file History of Multiplayer

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12 Apr 2013 01:00 #1
Hey guys,

It's been a while since my last blog, just wanted to make sure you guys knew that I'll still continue to blog. Schools been going really good this year, just homework continues to keep steady. Hopefully that will end soon. Last day of school is before the end of May, so we got ourselves a decent time of summer to get Multiplayer and MBP done for you guys. Trust me, I know you guys have been waiting very patiently, and HiGuy and I have been trying to find time to code MBP for you whenever we can. It is hard to coordinate the Multiplayer with two people who need to code/bug test/test/play/code (repeats in a cyclic fashion ). We do want you guys to not go through another whole summer again without Multiplayer or MBP update. I know some of you guys have gotten impatient with us over the past couple of years, with being slow, to stopping for a few months to whatnot.

[Get ready for mega history, from my own memory]
The reason why Multiplayer takes forever is because it’s simple:

When you rewrite the same code over 7 times in order to make it more efficient and have fewer can get cumbersome. I started out coding Multiplayer with 4 months of TOTAL programming experience, a task that seemed unreal and irresponsible for me with my knowledge of the computer programing world at that time.

We had attempted to do it in marble blast gold. HiGuy and I were determined that Multiplayer was possible, and that it could be done as spy47 had started it a long time ago in 2007. We had ended up using the inspiration from Spy47. We had contacted Seizure22 over MSN one day to help us with the basic network connect that we could establish. It had taken us a while to figure out why we kept timing out to our servers…neither of us had been port forwarded. Yes, the host of a match MUST have their port open in order to accept connections.

One day, Mato and I had tried and we got Multiplayer to work. Then, over the next few weeks, we had ended up giving up on Multiplayer and told the community that it was impossible, just a random occurrence. However, a few weeks later, HiGuy had announced to the community that we got the marbles to move in multiplayer. By then, we knew it was on.

HiGuy and I had decided to move multiplayer in Marble Blast Emerald Beta 1.00 in a hidden form. We had seizure22, HiGuy, Ian Cordle, BlazerYo, and myself who had been first testing Multiplayer back in the summer of 2011. We were able to get marble movement working between us, and seizure22 had helped HiGuy write up a basic chat system so that we could talk to each other in game. That was the coolest thing I had ever seen in marble blast to this point. Entering a command in the console that could send it to the server and relay it back to all the clients (players)…it just amazed me.

Whenever we had decided to continue working on it, I remember asking HiGuy what the heck a “commandToServer()” and a “commandToClient()” functions were and what they heck they even did…I had no idea I mean at this point, I had coded for 5 months. I had no idea how a server to client and client to server architecture worked. I had no idea how to process these “network commands” as I found out that were a vital part of the Torque Script-based networking system.

We continued to code, and then Marble Blast Emerald 2 came up. We were going to have Multiplayer in MBE2. However, as most of you know what happened to that mod, a few days after the fall of MBE2, HiGuy and myself would end up starting the modification that we had always wanted, our own mod led by us two, as a team, with a working Multiplayer. We had no idea what to call it, and Project Revolution came to mind because we felt that the Multiplayer aspect would be revolutionary for Marble Blast as a whole. We would be the first mod to have a working multiplayer, a first mod to have multiplayer released to the community, the first mod to have been led by us two. However, Project Revolution, soon known as PR for short, had ended up falling through too with bad leadership and lack of motivation to continue working on it.

We then decided that it would be best to just create Marble Blast Gold Multiplayer. This had ended up going on for a while. Then, Marble Blast Elite wanted to have Multiplayer. Because I was in it, and HiGuy was in it, we pretty much gave the old “what the heck, why not” kind of attitude towards Multiplayer and we rolled. We created the marble movement twice as fast for smoother updates, and with this we did this as the first protocol of Multiplayer movement that had better integration of code. We had Whirligig helping us at this time. However, we decided to drop this eventually as MBElite wasn’t getting anywhere with it. We removed all of the Multiplayer code, and we decided to not use whirligig’s algorithm in the future incase if the project was to ever be reborn again.
What do you think happens next? We decide once again MBG. So we decide to code Multiplayer in MBG again, saying this would be the final time…except not really. Let’s explain further. At this time, we had asked a third programmer to help us with the coding so that it would move the project along. To make a long story short in this, as I don’t want to talk about this too much, we had to drop the project and throw away the code…not going into detail on that one.

We decided then, for a FINAL time, that we would end up creating Multiplayer again in MBG. So we had ended up asking Matan this time if he could help us test with Multiplayer, and he gladly accepted. However, shortly after, something happened to this version, where it had ended up having to get deleted. So, ONCE AGAIN, we had to RE-DO IT AGAIN (This is THE most current version now), however this time, it is now run through HiGuy and myself mainly, except with the Platinum Team.

MBG Multiplayer will come soon guys, thanks to the Platinum Team for the support along the way, it’s been a long journey, but we are finally starting to come closer to the finish line.

~Jeff, HiGuy, and the Platinum Team

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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12 Apr 2013 01:01 #2

Keep up the good work, just knowing from the basic coding knowledge I have that doing and redoing a piece of code can take 5x longer than you expect.

So thanks for all the work you guys are doing, and I hope it works well and we can all be playing it soon


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12 Apr 2013 01:15 #3
Apr 11, 2013, 6:01pm, conor wrote:MP WHERe

Keep up the good work, just knowing from the basic coding knowledge I have that doing and redoing a piece of code can take 5x longer than you expect.

So thanks for all the work you guys are doing, and I hope it works well and we can all be playing it soon


Thank you conor, for being patient with us. The occasional MP WHERes that you give me on skype do work...slowly

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12 Apr 2013 01:38 #4
Thanks for the awesome post, Jeff.

I am interested to see where it will go once finished. Are you planning to release it to the public so anyone can use and modify it? Or will there be some kind of 'hack package' that isn't moddable?

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12 Apr 2013 02:04 #5
Quote:However, shortly after, something happened to this version, where it had ended up having to get deleted.

Yeah, I got errors neither of you two ever had before and when you then tested it on non-dev mode you got too many bugs and just gave up on that

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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12 Apr 2013 02:14 #6
Apr 11, 2013, 7:04pm, admin wrote:
Quote:However, shortly after, something happened to this version, where it had ended up having to get deleted.

Yeah, I got errors neither of you two ever had before and when you then tested it on non-dev mode you got too many bugs and just gave up on that

Indeed, but thats not happening any longer =D


Info will not be disclosed at this time on the status of that.

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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12 Apr 2013 04:56 #7
Apr 11, 2013, 6:00pm, jeff wrote:When you rewrite the same code over 7 times in order to make it more efficient and have fewer can get cumbersome.

This. This is not hyperbole, sadly to say.

I, I'm not proud of how many restarts we've made. Just be happy that progress is being made

This signature is real code
function clientcmd12dothepq() { commandToClient(LocalClientConnection, '34onthedancefloor'); }

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12 Apr 2013 04:58 #8
^^ that picture is 100% legit too guys. We are not joking on the 7.

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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12 Apr 2013 07:46 #9
I think you're missing PQ from that image. PQ WHERe
... not on higuy's machine apparently

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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12 Apr 2013 14:56 #10
My personal favorite is MarbleBlast Expieriments. Yay Piers.


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12 Apr 2013 20:53 #11
Apr 12, 2013, 7:56am, aayrl wrote:My personal favorite is MarbleBlast Expieriments. Yay Piers.


my personal favorite from that list is MP Itteration 7 ;_;

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12 Apr 2013 22:59 #12
What's most interesting to me about that picture is the mysterious Marble Blast Reflex.

REFLEX WHERe??? (╯°â–¡°ï¼‰â•¯ï¸µ ┻━┻

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12 Apr 2013 23:55 #13
Haha, Reflex is a dumb mod.

On Topic: Nice post about multiplayer Jeff.

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13 Apr 2013 19:20 #14
Thanks blasted marble

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14 Apr 2013 15:48 #15
Just a clarification, we will be able to play mp windows and Mac together, correct? And just out of curiosity, will this be for Linux as well? I don't have one, but just curious.

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14 Apr 2013 17:02 #16
windows-><-mac does not work.

linux-><-windows should work.

linux-><-mac should not work.

mac-><-mac does work.

windows-><-windows does work.

linux-><-linux does work.

so yes, linux can use it.

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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14 Apr 2013 22:56 #17
Reflex was a crappy mod that I only downloaded to laugh at. I never delete anything, but it's not something you should go out of your way to find.

This signature is real code
function clientcmd12dothepq() { commandToClient(LocalClientConnection, '34onthedancefloor'); }

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23 Apr 2013 08:58 #18
I impressed. Thank you for sharing.

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23 Apr 2013 21:16 #19
Apr 23, 2013, 1:58am, sporlo wrote:I impressed. Thank you for sharing.

You're quite welcome sporlo. Thanks for popping into the forums again

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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24 Apr 2013 00:37 #20
linux-><-windows should work.

linux-><-mac should not work..

Umm..should that be

linux-><-windows should not work

linux-><-mac should work ?

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24 Apr 2013 01:32 #21

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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25 Apr 2013 05:31 #22
@Rocket: Read this, it explains the fine details of which OS's can/cannot play together.

This signature is real code
function clientcmd12dothepq() { commandToClient(LocalClientConnection, '34onthedancefloor'); }

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27 Apr 2013 00:31 #23
Oop. I was thinking that since Linux and Mac are Unix systems, they would be compatible.

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27 Apr 2013 01:56 #24
we believe the problem rests more on the fact that the engine versions are different.

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27 Apr 2013 21:25 #25
Just go into the GUI editor on windows and change the version number to 1.5.3

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27 Apr 2013 23:45 #26
Apr 27, 2013, 2:25pm, jkk39 wrote:Just go into the GUI editor on windows and change the version number to 1.5.3

Watch out people, we have a major hacker here.

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28 Apr 2013 00:08 #27
Apr 27, 2013, 4:45pm, frublox wrote:
Apr 27, 2013, 2:25pm, jkk39 wrote:Just go into the GUI editor on windows and change the version number to 1.5.3

Watch out people, we have a major hacker here.

lolololol...only if that actually worked

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