ok yeah
so when i was working on my mega girly texture pack initially, i had a very hard time finding any documentation on the proper way to put together a texture pack [strike]any way other than just replacing the images in interiors[/strike], so here is what ive put together after some trial and error and asking around
you can change quite a lot of things this way, but as an example ill be switching out some of the mbu interiors
so to start you would go in PlatinumQuest>Platinum>data>whatever folder has the interiors you wanna replace (ill use mbu, so it would be PlatinumQuest>Platinum>data>interiors_mbu)
theres a lot of images in there
what i usually do is just import that exact image in an image editor (i use GIMP because its free and it has a cute dog on it)
then just kinda use that as the bottom layer and work on top of it then delete it at the end
i guess thats just kind of to make sure its the same size but in a super lazy foolproof way
then you can export it as whatever the original file type was and throw it in a folder that youll put all the new textures in
once your new textures are all done and in one place, make an empty folder in PlatinumQuest>platinum>data>texture_packs and put the folder with your textures inside the new one
easiest way to go forward from here is to just rip off the .json file from the mbghd texture pack - duplicate that file and put it inside your texture pack folder
now we can open it up (using any text editor) and replace the stuff specific to the mbghd pack with your stuff
now youll see a loooooootta stuff under it - each line is a file being replaced. the left side is the original file already in the game, and the right side is what’s replacing it. in this example we are replacing the old mbu interior images with new ones, so it would look something like this
(a couple things to remember - on the left side, you are not to put the file type at the end, but you do put it on the right side. also, the ./ refers to the directory youre already in, so you only need to specify the path it would need to take beyond that)
after youve written a line for every file you want to replace, youll need to do the same again but replace the files from a hidden lbinteriors folder - this allows you to use the texture pack on the leaderboards!
you can just copy and paste the bit you just did, but where it says ‘interiors_mbu’ you make it ‘lbinteriors_mbu’ on each line, and close it like this (no comma after the last line)
save the file and there you go! yayayay
(if youre having any trouble, open console and look for errors in syntax)
i hope this might help anyone looking to do something similar, as i wish i had something like this at the time
if there is anything that seems unclear or anything additional you feel could be included, let me know!
so when i was working on my mega girly texture pack initially, i had a very hard time finding any documentation on the proper way to put together a texture pack [strike]any way other than just replacing the images in interiors[/strike], so here is what ive put together after some trial and error and asking around
you can change quite a lot of things this way, but as an example ill be switching out some of the mbu interiors
so to start you would go in PlatinumQuest>Platinum>data>whatever folder has the interiors you wanna replace (ill use mbu, so it would be PlatinumQuest>Platinum>data>interiors_mbu)
theres a lot of images in there
what i usually do is just import that exact image in an image editor (i use GIMP because its free and it has a cute dog on it)
then just kinda use that as the bottom layer and work on top of it then delete it at the end
i guess thats just kind of to make sure its the same size but in a super lazy foolproof way
then you can export it as whatever the original file type was and throw it in a folder that youll put all the new textures in
once your new textures are all done and in one place, make an empty folder in PlatinumQuest>platinum>data>texture_packs and put the folder with your textures inside the new one
easiest way to go forward from here is to just rip off the .json file from the mbghd texture pack - duplicate that file and put it inside your texture pack folder
now we can open it up (using any text editor) and replace the stuff specific to the mbghd pack with your stuff
- identifier is an internal thing that you wont see in-game, put whatever so long as it’s unique
- name is how the pack will show up in-game when selecting the texture pack
- author is you!
- description is… well, a description lol
now youll see a loooooootta stuff under it - each line is a file being replaced. the left side is the original file already in the game, and the right side is what’s replacing it. in this example we are replacing the old mbu interior images with new ones, so it would look something like this
(a couple things to remember - on the left side, you are not to put the file type at the end, but you do put it on the right side. also, the ./ refers to the directory youre already in, so you only need to specify the path it would need to take beyond that)
after youve written a line for every file you want to replace, youll need to do the same again but replace the files from a hidden lbinteriors folder - this allows you to use the texture pack on the leaderboards!
you can just copy and paste the bit you just did, but where it says ‘interiors_mbu’ you make it ‘lbinteriors_mbu’ on each line, and close it like this (no comma after the last line)
save the file and there you go! yayayay
(if youre having any trouble, open console and look for errors in syntax)
i hope this might help anyone looking to do something similar, as i wish i had something like this at the time
