Frostfire wrote: You can't add anything like that inside quark/constructor. You need to add it all in the Level Editor that's built into MB. Make your interior in constructor/quark, then add gems and stuff in the level editor
That is so wrong on so many levels.
You CAN add items, triggers etc via quarks and constructor and even align them properly so that when you do create subs or interior test, all items show up as well.
Thanks to seizure's code for constructor you can even see the shapes of the items in constructor and rotate them for different directions so that they show up that way in-game. In quark you don't have this rotation ability but you can also add items.
Adding items is probably easier in quark than constructor, although seiz's tool is a massive advantage.
Also if alignment isn't your thing the level editor in 1.51+ has tools to allow you to align to ground.
All MBU/O levels have all the items set in quark map files and in PQ majority of the maps do the same. Pretty much all of my levels in PQ have everything set already.
Added DataTorque file for QuArK which contains all necessary entities for MBG/P. In addition the basic toolset texturing for MBG/P as well as an empty toolbox iirc for your textures.
"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.