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file Buzzmusic's levels (NEW: The Devil)

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06 Apr 2012 15:39 #181
NOTE: On Invisible Instinct I think I forgot an interior. Here it is:

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10 Apr 2012 03:39 #182
Download link:

Here is my new level for MBG! It's called Structures Of The Sand. I hope you enjoy! - Buzzmusic100

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10 Apr 2012 06:17 #183
Awesome level editing! Especially the banked curves! Keep it up.

(Oh, however, I'm missing that big green platform, idk why.)

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10 Apr 2012 06:53 #184
I'm missing the boat. Not that I need it to get a WR but it's deprecating from the level's value. Likewise, the super bounce challenge is impossible and so is the mud section after it. That means you're force-ably meant to go through the super speed section.

Actually I'll complain a bit more: could do more with stuff inside (even scenery) because you got a big massive empty space and you're not doing anything in there. The curves are... just there. It's another one of those levels that does the look at me I can do curves but doesn't offer gameplay. You could have replaced them with sqaure platform to make a U-Turn and it would feel the same.
Anyway back to empty space... scenery. I literally went around the first island hoping for secrets or more scenery but nothing. There is no boat either so I had to make do with my skills to get to the other side.
2nd island was nice, I actually appreciated the challenge and I thought that super bounce and gyro challenges were neat. I'll give you that for originality/creativity. The tower section wasn't really good either and trying to SJ into the windows was for some reason way harder than it should have been.

It's a nice level, clearly shows off you're a skilled designer and can do really good well-presented levels, but I was really disappointed with the content and the lack of 'testing' per se.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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10 Apr 2012 07:50 #185
Couldn't agree more with Matan. See to it that every part in your new custom level is possible and that the gameplay is appealing. Presentation and design do a lot too, but they are just a fraction of a level. As for the super-bounce thing, try as much as possible not to make the two platforms of equal height, because the higher the 2nd platform is, the higher the chance of being short on energy to land on it is.

Oh, and don't hesitate to ask for level testers if you need some. It's good to have yourself as a tester for your own levels, but better if it's someone else, because they don't know the secrets yet and you'll have an idea of how other people would also feel about the level.

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10 Apr 2012 09:07 #186
I couldn't complete the airport. The plane started hundreds of units away from anything.

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10 Apr 2012 14:38 #187
Thanks for the reviews. Sorry, I forgot to fix the MPs.

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10 Apr 2012 17:53 #188
Same as matan said. I loved the scenery and level from outside looked amazing but gameplay missed something.

Additional note on your level control master. Leve was great but Next time you make super lenghty levels try to add more checkpoints. I got very angry at point that i went really far and suddenly fell off by silly mistake in the end redoing all long level again. I usally love long levels but this was just ugh because of the point that there are no checkpoints.

Some guy that does DTS shapes and levels.

AWESOME time HINT : When making PQ level place your custom interiors and textures in platinum/data/interiors_pq/custom
makes life easier for you and everyone else :)

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10 Apr 2012 20:37 #189
The following is Buzzmusic100's words:

Thanks for the reviews!

I couldn't complete the airport. The plane started hundreds of units away from anything.

Weird… did it work for everyone else?

I'm missing the boat. Not that I need it to get a WR but it's deprecating from the level's value. Likewise, the super bounce challenge is impossible and so is the mud section after it. That means you're force-ably meant to go through the super speed section.

Missing interiors. Sorry. But how is the mud part impossible?

Actually I'll complain a bit more: could do more with stuff inside (even scenery) because you got a big massive empty space and you're not doing anything in there. The curves are... just there. It's another one of those levels that does the look at me I can do curves but doesn't offer gameplay. You could have replaced them with sqaure platform to make a U-Turn and it would feel the same.

I used curves for decoration and gameplay. Like the spiral. That couldn't have worked without the curves. I made the section have lots of curves because it looked better and it offered some gameplay. Though it definitely could've had more gameplay. So I agree about that.

Anyway back to empty space... scenery. I literally went around the first island hoping for secrets or more scenery but nothing. There is no boat either so I had to make do with my skills to get to the other side.

Lol, I could definitely imagine you doing that.

2nd island was nice, I actually appreciated the challenge and I thought that super bounce and gyro challenges were neat. I'll give you that for originality/creativity.


The tower section wasn't really good either and trying to SJ into the windows was for some reason way harder than it should have been.

Read the help trigger. You're not supposed to SJ into a window.

It's a nice level, clearly shows off you're a skilled designer and can do really good well-presented levels, but I was really disappointed with the content and the lack of 'testing' per se.

I'll try to make realistic levels often, but I'll also try to make levels have more gameplay than recently. And testers. I'll use testers. I'm working on a construction themed level. So I'll get a tester when I'm done.

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you took the time to play through the level thoroughly.

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10 Apr 2012 22:27 #190
I didn't find anywhere t jump to :s likewise, I'm probably missing stuff where the mud section is, which explains why it's impossible for me. I got mud and empty space.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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10 Apr 2012 22:34 #191
Structures of the Sand Review: 3/5
This level is fun but some parts can be annoying.
Creativity: Good
There are two ways to get to the first gem and the rest is created well.
Replayablity: Okay
Some parts can be annoying
The helicopter part is somewhat hard for me to land on the final island.
What's even more tedious is the superjump to the window part!
What's somewhat annoying is the wall-hit, but don't regard that.
Difficulty: Moderate

P.S. please check if the mission file works b4 you upload thanks

I couldn't complete the airport. The plane started hundreds of units away from anything.

It worked for me.

I'm missing the boat. Not that I need it to get a WR but it's deprecating from the level's value. Likewise, the super bounce challenge is impossible and so is the mud section after it. That means you're force-ably meant to go through the super speed section.

You should've test it out, and mud part isn't that hard really.

Awesome Hint:

Since the Awesome Time/Score is secret, you will have to beat it in order to find out what it is. Just practice every day, and be ready to keep pressing the 'Restart' button...A LOT!

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11 Apr 2012 01:54 #192
The download link is updated now. The MPs should work and the missing interiors are there as well. By the way, what's so frustrating about the SJ part at the tower?

Nice review, eNetro50.

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11 Apr 2012 03:27 #193
You should clarify more on the help trigger for the super jump part.
Second, you could at least put a sign to tell you where to go.
It's because looking up is hard.

Awesome Hint:

Since the Awesome Time/Score is secret, you will have to beat it in order to find out what it is. Just practice every day, and be ready to keep pressing the 'Restart' button...A LOT!

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11 Apr 2012 06:35 #194
Did you update the airport? It was missing textures too.

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13 Apr 2012 23:00 #195
Pablo, I updated the level two weeks ago and now it should have the missing textures. However, I don't know about the airplane problem. You have to get the airplane in a certain amount of time before it leaves. Did you get the newer version? If not, I really don't know what the problem is.

Also, I have a new, short level and I will need a tester! If anyone volunteers, I'll will send him the .mis file and give him some more details. Thanks!
- Buzzmusic100

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13 Apr 2012 23:57 #196
I'll gladly test it for you.

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16 Apr 2012 17:53 #197

Uh, Invisible instinct is not working for me. I have colmesh and the new interior you made, but i still fell through.

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17 Apr 2012 00:01 #198
Do you have colmesh in the interiors folder?

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17 Apr 2012 00:35 #199
Wait, fixed it! It was supposed to be in my shapes directory.

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17 Apr 2012 01:08 #200
Buzzmusic, i have a suggestion for you:

If you want to use colmesh, thats fine, but please make invisible platforms in constructor (like we did in mbe, its easier(than LE alignment) and you dont have problems like that^).

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17 Apr 2012 01:29 #201
Oh I knew it was possible

Awesome Hint:

Since the Awesome Time/Score is secret, you will have to beat it in order to find out what it is. Just practice every day, and be ready to keep pressing the 'Restart' button...A LOT!

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17 Apr 2012 03:43 #202
Good job on Invisible Instinct.

Apr 16, 2012, 6:08pm, jeff wrote:but please make invisible platforms in constructor .

You can do that in constructor? My life is one step closer to being complete.

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20 Apr 2012 03:02 #203
I already have another level that needs testing!

All it needs besides regular testing is a name right now. It is MUCH different from my other levels. As always, if someone volunteers, I'll send him/her the .mis file.
- Buzzmusic100

EDIT: We now have a tester!

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21 Apr 2012 02:37 #204
Download link:

Here's Buzzmusic100's new, short level for MBG! It was tested by MBGaddict. I hope you enjoy!

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21 Apr 2012 10:23 #205
Good job with the level, Buzzmusic or Ajdallas (honestly, I don't know if both usernames are the same person or two different people, but you make it sound as if the latter is correct)

However, this level is a bit too short for my tastes. Motion timing is a very good concept I'm sure that there are tons more different possible challenges like these that weren't included in the level. Don't rush levels. As much as possible, if you're trying to make a level with challenges that share one common concept, keep adding and expanding.

However, if your intention is to really make it a short level, that's another story. Oh, and this is an MBG level, so I'd understand the need to make the level short.

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21 Apr 2012 15:08 #206
Thanks. Buzzmusic100 is my son and he makes all the levels. He's currently too young to be on the forum (he's only 11). But he does everything with my supervision. With that said, here's Buzz...

Thanks for the comments. It was pretty hard to make (this was my first attempt at making a level by mostly hand-editing the .mis file code directly) and also, I haven't made a very short level in a while. So that's why this was short. Do you know about The Art Of Moving Platforms by Technostick? This was kind of based off those levels. Thanks again for taking the time to give me some constructive criticism. - Buzzmusic100

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21 Apr 2012 15:21 #207
Apr 21, 2012, 8:08am, ajdallas wrote:(he's only 11)

Whoa, his levels are impressive for both his age and in general. Keep it up, buzz!

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21 Apr 2012 15:28 #208
Yes, I too am impressed and proud. I'm a software engineer and I love it when he gets down in the actual code and makes changes to his levels. He's also a wiz using constructor. Thanks again.

ajdallas (Buzzmusic100's Dad).

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21 Apr 2012 18:28 #209
Kudos to buzz he does a very good job on his levels. He's also very smart for 11.

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21 Apr 2012 18:35 #210
It definitely reminds me of AoMP. Good job. Did you know Technostick made all his levels using only the mis?

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