file The decision, I'm quitting Marble Blast

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08 Jul 2014 13:25 - 08 Jul 2014 13:30 #1
It took me one whole day to just decide this (and Helix, a level from Marble Blast Elite), but I decided to quit playing marble blast from now. It's actually sad and disappointing maybe. They are couple reasons of me stopping playing marble blast:
- Touhou and osu! took over my youtube videos now
- I'm getting frustrated on getting a good run in marble blast
- Number of people who care my videos getting lower since the new forums is used
- Nobody cares (not mean not at all) about me in the forums now
- I don't have much time to play Marble Blast since now I'm in senior high, and touhou takes over most of my time
- It's really hard to talk about marble blast with my friends at school.
- I can't make anything original and good again for marble blast

Some of those reasons may sounds stupid, but well, that was my honest thoughts. Mason was the first one to know this, and now I'm sharing my farewell to the forums. I released a custom level as well for my leave. But quitting doesn't mean that I will stop playing at all, I might play multiplayer sometime, but you should make an appointment with me first :p (sounds stupid actually, but I need to do that), and platinum quest as well when it is released. I will still subscribe to my marble blast subscription and watch your videos sometime, but won't as often as few years ago. I don't really care if I will lose subscribers, I just upload videos for fun and for keeping memories of mine. I hope you also enjoyed my Touhou videos, just at least do not try them or you might end up like me too. Also, I won't delete this account, I might check the forums sometime.

This is my last marble blast video

Thank you very much for making my stay here really great, I had a lot of great times with you guys. Especially Mason and Jeff (first two persons that are close friends from marble blast for me).

Good Bye :(
~Gerson (NaCl586) - February 2011 to June 2014

I'm just an ordinary marble blaster who like to create new and unusual things.

Creator of the Marble Blast GLC series
Check out and download my custom levels here .
Check out my original musics in this thread and in my soundcloud here .
Last edit: 08 Jul 2014 13:30 by NaCl586.

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08 Jul 2014 13:30 #2
I'm terribly sorry to see you go. You've been great to the Marble Blast Forums and you shall be heavily missed. Best regards for the future!!

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09 Jul 2014 00:41 #3
You shall be missed by the Marble Blasters. :(

with the music and the lights and everything :P

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09 Jul 2014 17:58 #4
It may look like you lost a lot of people that care about you...
But you still have me. :)

Everyone shall miss you


Ender - Last Saturday at 4:36 PM
I have hopped on a circlejerking bandwagon.

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10 Jul 2014 02:28 #5
Sad to see ya go Gerson. Good luck with Senior High and keep in touch.


I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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10 Jul 2014 08:25 #6
NOOOOOoooo :((((

Really sad to hear you go. Very understandable though, although really with everyone on the LBs and the website mainpage not being the forums like last time there's less activity anyway.

Best of luck in your future endeavors and games and keep being awesome!

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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10 Jul 2014 09:26 #7
I hope you had a fun time. It's sad seeing you go.

To be honest, I never really had any benefit to the community here content-wise. I just hung out trying to be helpful and social. I hope you reconsider. These forums are getting empty these days.

But sometimes it is unavoidable. Best of luck for your next choices!


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10 Jul 2014 12:10 #8
Best of luck in your senior year at High School, Gerson. You'll probably be glad you have some extra time to apply to colleges and scholarships (I know I did). Do feel free to pop back into the website and forums from time to time, most of us will likely still be here and give you a warm welcome if you need an afternoon of Marble Blast ;)


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10 Jul 2014 12:23 #9
Everybody in the forums, every marbler in the world will remember your name, dude. I feel really really sad.

You forget a thousand things everyday. Make sure Marble Blast isn't one of 'em.
Instagram : ralphfrommb

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