So i was thinking about on an project called MBG Rebirth, aand if you will first ask me this, "Apo, will you add new graphics?". No i wont... i don't consider myself a pro Mod-Maker YET. So instead of adding new graphics, detail, i will expand the game with a blast-off of 50 new levels and Mastery Levels! (There will be different 10 Mastery Levels, each focusing on one ability, like Super Jump, Gyro-Copter, Jumping, Balancing, Wall-hit's ETC, Also one new Power-UP, but i'll won't tell it how it works or what the name is because you'll probably complete the game in one day. So if you want to know how a new level will look so here it is...
Advanced Level 53 - Mechanical Mishap.
This level introduces Gearworks as obstacles so you have to control yourself and stay on the floating Gearworks at all cost, a simple Platforming Level but the last 3 gearworks rotate vertically, horizontally at the same time!
This might be a big project but i don't know how to make a Modification, so... i should start learning how to make a Mod or... leave it alone? Your choice, (Didn't wanted to type that so long but ok.) #ApostatheusForAnApology , Peace.
Advanced Level 53 - Mechanical Mishap.
This level introduces Gearworks as obstacles so you have to control yourself and stay on the floating Gearworks at all cost, a simple Platforming Level but the last 3 gearworks rotate vertically, horizontally at the same time!
This might be a big project but i don't know how to make a Modification, so... i should start learning how to make a Mod or... leave it alone? Your choice, (Didn't wanted to type that so long but ok.) #ApostatheusForAnApology , Peace.