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file MBG New World Records Topic

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14 Aug 2009 09:04 - 22 Sep 2015 07:25 #1
Marble Blast Gold Updated World Record Topic (as of August 12th 2015)

Must provide video proof (.rec, .divx or .avi) to claim 1st place on any of the levels.

Rank 1-3 Leaderboards

Beginner Levels

1: Learning to Roll - 2.320 (nathanisbored), 2.340 (Radiant Vibe), 2.344 (Xenox)

2: Collect the Gems - 8.736 (Xelna), 8.750 (Xenox), 8.770 (Dushine)

3: Jump Training - 3.705 (J@ckrb), 3.760 (m2mm4m) 3.769 (StewMan46)

4: Learn the Super Jump - 2.919 (Powerjohn), 2.922 (m2mm4m), 2.929 (Regislian)

5: Platform Training – 4.731 (Kalle), 4.767 (Nature Freak), 4.781 (StewMan46)

6: Learn the Super Speed – 2.759 (Regislian), 2.777 (Xelna), 2.788 (Kalle)

7: Elevator - 3.273 (Regislian), 3.354 (Powerjohn), 3.400 (BlastedMarble)

8: Air Movement - 3.151 (Imperial), 3.182 (Kalle), 3.188 (m2mm4m)

9: Gyrocopter - 2.744 (Xelna), 2.747 (Nature Freak), 2.764 (StewMan46)

10: Time Trial - 2.180 (Xelna), 2.184 (StewMan46, Nature Freak), 2.188 (m2mm4m)

11: Super Bounce – 2.900 (Xelna), 2.926 (Nature Freak), 2.945 (Kalle)

12: Gravity Helix – 5.107 (StewMan46), 5.109 (m2mm4m), 5.111 (Nature Freak)

13: Shock Absorber - 2.978 (StewMan46), 2.982 (Dushine), 2.996 (Lee)

14: There and Back Again - 8.143 (Dushine), 8.383 (Kalle), 8.705 (iPwnU)

15: Marble Materials Lab - 4.477 (Xelna), 4.509 (Powerjohn), 4.516 (Natrure Freak)

16: Bumper Training - 2.325 (Xelna), 2.364 (Nature Freak), 2.391 (Chorus)

17: Breezeway – 2.547 (Nature Freak), 2.560 (StewMan46), 2.567 (Regislian)

18: Mine Field – 2.277 (Xelna), 2.293 (Dushine) 2.315 (Nature Freak)

19: Trapdoors! - 2.199 (Nature Freak), 2.207 (Xelna), 2.211 (Kalle)

20: Tornado Bowl - 1.458 (Nature Freak), 1.465 (Kalle), 1.467 (Xelna)

21: Pitfalls – 10.326 (iMac), 10.385 (Nature Freak), 10.406 (m2mm4m)

22: Platform Party - 7.279 (Powerjohn), 7.394 (Xelna), 7.789 (Regislian)

23: Winding Road - 10.039 (Powerjohn), 10.093 (Kalle), 10.155 (Xelna)

24: Grand Finale - 29.609 (Hitgod), 29.719 (Nihahhat), 29.874 (Powerjohn)

Beginner Levels Total Time = 128.376 (2:08.376)

Intermediate Levels

1: Jump jump jump - 2.363 (Kalle), 2.371 (Xelna), 2.372 (m2mm4m, Rozi)

2: Monster Speedway Qualifying – 15.397 (Regislian), 15.459 (Kalle), 16.229 (Dushine)

3: Skate Park – 20.233 (Powerjohn), 20.327 (Xelna), 20.390 (Kalle)

4: Ramp Matrix – 18.094 (Xelna), 18.159 (Sonic & Kalle), 18.234 (Xenox)

5: Hoops – 9.422 (Kalle), 10.281 (Xelna), 10.409 (Powerjohn)

6: Go for the Green - 3.292 (Xelna), 3.323 (Xenox), 3.329 (Regislian)

7: Fork in the Road - 3.803 (Kalle), 3.824 (Regislian & m2mm4m), 3.829 (Nature Freak)

8: Tri Twist – 21.543 (Kalle), 21.789 (asuul), 22.201 (Dushine)

9: Marbletris – 5.180 (Xelna), 5.201 (Rigel), 5.241 (Dushine)

10: Space Slide – 2.798 (Kalle), 2.859 (iMac), 2.875 (Regislian)

11: Skee Ball Bonus – 3.053 (Kalle), 3.167 (BlastedMarble, KidPlayer47), 3.182 (Xelna)

12: Marble Playground - 28.377 (Powerjohn), 28.953 (Xelna), 29.047 (Kalle)

13: Hop Skip and a Jump – 7.878 (Kalle), 7.940 (Xelna), 7.999 (Sonic)

14: Take the High Road – 6.130 (Regislian), 6.240 (Kalle), 6.249 (Powerjohn)

15: Half-Pipe – 3.853 (Xelna), 3.991 (Rigel), 4.195 (Dushine)

16: Gauntlet – 8.814 (Nature Freak), 8.830 (Powerjohn), 8.906 (Regislian)

17: Moto-Marblecross – 2.068 (Kalle), 2.118 (Nature Freak), 2.137 (Xelna, Dushine, Hitgod)

18: Shock Drop - 4.150 (m2mm4m), 4.156 (Xelna & Kalle), 4.160 (Macstr0yer)

19: Spork in the Road - 11.902 (Xelna), 12.614 (Kalle), 12.713 (Powerjohn)

20: Great Divide - 16.434 (Kalle), 19.484 (Xelna), 19.549 (IsraeliRD)

21: The Wave - 5.828 (Xenox), 5.913 (Dushine), 6.053 (Xelna)

22: Tornado Alley – 2.678 (Nature Freak), 2.681 (StewMan46), 2.688 (Kalle)

23: Monster Speedway - 7.698 (Kalle), 7.886 (Powerjohn), 8.728 (Xelna)

24: Upward Spiral – 9.703 (Powerjohn), 10.359 (Xelna), 10.779 (Asuul)

Intermediate Levels Total Time = 221.805 (3:41.805)

Advanced Levels

1: Thrill Ride – 3.157 (Regislian), 3.166 (Xelna), 3.179 (Sonic)

2: Money Tree – 35.740 (Kalle), 37.169 (Powerjohn), 37.175 (Xelna)

3: Fan Lift - 7.940 (Regislian), 8.360 (Kalle), 8.487 (Powerjohn)

4: Leap of Faith – 6.948 (Powerjohn), 6.959 (BlastedMarble), 6.988 (iMac)

5: Freeway Crossing - 3.978 (Kalle, Regislian), 4.071 (Xelna), 4.109 (Powerjohn)

6: Stepping Stones - 8.572 (Xenox), 8.596 (Powerjohn), 8.599 (Regislian)

7: Obstacle Course – 3.853 (Powerjohn), 3.856 (Rigel), 3.984 (Xenox)

8: Points of the Compass – 6.727 (Xenox), 6.755 (Xelna), 6.833 (dushine)

9: Three-Fold Maze – 18.781 (Regislian), 18.908 (Powerjohn), 19.562 (Xelna)

10: Tube Treasure – 23.843 (Nihahhat), 24.336 (Kalle), 24.758 (Xelna)

11: Slip 'n Slide - 4.764 (Nature Freak), 4.767 (Sporlo), 4.770 (BlastedMarble)

12: Skyscraper – 22.666 (Kalle), 23.229 (iMac), 23.509 (Powerjohn)

13: Half Pipe Elite – 12.285 (dushine), 12.339 (Xelna), 12.549 (Regislian)

14: A-Maze-ing – 2.532 (Sonic), 2.549 (Xelna & Powerjohn), 2.562 (Xenox)

15: Block Party - 20.733 (Powerjohn), 20.797 (Regislian), 20.821 (Xelna)

16: Trap Door Madness – 3.713 (Xelna), 3.729 (Powerjohn), 3.789 (Andrew P.)

17: Moebius Strip - 6.442 (Powerjohn), 6.443 (Xelna), 6.629 (Regislian)

18: Great Divide Revisited – 8.268 (Kalle), 8.455 (Hitgod), 8.557 (Xelna)

19: Escher's Race – 25.725 (Powerjohn), 26.197 (Xelna), 26.536 (Kalle)

20: To the Moon - 3.294 (Kalle), 3.369 (Xelna), 3.439 (Regislian)

21: Around the World in 30 seconds - 9.329 (Powerjohn), 9.375 (Xenox), 9.391 (Xelna)

22: Will o' Wisp - 11.684 (Xelna), 12.144 (Kalle), 13.067 (Dushine)

23: Twisting the Night Away – 18.237 (Kalle), 18.502 (Powerjohn), 18.689 (Regislian)

24: Survival of the Fittest - 6.777 (Xelna), 6.918 (Kalle), 7.019 (Sonic)

25: Plumber's Portal – 16.894 (Powerjohn), 16.909 (Regislian), 17.114 (Xelna)

26: Siege – 18.244 (Xelna), 20.943 (Kalle), 22.175 (Powerjohn)

27: Ski Slopes - 1.965 (Kalle), 1.981 (Powerjohn), 1.997 (Dushine, Xelna, Hitgod)

28: Ramps Reloaded – 13.432 (Xelna), 13.588 (Powerjohn), 13.909 (Matan)

29: Tower Maze - 5.008 (Dushine), 5.211 (Kalle), 5.281 (Regislian)

30: Free Fall - 6.615 (Kalle), 6.629 (StewMan46, Powerjohn), 6.630 (Moshe)

31: Acrobat – 7.946 (Xelna), 8.039 (Regislian), 8.128 (Kalle)

32: Whirl – 4.368 (Powerjohn), 4.430 (Xelna), 4.554 (Rigel)

33: Mudslide – 9.578 (Xelna), 9.609 (Powerjohn), 10.078 (Regislian)

34: Pipe Dreams – 11.887 (Xelna), 11.996 (Powerjohn), 12.197 (Kalle)

35: Scaffold – 0.843 (Powerjohn), 0.858 (Xelna, Kalle29, KidPlayer47), 0.859 (BlastedMarble)

36: Airwalk – 12.699 (Dushine), 12.951 (Xenox), 13.37 (Xelna)

37: Shimmy – 2.365 (Regislian), 2.374 (Kalle), 2.382 (m2mm4m, Nature Freak)

38: Path of Least Resistance – 2.843 (Regislian), 2.979 (Powerjohn), 3.027 (Xelna)

39: Daedalus - 3.276 (Xelna), 3.359 (Dushine), 3.385 (47)

40: Ordeal – 7.863 (Powerjohn), 7.941 (Dushine), 7.956 (Xelna)

41: Battlements – 8.814 (Xelna), 9.282 (Rigel), 9.329 (Kalle)

42: Pinball Wizard – 3.105 (Xelna), 3.176 (Kalle), 3.377 (Dushine)

43: Eye of the Storm – 2.636 (Kalle), 2.648 (Regislian, Rigel), 2.659 (Xelna)

44: Dive! – 12.153 (Kalle), 12.261 (Xelna), 12.351 (Dushine)

45: Tightrope – 12.200 (Kalle), 12.417 (Powerjohn), 12.620 (Xelna)

46: Natural Selection - 5.764 (Kalle), 5.782 (Regislian), 5.913 (Powerjohn)

47: Tango - 2.500 (Hitgod), 2.511 (Xelna), 2.609 (Regislian)

48: Icarus – 13.588 (Xelna), 13.634 (Powerjohn), 13.775 (Kalle)

49: Under Construction – 2.478 (Dushine), 2.527 (BlastedMarble), 2.529 (Kalle)

50: Pathways – 19.375 (Kalle), 19.859 (Xelna), 20.810 (Powerjohn)

51: Darwin's Dilemma – 3.884 (Kalle), 3.913 (Xelna), 3.962 (Dushine)

52: King of the Mountain – 2.938 (Regislian), 2.959 (Xelna), 3.471 (Powerjohn)

Advanced Levels Total Time = 492.776 (8:12.776)

Marble Blast Gold Total Time = 842.957 (14:02.957)
Last edit: 22 Sep 2015 07:25 by Kalle29.

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14 Aug 2009 12:13 #2
Great job man Nice compilation!!

I have 3 times... go me.

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14 Aug 2009 12:37 #3
Siege I got like 26.xx, you need to go over your logs.

Also, I did tell you that 2nd-3rd places I don't add to Leaderboards when they go back up, amiright?

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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14 Aug 2009 13:44 #4
Good job
Doubt i could ever beat one of those times...

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14 Aug 2009 15:47 #5
Finally they are up

10.672s Mudslide
15.812s Will o' Wisp
3.578s Daedalus
4.906s Freeway Crossing
5.562s Marbletris

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14 Aug 2009 20:35 #6
Do you want video proof for all or just 1st?

Because I have pictures for:

Learn the Super Speed: 2.84
Breezeway: 2.62
Trapdoors!: 2.28
Fork in the Road: 3.86
Hop Skip and a Jump: 8.05
Money Tree: 44.32 (45.xx video)
Slip 'n Slide: 4.83 (4.84 video)
A-Maze-ing: 2.66
Scaffold: 0.89

Pascal, what's your Money Tree (I knew it!) path? I wonder if it's the same or different from mine.

A time can be beaten, but a path can't be rediscovered. The best path stays forever.

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14 Aug 2009 20:43 #7
maybe we should do a WR topics for no gems

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14 Aug 2009 21:25 #8
That's a good idea.

(Note: My No Gems compilation is not intended to be a WR Rampage.)

A time can be beaten, but a path can't be rediscovered. The best path stays forever.

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15 Aug 2009 02:15 #9
Matan, I know you won't add 2nd and 3rd time to Leaderboards, but this topic is just to have an idea of what are the best times for the levels and who got them. I wouldn't need a topic like this because I'm very often around messing with WRs and asking people's time... but some people might be interested in knowing what are top times.

iMacmatician, if you didn't get 44.32 on Money Tree with the WR path shown in WR Rampage 1, then mine is the same as yours as I don't see anything else possible.

Sonic, a no gem WR topic would be great, I'll create one soon, in which everyone can post their times. There won't be a full list yet since not many people played ''No Gem'', but after a while, there will be a list.

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15 Aug 2009 02:50 #10
I forgot to put:

Jump jump jump: 2.40

A time can be beaten, but a path can't be rediscovered. The best path stays forever.

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15 Aug 2009 11:50 #11
This was supposed to go up yesterday but it refused to post, anyway...:

Great job Pascal! I didn't know that this was going to be up, but anyway, Rokoshu, constancy is everything, keep at a level and next thing you know you get WR .

Marbletris 5.57s (got it before Sonic but he can't keep his fingers of the keyboard )
Block Party 22.28s ( I decided to keep the path to myself ).

Some other records but will post later...

Edit: Money Tree 44.79s (Damnit, spend a good 30+ minutes on this level finding tweaks and easier ways to pull it off, and Imac beats me, will get you, and Pascal, you made a typo, but yes Imac, same path except Pascal got the last gem faster )

Moebius Strip 7.23s
To the Moon 4.04s
Grand Finale 34.82s
Fork in the Road 3.85s (Didn't know I could hit this low, race for sub .84?)
Marble Playground 34.53s
Jump jump jump 2.40s
Skate Park 21.96s
Monster Speedway 11.18s (I have like 10x in lbs, but I just did this quick, will only bother now if someone steals it)
Skee Ball Bonus 3.21s

Btw Learn the SuperSpeed, there are two me's, I should have 2.82 (depends whether on lbs or non lbs, non lbs it's 2.84, but Lbs its 2.82s)

Legit Marbler
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15 Aug 2009 15:09 #12
Aug 15, 2009, 4:50am, dushine wrote:Block Party 22.28s ( I decided to keep the path to myself ).I would try to find your path except that I HATE Block Party.

Aug 15, 2009, 4:50am, dushine wrote:Fork in the Road 3.85s (Didn't know I could hit this low, race for sub .84?)I might also try for Jump jump jump 2.39 and Fork in the road ≤3.84 since I (think I) have a good IC.

Update: Money Tree (44.25) (sorry Dushine )

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16 Aug 2009 01:18 #13
== List Updated ==

Grats on finding a new path on Block Party Dushine, now beat me hard! lol

And grats on 44.25 Money Tree iMac

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16 Aug 2009 19:40 #14
3.40 Daedalus
5.45 Marbletris
3.82 Trapdoor Madness

Will provide pics if needed.

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17 Aug 2009 01:36 #15
No need for pics... I believe you. Btw... pics don't prove anything.

Edited list.

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17 Aug 2009 01:55 #16
Will provide videos if needed

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17 Aug 2009 13:20 #17
Haha lmao fail, Pascal if I DO beat you, you will require a video but oh well:P.
Thanks for the update!

Leap of Faith 7.12s (Old record, before LBs were up I think, lol)

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17 Aug 2009 17:15 #18
30.32 Siege

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17 Aug 2009 19:42 #19
15.15 Will o Wisp (I'll get you, Matan! Best TT catch is 15.04)

== List updated ==

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18 Aug 2009 00:19 #20
Sub 1.50 On Simon Second Adventure

1-1 Second .50-50 Miliseconds So Sub That

And Its Custom

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18 Aug 2009 00:31 #21
Aug 17, 2009, 5:19pm, conrock5 wrote:Sub 1.50 On Simon Second Adventure

1-1 Second .50-50 Miliseconds So Sub That

And Its Custom

1. Sub 1.50 doesn't tell me the exact time you've hit...
2. Second decimal place isn't millisecond... Third decimal place is...
3. Topic name isn't Custom World Records Topic... It's MBG World Records Topic...

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18 Aug 2009 03:21 #22
conrock has been banned, relax

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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18 Aug 2009 06:33 #23
Woah, can't say he was not asking for it lol! Oh well:
Pascal, Matan's records prove he is a b***hy player (Matan, please take that as a compliment), he is one I don't bother lol, except Freeway Crossing .

Thanks for the update once again, I was a little too late to edit my post so I have to do it again.... (Snapped cable at my house lol)

I am not on my desktop so I might not remember the times clearly so I might as well not write some down:

Money Tree 42.40s- Dude I found out a few tweaks for an easier run, got it in no time at all (except the tweak parts lol), I just went a little too high therefore didn't get sub 42s, I might play it if I get beaten again, but then if not, when LBs are back up, sub 40 is my aim, and I think this level can go 35s alright!

Tube Treasure 28.65s- I kept doing the 29x path, trying it for so long to see how much I could max it out, then I said this is a waste of my time after getting 29.73s. I pulled out the old wr route, then I hit that time, I went like: omg fail lol!
SnS 4.87s- I used to hit lower easily before on LBs but, I dunno why I can't now, anyway, I didn't bother too much with the EH, this is enough for now anyway...
Skyscraper 36x?- I can't quite remember the time but it is 36-37x, will check later.
Half-Pipe Elite 14.53s- Straight forward, I never really played this level before, used to hate it lol, I had like 18x? on lbs, haha!

I thought you had 22.15 Block Party? Hmm ok, anyway I was in the middle of playing this level when one of my power box's cables snapped, wtf man. I did though, manage to fail spectacularly lol! I remember hitting the finish with one gem left at like 21.96, then at like 21.7x, and so far lowest at sub 21.50, in fact a low 21x, I think with a similar speed and perfection as that run of Pascal's can get you like 20x tops, highly doubt the sub, unless I try with the second tweak too, but the gravity switch to the last gems would be annoying with it... oh well.

I thank you guys for this topic, it brings out the inner MBG in me, I had some lame times in MBG if you ask me, it had been a long time since I actually played it for records, on lbs I have some sucky times alright, like Eye of the Storm and Pinball Wizard, Tightrope (forget Matan), Darwin's Dilemma, somehow KOTM, Dive etc. I hit like 14x on PW and 8x on EotS easily, and I went wow, those are paths I never thought I could pull up to now, plus I was lazy, I will probably try harder stuff on lbs but this kept me in practice and it is so much fun, thanks guys! (again)

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18 Aug 2009 09:15 #24
Learn the Super Speed 2.82
Elevator 3.65
Time Trial 2.23
Super Bounce 3.00
Tornado Bowl 1.50
Winding Road 10.25
Grand Finale 34.57

Fork in the Road 3.84
Space Slide 3.86
Skee Ball Bonus 3.20
Marble Playground 33.60
Moto-Marblecross 2.15
Spork in the Road 15.68
The Wave 6.85

Trapdoor Madness 3.82
Free Fall 6.67
Scaffold 0.89

Leap of Faith 7.04
proof for this...-

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18 Aug 2009 09:40 #25
That is the KidPlayer I know .
Some awesome times man! Removed quite a few of mine too .
Btw Skyscraper is 37.50.
*Goes for BP now*

Edit: Omg... less than 5 minutes of playing BP and I went like ahh, not in the mood then next thing I know I just hit 22.15s!
This is better than I hoped for (beating Pascal by 0.01s is the most annoying thing for him too, probably, haha what a fail I got!)
So Block Party 22.15s
Double Edit: I got 22.14s very shortly after that lol!
Anyway, I got what I wanted:

Block Party 21.95s! This is not in anyway a perfect run, as I wasted some accuracy somewhere along the lines of 3rd-6th gems, but I decided it can wait for Lbs, unless I get beaten ofcourse lol.
Might go for more levels...

Legit Marbler
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18 Aug 2009 13:03 #26
conrock's account notes are so funny!

Anyway, nice to see mass gaming and camping still alive.

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18 Aug 2009 13:14 #27
Aug 17, 2009, 11:33pm, dushine wrote:Money Tree 42.40s- Dude I found out a few tweaks for an easier run, got it in no time at all (except the tweak parts lol), I just went a little too high therefore didn't get sub 42s, I might play it if I get beaten again, but then if not, when LBs are back up, sub 40 is my aim, and I think this level can go 35s alright!

I originally had 47.xx, and then later I got bumped up much less and got 44.32. Then I tried to record the path and got a 45.xx since I was bumped up fairly high. Then I found some tweaks to save a few seconds (maybe the same as yours, maybe not) and that's how I got 44.25.

A low bump up (like in Sonic's video!) saves around 4 seconds, and with further optimizations I know I can save at least another second. For example, I generally jump up from the elevator at 10.0 or just before, but if I do the bit with the first gem really good, I can jump up at about 9.5, which might help with subsequent gem collections. There are other tweaks that probably save additional time but I haven't pulled them off in a successful run yet.

(I'll likely go work on it today…just to take my mind off Survival of the Fittest )

A time can be beaten, but a path can't be rediscovered. The best path stays forever.

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  • dushine
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18 Aug 2009 14:35 #28
All time is... EPIC! i try to make this jump in learning to roll, bumper training and mine field. I think i can't

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  • dushine
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18 Aug 2009 14:52 #29
Darwin's Dilemma 6.95s, wow I didn't know I could pull it off so easily, gained skills ftw! I might go lower sometime, Pascal I thought you have 5.84 and not .85?

@Misterhard: Goodluck, I aint bothering with those levels until LBs.
@ Techno: Thanks, but I DO hate your Iclock, one of the best out there actually, you could easily steal around 10 wrs or more, and if you do compete in this topic, your skill should be...well, wow.

@Imac: Yeah about the first gem, try and save time, but for the elevator to the 2nd gem, with a good run like in that 42x, I got it like at 8.9x, usually what I seem to grab, or a really low 9.x
And what you mean save like 4s? Kinda confused with your path though, Sonic used the sorta full path, can get like a 56x with it, also, Pascal's sub 40 was pretty much close to perfect run, took the last gem and jumped across the hole to the finish line, that can get you sub 40s, seeing as you also got a low enough launch.

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18 Aug 2009 16:42 #30
14.43s Half Pipe Elite

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