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lock Marble Blast Ultra checkpoints/TTs

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27 May 2014 15:16 #1
In MBU falling off OOB and respawning in a checkpoint makes the clock run again, whereas in MBP it continues stopping. See the path for Rolling to Eternity and many customs. As we're adding MBU levels to MBP leaderboards, do you want the same behaviour to happen for those levels, or keep it in the tradition of MBP.

Post down YES to keep MBP behaviour and NO if you want MBU's behaviour.

Please note that since physics (faster and lighter marble) and start pads are different between the two, comparison of times and WRs are therefore impossible to begin with.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
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27 May 2014 15:58 #2

Reason: physics are already different, and its a standard in MBP, why not just move it to MBU.

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.
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27 May 2014 18:11 #3
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27 May 2014 18:31 #4

All posts from my account that were made before July 29 2013 are from the point of view of my dad unless it states otherwise.
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27 May 2014 18:47 #5

simply because I never played MBU, and a change to respect the aspects of the MBU version just wouldn't make much sense, especially to younger marblers.
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27 May 2014 21:08 #6

^^ What they said.

And, it might give a possibility for new routes to find :)
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27 May 2014 23:31 #7
1. Times are not comparable for other reasons anyway.
2. Ctrl-P was allowed, and this probably won't affect as many levels.
3. Less work for the Platinum Team, since they won't need to change more stuff.
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28 May 2014 00:02 #8
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28 May 2014 01:06 #9
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28 May 2014 03:42 #10

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29 May 2014 14:55 - 29 May 2014 14:56 #11

for being consistent with other MBP levels since the MBU levels are played in MBP.

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Last edit: 29 May 2014 14:56 by Imperial.
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29 May 2014 15:23 #12
I would be interesting if we stick to MBP's coding.

Awesome Hint:

Since the Awesome Time/Score is secret, you will have to beat it in order to find out what it is. Just practice every day, and be ready to keep pressing the 'Restart' button...A LOT!
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30 May 2014 02:09 #13

I played marble blast
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30 May 2014 02:56 - 05 Jun 2014 19:50 #14
NO because HiGuy needs something to do.

Last edit: 05 Jun 2014 19:50 by HiGuy.
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30 May 2014 03:08 - 30 May 2014 03:08 #15
[5/29/14, 10:54:41 PM] HiGuy: I KNOW RIGHT
[5/29/14, 10:55:03 PM] Andrew: matan wanted MBU separate?
[5/29/14, 10:55:04 PM] HiGuy: it's also easier to code (aka i do nothingggggg)
[5/29/14, 10:55:22 PM] Andrew: matan u so silly
[5/29/14, 10:55:25 PM] Andrew: :p
[5/29/14, 10:55:44 PM] Aayrl: I'm going to post NO
[5/29/14, 10:55:49 PM] Aayrl: because someone has to stand up to the man.
[5/29/14, 10:55:58 PM] Andrew: C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER


This signature is real code
function clientcmd12dothepq() { commandToClient(LocalClientConnection, '34onthedancefloor'); }
Last edit: 30 May 2014 03:08 by HiGuy. Reason: PQ
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30 May 2014 03:10 #16
That Aayrl is an imposter, and I can prove it, though I'd rather not.

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30 May 2014 08:09 - 30 May 2014 08:11 #17
um... I'm gonna say...yes.

lee is awesome
Last edit: 30 May 2014 08:11 by Lee.
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30 May 2014 08:13 #18

Lee Zi Xian wrote: um... I'm gonna say...yes.

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05 Jun 2014 19:07 #19

Since this is MBP it should go by MBP gameplay mechanics, even if the levels are MBU levels.
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05 Jun 2014 19:15 - 05 Jun 2014 19:18 #20
I may as well concur with the above responses for the sake of adding to the masses (which at this point could actually go both ways; thank you Aayrl for complicating this situation for me). But, I guess I'll stick to the more popular side and vote positively, mostly because it makes much more sense rather than screwing up the physics for the sake of nostalgia. Missing something is part of what makes it a good memory.

This is much more productive than the cliché +1 posts.

I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.
Last edit: 05 Jun 2014 19:18 by Joey.
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06 Jun 2014 00:04 #21
Well, I like MBP's behavior.
So, the answer is:

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25 Jun 2014 16:49 #22

Reason: Wouldn't need to change anything if they kept MBP's behaviour (too much work), also due to MB's engine/physics, the marble would be slower if it were bigger, so it would create different paths on some levels if they had MBU's behaviour (also doesn't have anything to do with MBP/MBU coding).
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08 Jul 2014 03:07 #23
I'm gonna have 2 say yes!

with the music and the lights and everything :P
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18 Jul 2014 04:39 #24

If MBP and MBU had the same physics, I would've likely voted to implement MBU's behavior, but since the physics between the two games are noticeably different, I think it would make more sense to keep MBP's behavior.
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20 Aug 2014 22:30 - 20 Aug 2014 22:31 #25
LOL I'm kinda late to this but I will vote yes.

I was opposed to the "fixing" of MBG levels in the MBP versions of MBG levels, but that's because the gameplay between MBG and MBP is essentially the same. By this statement I mean that for any MBG level, an MBP version of it can be made such that

any path, tweak, or time can be performed in an MBG level if and only if it can be performed in the MBP version of the same MBG level.

(I would have to make exceptions for things like possible internal clock differences and weird corner cases like the No Gems Siege path. Also, from what I understand, .rec's aren't transferable between MBG and MBP?) Thus it is useful to not modify MBG levels when they are placed into MBP. However, as Matan points out, the above statement does not hold for the MBU levels, and so it makes sense for decisions on gameplay mechanics to be based on MBP not MBU.

A time can be beaten, but a path can't be rediscovered. The best path stays forever.
Last edit: 20 Aug 2014 22:31 by iMacmatician.
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21 Aug 2014 10:06 #26
Obviously, YES!

You forget a thousand things everyday. Make sure Marble Blast isn't one of 'em.
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21 Aug 2014 12:10 #27
You guys are really really REALLY late to the party.


"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
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