- Touhou and osu! took over my youtube videos now
- I'm getting frustrated on getting a good run in marble blast
- Number of people who care my videos getting lower since the new forums is used
- Nobody cares (not mean not at all) about me in the forums now
- I don't have much time to play Marble Blast since now I'm in senior high, and touhou takes over most of my time
- It's really hard to talk about marble blast with my friends at school.
- I can't make anything original and good again for marble blast
Some of those reasons may sounds stupid, but well, that was my honest thoughts. Mason was the first one to know this, and now I'm sharing my farewell to the forums. I released a custom level as well for my leave. But quitting doesn't mean that I will stop playing at all, I might play multiplayer sometime, but you should make an appointment with me first

This is my last marble blast video
Thank you very much for making my stay here really great, I had a lot of great times with you guys. Especially Mason and Jeff (first two persons that are close friends from marble blast for me).
Good Bye

~Gerson (NaCl586) - February 2011 to June 2014
I'm just an ordinary marble blaster who like to create new and unusual things.
Creator of the Marble Blast GLC series
Check out and download my custom levels here .
Check out my original musics in this thread and in my soundcloud here .