Karly29 wrote:
This one looks a bit uninspired imo. Not bad but meh.
This one might have some interesting gameplay. Don't really like that cubic MBE-style though.
Now this looks promising. Doesn't look too shabby and it looks like it will be really fun to play.
I won't judge this one just yet. But ice is always a risky move when making levels. Might be fun to play though.
can't say too much here since I can't see very much of the level. Trippy walls tho.
Now this is just awful...
Overall: I like it, can't wait to play your level pack 
Going with the same preview order as Kalle:
1) Doesn't look that good honestly. I think you're trying for a SS edge to the top which is nice, but you have way too many gems for a small amount of space. I'd recommend getting rid of half of the gems and trying to make it random, and add in to the mix 1 or two time travels, and then 1 or two fans OR oil slicks for the sake of giving it some difficulty. As 1.50+ supports in the mission info the power of fans I'd recommend going like 15 (small is 10[?], normal is .. don't remember? 20?) or something that is just slightly enough to annoy but not too much.
2) I like the idea of the super bounce wall hit, make sure it is accessible to beginners though. If it needs diagonal or jumping before super bouncing then you're likely doing it wrong. Likewise these edge hits look pretty annoying to more beginner players, and you may want to consider adding a checkpoint.
3) Start looks odd... I'm going to guess this is a bumper-based level, which is a cool idea. I have some things for you to keep in mind:
-> The bumper tightropes look a bit pissy, again if you're going for more accessibility to beginner players. I'd suggest doing double trim and putting the bumpers dead center. It keeps the tightrope effect you want, it is more accessible to beginner players, and doesn't distract too much from the difficulty.
-> Bumpers jumping up is not beginner friendly. If you level was not for beginner/intermediate players then that's fine, otherwise you want some room. The first bumper landing is looking painful to do while the rest seem way easier. Okay maybe that third bumper is diagonal, which makes it a bit annoying for spin control landing because you have to stop yourself and again most beginner players can't do that.
-> Jumping back down I think that red floor is a bouncy floor? if yes looks fine.
-> Those bumpers at the end... guessing you have to manuver around them?
-> The difficulty throughout the level is definitely not maintained. Some parts are way easier than others and some just outright annoying. You may want to gradually work your way on the difficulty so it's kept on a similar level, because when some parts are not even hard and some are there to kill you then it's not going to rate well. You can see the best example from the bottom picture bumpers to the tightrope to the wall hits, which looks the most difficulty and annoying thing in here.
4) From the get go, consider adding a checkpoint or two for sanity. Some parts don't look hard but some others do, which looks problematic. My concern comes from the centre of the picture with the high degree ice slopes, but I also question the Super Speed on the left there, as it looks like you want players to super-speed wall hit upwards, or use the slope of ice/sand with the super speed to go up and slow down. In this case you probably want to think on making it easier and accessible for intermediate players with a checkpoint so they can get good at that.
Overall it looks fair if you're maintaining the advanced difficulty challenge throughout.
5) Checkpoints for sanity, otherwise looks pretty good. The idea of ice/gravity like that has barely been done, and the fact is you don't have to jump a crapload. Beginner/intermediate players can definitely play this without much difficulty but you really want those checkpoints.
6) Find the finish level? fine if so.
7) Stairs only? No Super Jumps to help, gyros, SS? are we seriously seeing just this? If yes, scrap the level immediately. Not fun, repetitive, you can throw out original/creative out of the window and pretty much call this level awful. I hope there's more to the level than what we see.
Just saw
Coming Soon: The Frosty Level Pack - a set of 20 levels for expert marblers to take on, or for less-skilled players to try their luck at.
Which explains where you're aiming difficulty. This changes a bit of the review by saying that some parts of the levels are downright easy and therefore you have no real challenge. The bumpers thing with the tightrope/wall hits are fine but half the level looks easy to do, so you're not getting the point across. The ice/gravity isn't that difficult so you're not aiming high enough.