2. All of the member rankings say that they have a number of purple circles. Unless I am colorblind (which I am not), all of the members have blue circles.
This should be 300.350 - Professional Marbler
This should be 6 purple circles.Moderator: 6 blue circles
I believe that on the forums global moderators are identified as "Lead Moderators", and they also have 6 purple circles.Global Moderator: 6 blue circles
Additionally, "Developer: 6 green circles" should be added to the staff rankings section.
This should be "questions".We are aware that some question have been asked and answered time and time again.
I assume that this instruction went with the old forums. Now it should be, "just use the "edit" button in the lower right hand corner of your last post".just use the "modify" button in the top right hand corner of your last post
I also noticed the category of the forums "rubbish bin" multiple times, which I don't believe exists.
In New to Marble Blast? Welcome!:
This should be "known".In addition, all know retailers of the original Marble Blast Gold
Thank you for taking the time to read through these.