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file Threefolder's Levels

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26 Jan 2011 00:07 - 20 Aug 2018 01:53 #1
---Newest Levels---

Sling Stunts

Difficulty: Advanced
Blast around this under-construction area.

Download link!


Difficulty: Intermediate
These turbines can be your friend or your foe.

Download link!

Rink Ring

Difficulty: Advanced
Slip, slide, and grab the Gems.

NOTE: This level is single-player only.

Download link!


Difficulty: Expert
Race to the bottom of the ocean.

Download link!

Schwarzchild's Dilemma

Difficulty: Expert
Take the Transporter Powerup for a test drive.

Download link!


Difficulty: Advanced
Fly through the air and take advantage of the odd platform shape.

Download link!

--- Level Packs ---

2015 Level Compilation

A compilation of every single level I released in 2015.

Levels included: Flip Out!, Yellow Road, Descent, Tenacity, Tenacity 2, Speed Tower, Persistence, Elevator, Odd Angles, Flip Out Again!, Shifting Hallway, Deceleration Derby, Bite Size: Checkpoint, Frustration, Around the World DX, Super Skate Park Tower Royale, Teleport Zones, Walleye Warehouse, Pyramid (Hunt), Moray Towers, Museum d'Alfonsino

Download link!

--- Older Levels ---

--- MBG / MBP ---

Jump Boost Blast (SP)
Difficulty: Expert
Master the Jump Boost in this brief but punishing course.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Use the shadows to guide you through this quick platform ride.
Super Stop Drop (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Use the Super Stop in challenging new ways.
Super Duper Ultra There and Back Again 2: Electric Boogaloo (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Made for April Fools 2016.
Bite Size: Checkpoint (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
The first in a potential puzzle series. This one is about... checkpoints! Duh.
Museum d'Alfonsino (MP)
Difficulty: Advanced
This Splatoon map will make your head spin.
Moray Towers (MP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Another re-created Splatoon map, fresh for MBP Multiplayer!
Deceleration Derby (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Use the Super Stop to instantly halt your marble!
Shifting Hallway (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Traverse the hallway to the rhythm of the platforms!
Flip Out Again! (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
What happens when Gravity Defiers aren't permanent?
Odd Angles (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Roll up the path as you explore my hardest-level-to-make to date!
Pyramid (MP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Unique Feature: N/A
Find the gems around the mountain and fight for the peak as you play this level in either the Gem Hunt or King of the Hill modes!
Elevator (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Collect Time Modifiers as you ascend through this mess of blocks!
Walleye Warehouse (MP)
Difficulty: Beginner
Unique Feature: N/A
A map from Splatoon, now with gems!
Persistence (SP)
Difficulty: Expert
Ride your way through the various challenges.
Teleport Zones (MP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Unique Feature: Teleporters!
Zap over to the four quadrants and find the gems!
Super Skate Park Tower Royale (MP)
Difficulty: Expert
Unique Feature: Vertical mayhem!
Climb the towers and show off your skills!
Download in the Level Compilation.
Speed Tower (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Ascend the tower with the help of the powerups!
Around the World DX (MP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Unique Feature: Gravity-defying fun!
Race across the faces of the cubes to find the gems!
Download in the Level Compilation.
Tenacity 2 (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Double the moving platforms means double the fun!
Frustration (MP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Unique Feature: Stage-wide moving platforms!
All the fun of Sprawl with all the rage of screwy momentum!
Download in the Level Compilation.
Tenacity (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Hang on tight as you zip around on a moving platform!
Descent (SP)
Difficulty: Expert
You think trapdoors are bad? Then seriously, don't play this level!
Yellow Road (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
It's a road, and it's yellow. What more could you ask for?
Flip Out! (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Keep your cool as the gravity automatically flips every five seconds!

--- Beware! Level quality varies significantly from here to the bottom. ---

Surprise (SP)
Difficulty: Beginner
Just a small level I made for Jeef's birthday back in 2013.
Waterfall (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Fall down the platforms and collect everything!
Whirl 2: The Second Whirling (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Does not deserve the title of "Whirl 2", but it's two years too late to change it.
SNES Mario Circuit 1 (SP)
Difficulty: Beginner
Cease-and-desist, here I come!
Thin Path (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Not quite a tightrope level, but it's as original as one.
Easy Street (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
There aren't any shortcuts. Or are there?
Sandstorm Climb (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
I'll give you one guess as to which level this is based off of.
Hazardous Pathways (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
These pathways sure are hazardous!
Terrible Trapdoors! (SP)
Difficulty: Beginner
The trapdoors in this level are not as terrible as the name implies.!.zip
Time Modifier Collect-a-Thon (SP)
Difficulty: Advanced
Keep the clock at 0 as you collect time modifiers like your life depends on them!
Crafty Wall Hits! (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Pretty much just a short Minecraft-themed level. Don't expect anything incredible.
Treachery Style (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
More along the lines of "Treachery Textures", but I digress.
Sandstone Climb (SP)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Climb up the sandstone! Oh, and there's a teleporter, too.

I'd share my old MBG LE levels if I could, but I don't have them any more. Sorry!

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Last edit: 20 Aug 2018 01:53 by Three. Reason: New level

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03 Apr 2011 05:09 #2
Very nice levels Threefolder! I'm surprised you haven't gotten any feedback yet on these. Don't take it as a sign that people don't like your levels. Looking forward to seeing your future developments in level building.

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03 Apr 2011 05:27 #3
I don't know if this is MBP 1.2's fault, or yours, but I put the missions and interiors into the exact places denoted by the info file, and all of your levels are either missing interiors or not loading.

Also, it would really help if the author was the same, and you included pictures.

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03 Apr 2011 11:22 #4
cool levels!

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03 Apr 2011 18:14 #5
@nobody: That happens sometimes in 1.20, try looking in the .mis file to see where they should be located.
@Xuan and Perishingflames: Thanks!


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03 Apr 2011 22:29 #6
They were probably lbinteriors. I change those so often it's not even funny.

Also, threefolder, I'm really enjoying the Tower Challenge. Not the most original level but it's very fun to play

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04 Apr 2011 22:51 #7
And, it's my last non-Constructor level!

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07 Apr 2011 00:25 #8
Apr 3, 2011, 11:14am, threefolder99 wrote:@nobody: That happens sometimes in 1.20, try looking in the .mis file to see where they should be located.

I am not going to literally go through six files, search out the faulty file-paths, change them, and re-save them all as .mis. Furthermore, the fact that they remain unfixed displays a huge lack of care about your work.

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07 Apr 2011 00:51 #9
keep up the great work 3floder.

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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07 Apr 2011 01:05 #10
@jeff: thanks!
@nobody: Now you're just being mean. I have 1.14 for windows. So please kindly shut up.

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07 Apr 2011 01:10 #11
He wasn't being mean. If people are having trouble installing your levels, you should do everything in your power to try and fix the problem, instead of blowing them off and telling them to shut up. I'm not sure if I want to try your levels now after finding out how you treat people who play them.

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07 Apr 2011 02:07 #12
I did! What else can I do!?
BTW we're going very off-topic now.

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07 Apr 2011 03:37 #13
I don't think its his fault at all, and rather it is nobody. Threefolder can't help it if you're lazy to change it yourself. He made them on Windows which uses MARBLE folder. Mac uses Platinum folder. You'll have to wait for CLA to fix things up, nobody.

Likewise, you should have a program for mac to change a million of files at once. I know I have it on windows (heavily used it, excellent program), we call it grepWin. Linux calls it grep.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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07 Apr 2011 05:22 #14
Nobody, get off your ass and just change the files. You have no idea how many times I have done this in compiling the level packs... in the last week alone, I have changed over 500 levels for compatibility. Literally.

When windows is transitioned to 1.20, we won't have this issue but for now there is a way to get compatibility for everyone. Find/replace
Code:interiorResource = marble/data
Code:interiorResource = $usermods @ /data
to make everybody happy. This is what I am doing in the monthly packs and CLA for now (it could be a while for win 1.20) so if you download levels from there, it will all be working.

Level creators: It wouldn't hurt if you did that before releasing levels if they contain moving platforms. Saves me the trouble and saves lazy people like nobody from having fits.

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07 Apr 2011 21:30 #15
Thank you, PF! I'll do that from now on!

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18 Apr 2011 16:32 #16
New level:
Threefolder99's RGM
Download in first post.

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18 Apr 2011 16:37 #17
Nice levels.

I have suggestion. Please put all your levels in one folder and then upload. It will be more esier for everybody.

Edit:please save MSW document as doc instead of docx because i cant open it on older comp.

Some guy that does DTS shapes and levels.

AWESOME time HINT : When making PQ level place your custom interiors and textures in platinum/data/interiors_pq/custom
makes life easier for you and everyone else :)

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23 Apr 2011 20:42 #18
New level! Sandstone Climb; download in first post.


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24 Apr 2011 11:06 #19
nice level!

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24 Apr 2011 21:08 #20

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24 Apr 2011 22:41 #21
Small review by me

Level editing was good. I was suprized that you even included custom soundtrack witch was fairly well made. I think level maybe was too short but at least it let me finish level pretty quickly.
My best was 13.45 so i think you didint tested level enough even tough i went full path and didnt used any shortcuts ( I guess you forgot to use diagonal movement).
Oh and i suggest you to next time put your interiors in ''interiors'' folder instead of ''interiors_MBP'' since you used your own bouncy texture witch had same name as original MBP's texture and i spent 3 minutes finding right place for thouse interiors.
All i can say your level was Fairly well done.

Looking forward to your levels.

Some guy that does DTS shapes and levels.

AWESOME time HINT : When making PQ level place your custom interiors and textures in platinum/data/interiors_pq/custom
makes life easier for you and everyone else :)

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25 Apr 2011 01:43 #22
Sandstone Climb, RGM, and the one with all the diamonds, are easy 8-9/10 reviews from me. Sandstone reminds me of the Choco Climb made by Phil, which is good. RGM is fun for replay value/finding shortcuts. And the one with the gems is awesome.

Your ordeal link is broken, so I cannot test it.

Finally, while the tower challenge looks awesome, it's very annoying to play because the bumps are sized as your marble falls off incredibly easily.

I fixed the interiors_mbp thing, DON'T DO THAT. Interiors never belong there.

In your large pack (first level pack), all of the levels are broken. Why are all the interiors missing? It seems like you named every single interior after a preexisting one, and because I don't feel like replacing current CLA interiors, the levels now are completely broken.

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25 Apr 2011 12:04 #23
Ok, I'll try my best not to name them the same.

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26 Apr 2011 03:58 #24
Don't take this as an insult, but I playtested a couple of your levels in a copy of MBP, and I'll review the Shock Absorber one, as an example for the rest. When I speak generally, I am referring mainly to your older levels, and most of the errors have been eliminated or diminished.

Irritating Challenges

In levels, a challenge can be created by adding a scenario which the player is required to use incredible balance or precicion skills, to the point that it becomes annoying. Most of these are very cheap to create, and not fun to play. Also, another example of this is your habit of putting gems off the edge of a level, where you have to align the marble just right so you snag the hitbox of the gem, and not lose your balance. This is obviously intentional, but because it's very cheap to make, but it ruins the flow of a level, I would ask you to refrain from doing this.

Playtesting and Shortcuts

I love shortcuts, but when a level has so many that the point is obscured, it becomes very weak. Also, the irritating incongruencies such as going OOB while falling to the white gem platform could be easily eliminated by playtesting. The best way to playtest is either playing a level many different ways, and asking a couple people over MSN/PM to test out your level before release. I would be happy to playtest, if you wanted me to. This way, fresh eyes can correct flaws and add other things to your level, and people are more satisfied. Finally, this would remove a lot of the shortcuts, as people of higher skill would find them easier. There's probably two more shortcuts in that level that I missed that Matan would find.


While it truly doesn't affect gameplay, having more professional style or fixing misalignments usually garners a higher rating, because most reviewers are at least subliminally affected by a sloppy build. I'll give you a couple tips on how to fix some of the most common errors, and at least the ones I see in this level.

Use the texture grid to align platforms. For example, as soon as the player starts, they are faced with a green platform that seems to be virtually duct-taped on, and none of the faces match. Make sure the lines between textures match, and objects do not overlap.
Level Editor alignment. All of the gems on the white platform are misaligned. Firstly, they are either raised too much or sunk into the floor, which is occasionally irritating, requiring the player to jump to reach the gem. Also, they can be rotated so the points face downwards, which would look a lot better. Finally, I would ask why the finish here sign is where it is. I would assume that you left it from the template, which is a simple mistake, but sometimes this could be confusing.

Apr 25, 2011, 5:04am, threefolder99 wrote:Ok, I'll try my best not to name them the same.

Awesome. If you don't have CLA, you should download it, tons of fun levels, and that way you could check if you have any naming issues.

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26 Apr 2011 06:15 #25
Sandstone Climb reminds me of choco valley. It just needs to be longer.

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04 Jun 2011 10:26 #26
nice levels 3Folder , i also love how u made MBR challenging. Keep it up =)

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04 Jun 2011 14:59 #27
Thanks, I appreciate that, but try not to bump old topics.

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04 Jun 2011 20:19 #28
Level topics are fine to bump since they are classified as resource threads. Please try to refrain from moderating, the staff are well-equiped to do that

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04 Jun 2011 22:48 #29
You should be especially glad when someone bumps your levels thread.

I love your signature, PF.

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05 Jun 2011 14:44 #30
Oh... my bad.

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