I'm thinking about taking a clip of an awesome trickshot (e.g. a beautiful Ctrl+p'd ka-boom in Ground Zero), taking a trap/electro/dubstep (any music that has a beat drop) music and editing a video by synchronizing the beat drop with the OMG moment of the run (in our case, either when the marble hits the nuke or when the marble hits the finish), and add a little visual effect to make the edit prettier to see (optional).
This also works with edge-hits, loop exits and SIGN HIIIITS!
It's an idea that I propose, in order to avoid that the way Marble Blast videos are edited gets old-fashioned and progressively boring.
Edit: I think I already did that in my old YouTube channel (for Sliding Path, MBEmerald) and it worked a bit.
You forget a thousand things everyday. Make sure Marble Blast isn't one of 'em.
Instagram : ralphfrommb