Hey LegoCreator768! After playing your "level pack" (You probably should make more levels before making a level pack, atleast 5), I can say I did enjoy the levels. The first level, to me, was fairly boring because it was very easy to stay on the platform, and it was only about one moving platform. Maybe next time you make a level, do something with a moving platform, but make more obstacles and have more than just the moving platform. The second level, I will say, was solid. The icy tightropes at the start were fun to do, but at the end, you had that slow MP again and it was a bit boring. Maybe make that a bit faster and have more action at the end, that would be a lot more fun. Finally, your last level I loved. I love tightropes for some reason, so that level was pretty cool to me. Even though it was short, there are several tweaks and one major shortcut which makes the level pretty fun to speed run. My best on that is 11.762 for competition's sake. It can definitely go sub 11, maybe even sub 10.5. Overall your first level pack was ok. If you improve your levels the way I am saying, I know people will like it a lot more, and I certainly will.