Before posting, please read the rules pertaining to verification of times.

exclamation-circle Marble Blast Gold - World Record Rampage #4 (SDA Update 3) - RELEASED!

  • IsraeliRD
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31 Jul 2014 11:20 - 06 Mar 2015 14:10 #1
Rampage is released!





This update is scheduled to begin collection of records immediately and continue up until October 1st, 2014. Any further submissions beyond that will be declined but kept for a future update. This date also gives me three weeks to do all that’s required, but if I get things done quickly, there might be a week’s extension. Please be aware that you should work on it now, because you won’t have time later and the extension is unlikely as of this point in writing.
Powerjohn25: you can submit records as well.

World Records (or best time that is closest to World Record) must be done in Marble Blast Gold and must be on .rec. If you’re on Mac, you can still record on .rec (I will bug the appropriate people to record the videos for me). WRs not done on .rec will not be accepted, but exemptions can be made.

One of the more controversial bugs, the screenshot glitch, is allowed in all submissions. If you wish to record a Moving Platform level with the screenshot glitch performed on level reset, you may do a video recording (not a .rec). If you use the screenshot glitch, we expect you to do a proper recording and not just slightly improve the record when must faster is known to be possible. For example, sub 3.8 Obstacle Course is expected. That said if I get 3.81 as best for OC, I will accept it, but won’t be happy a happy dragon.

A full explanation on how to do a video recording will be discussed later in this post.

If you are submitting a .rec, please submit the marble skin you wish to use. Marble skins currently seen in MBG WRR #3 will be kept for their respective authors. As I won’t make an appearance in #4, the ‘Staff Original’ P marble skin is now free to use. You will be able to claim your marble skin and post your times in this topic and it will be regularly updated.
Please note it might be a week until I find all the current videos/.recs I have and post the times I got for them.
New skins released in MBP 1.50 RC1 can be chosen as well.

When submitting records, you must submit your third decimal place, which you can find in your prefs.cs file, as well as the date you got the record. Also submit the way you want to appear in the rampage/SDA. Choose one of these three examples:
Learning to Roll – 1.234 – 1st Aug 2014 – Matan ‘IsraeliRD’ Weissman
Learning to Roll – 1.234 – 1st Aug 2014 – Matan Weissman
Learning to Roll – 1.234 – 1st Aug 2014 – IsraeliRD
If you do not submit a third decimal place, it will be automatically written down as ‘9’. I am not going to hunt anymore after anyone not submitted third decimal point.

In previous iterations we had people keep submitting to us after the deadline, which is really annoying and delayed the compilation altogether. In order for this not to occur again (as this time it will push the compilation into May/June of next year), anyone submitting a record AFTER the due date that has not been discussed beforehand with me, will have all of his times removed from the rampage. I still have all the original files of WRR #3 so I’m not messing around with you. As said before the times will be kept for future update as well, but they won't be featured here.

Please be aware that all video recording software require the same computer performance. Some video recording software have watermarks/logos embedded on their videos. Those are not allowed! Submissions of those will be instantly rejected.

For video recording, please use the following guidelines:
- 1024 x 768. This is the resolution you must use. No exceptions*
- Shadows must be turned off
- 32-bit
- Original MBG audio must be used, no music or sounds of your own
- Video must be 30fps or higher. 64fps is recommended
- Volume in your prefs.cs must be set on this:
$pref::Audio::channelVolume1 = "0.200000";
$pref::Audio::channelVolume2 = "0.200000";
This sets your in-game audio to 20% and is sufficient for videos. MBG WRR #3 used these values.
However, if your audio is too low or high, you will be asked to change it to new values that I will tell you to use.

When submitting videos it’s preferred to have the raw video output. You can use (and should use) DropBox OR to upload your videos.

If you wish to submit your own encoded video (smaller in filesize), you must follow these guidelines:
- 1024 x 768 resolution. *You may get an exemption and use higher resolution if I can re-encode it properly (please submit a test video, read below)
- 5,000 kbps bitrate (10,000 kbps is recommended)
- 192 kbps or higher for audio (320kbps max)
- Video must be 30fps or higher. Most encoding programs give you 30fps at best
- NO WATERMARKS / LOGOS. Instant reject if you have those

- While it is recommended not to cut any part of the recording, if you wish to cut it accordingly, this is what you must cut it as:
--> Two seconds before the beginning of the actual run, to 5 seconds after the results screen shows (you need to press OK and show the full end-game screen with your top 3 times)
--> If you use the screenshot glitch on a MP level, you must show two seconds before pressing the ESC button for the restart menu and performing the glitch.

AVI, MP4, MOV, DIVX AVI are accepted. If you submit MP4/MOV/DIVX please make a 10 second test video and send it to me so I can see whether I can re-encode properly. If I can then you can use the settings you have used for all your videos. If you use anything else e.g. MPEG-2, you must pass the quality test.
Filsize doesn’t matter. I have 3TB of space.

Lastly there may be no need for Author’s Comments (for SDA), but you can give me notes to add to the audio commentary (which will be done by me, as Xelna does not wish to participate) when I talk about the levels.

All submissions, .rec, test videos and final encode videos, must be sent to:
[email protected]

Good luck to everyone!

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
Last edit: 06 Mar 2015 14:10 by IsraeliRD. Reason: I quit Marble Blast. I can't handle these guys.

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31 Jul 2014 11:21 - 17 Jan 2015 07:39 #2
LAST UPDATED 16th January 2015

Initial times to beat are based on SDA times.
New times that were added have *** around them
Bad recording files and other errors are marked with ###
Total improvement: 72 levels (16 beginner, 18 intermediate, 38 advanced)

Beginner Levels:
Level nameTimeDatePlayer
Learning to Roll0:00:02.3702009-03-28Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
Collect the Gems0:00:08.7362009-01-24Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Jump Training0:00:03.7912013-09-02Trevor 'm2mm4m' Davidson***
Learn the Super Jump0:00:02.9642011-07-24Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Platform Training0:00:04.7812014-12-29Stewart 'StewMan46' Inglis ***
Learn the Super Speed0:00:02.7772008-12-31Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Elevator0:00:03.4002014-04-23BlastedMarble ***
*** Air Movement0:00:03.1822015-01-16Kalle29 ***
*** Gyrocopter0:00:02.7772014-09-24Kalle29 ***
*** Time Trial0:00:02.1942011-03-03asuul ***
*** Super Bounce0:00:02.9792014-12-31Kalle29 ***
*** Gravity Helix0:00:05.1332014-07-28Trevor 'm2mm4m' Davidson ***
*** Shock Absorber0:00:03.0262015-01-01Kalle29 ***
There and Back Again0:00:08.1432011-08-24Remy 'Dushine' Dushime
Marble Materials Lab0:00:04.4772011-08-21Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
Bumper Training0:00:02.3562011-08-27Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Breezeway0:00:02.5782013-05-27Regislian ***
Mine Field0:00:02.2772009-03-21Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Trapdoors!0:00:02.2302014-12-31Kalle29 ***
*** Tornado Bowl0:00:01.4822014-09-09Kalle29 ***
*** Pitfalls0:00:10.3262014-09-17Ji Hoon 'iMacmatician' Chun ***
*** Platform Party0:00:07.3942012-08-22Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Winding Road0:00:10.0932014-08-12Kalle29 ***
*** Grand Finale0:00:29.7192014-10-15Mason 'Nihahhat' Langenderfer ***

Intermediate Levels:
Level nameTimeDatePlayer
*** Jump jump jump0:00:02.3762013-02-26Moshe ***
*** Monster Speedway Qualifying0:00:15.4592014-10-08Kalle29 ***
*** Skate Park0:00:20.3272012-01-26Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
Ramp Matrix0:00:18.0942009-07-17Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Hoops0:00:09.4222015-01-06Kalle29 ***
Go for the Green0:00:03.2922011-08-27Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Fork in the Road0:00:03.8292013-02-26Moshe ***
*** Tri Twist0:00:21.7162014-08-14Kalle29 ***
Marbletris0:00:05.1802009-02-27Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Space Slide0:00:02.8392014-12-15Kalle29 ***
*** Skee Ball Bonus0:00:03.1672014-04-17BlastedMarble ***
Marble Playground0:00:28.9532011-08-14Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Hop Skip and a Jump0:00:07.8782014-08-22Kalle29 ***
*** Take the High Road0:00:06.2402014-11-15Kalle29 ***
Half-Pipe0:00:03.8762009-02-22Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Gauntlet0:00:08.8302014-08-08Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
*** Moto-Marblecross0:00:02.0902014-09-11Kalle29 ***
Shock Drop0:00:04.1562009-02-27Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Spork in the Road0:00:11.9022012-08-22Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Great Divide0:00:16.4342014-10-18Kalle29 ***
*** The Wave0:00:06.0532012-10-16Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Tornado Alley0:00:02.7142013-07-08BlastedMarble ***
*** Monster Speedway0:00:07.6982014-05-19Kalle29 ***
*** Upward Spiral0:00:09.7032014-08-12Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***

Advanced Levels:
Level nameTimeDatePlayer
*** Thrill Ride0:00:03.1572014-03-09Regislian ***
*** Money Tree0:00:35.7402014-10-18Kalle29 ***
*** Fan Lift0:00:08.3602014-12-23Kalle29 ***
*** Leap of Faith0:00:06.9582014-08-17Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
*** Freeway Crossing0:00:03.9782014-12-30Kalle29 ***
*** Stepping Stones0:00:08.6892014-11-27Kalle29 ***
*** Obstacle Course0:00:03.8532014-02-23Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
*** Points of the Compass0:00:06.7552012-01-26Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Three-Fold Maze0:00:18.7812013-08-22Regislian ***
*** Tube Treasure0:00:23.8432014-10-08Mason 'Nihahhat' Langenderfer ***
Slip 'n Slide0:00:04.7672011-01-20Jonathan 'Sporlo' Hynes
*** Skyscraper0:00:22.6662014-11-02Kalle29 ***
Half Pipe Elite0:00:12.3392011-08-11Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
A-Maze-ing0:00:02.5322009-04-21Henry 'Sonic Warrior1' Mullhall
*** Block Party0:00:20.7332014-08-07Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
Trap Door Madness0:00:03.7132009-01-30Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
Moebius Strip0:00:06.4432009-09-13Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Great Divide Revisited0:00:08.2682014-02-26Kalle29 ***
*** Escher's Race0:00:25.7252014-08-01Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
*** To the Moon0:00:03.3692013-12-10Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Around the World in 30 seconds0:00:09.3292014-09-10Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
Will o' Wisp0:00:11.6842011-09-28Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Twisting the Night Away0:00:18.2372014-02-22Kalle29 ***
Survival of the Fittest0:00:06.7772009-03-05Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Plumber's Portal0:00:16.8942014-08-07Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
*** Siege0:00:18.2442011-12-30Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Ski Slopes0:00:01.9652014-09-09Kalle29 ***
*** Ramps Reloaded0:00:13.4322013-12-10Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Tower Maze0:00:05.2112014-12-23Kalle29 ***
*** Free Fall0:00:06.6322013-02-27Moshe ***
*** Acrobat0:00:07.9722012-08-22Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Whirl0:00:04.3682014-10-12Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
*** Mudslide0:00:09.6092014-08-06Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
Pipe Dreams0:00:11.8872011-07-21Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Scaffold0:00:00.8432014-08-03Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
*** Airwalk0:00:12.6992013-10-13Remy 'Dushine' Dushime ***
Shimmy0:00:02.3862009-01-19Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Path of Least Resistance0:00:02.8432014-03-04Regislian ***
*** Daedalus0:00:03.2762011-08-24Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance ***
*** Ordeal0:00:07.8632014-03-24Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio
Battlements0:00:08.9072009-04-20Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
Pinball Wizard0:00:03.1522011-09-10Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
*** Eye of the Storm0:00:02.6522014-08-05Kalle29 ***
*** Dive!0:00:12.1532014-07-10Kalle29 ***
*** Tightrope0:00:12.4172014-03-24Gabriel 'Powerjohn25' Inocencio ***
*** Natural Selection0:00:05.7822014-03-04Regislian ***
Tango0:00:02.5112011-08-27Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
Icarus0:00:13.5882011-08-19Pascal 'Xelna' Lafrance
Under Construction0:00:02.5272011-08-18Remy 'Dushine' Dushime
*** Pathways0:00:19.3752015-01-16Kalle29 ***
*** Darwin's Dilemma0:00:03.8842014-05-29Kalle29 ***
*** King of the Mountain0:00:02.9382014-03-15Regislian ***

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
Last edit: 17 Jan 2015 07:39 by IsraeliRD.
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31 Jul 2014 15:36 - 31 Jul 2014 18:38 #3
Leap of Faith – 6.973 – 31st Jul 2014 – BlastedMarble

It is close to the real WR. I'll just send it anyway. Bloopers are included in the .rec as well.

I'll also resend in all the other .recs I have for the rampage and the marble skin I'll be using.
Last edit: 31 Jul 2014 18:38 by Blasted. Reason: One small sentence correction.

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31 Jul 2014 17:30 #4
Two questions:

-Why 1024x768
-Do I have to send in raw video even if I can do lossless compression to mp4

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31 Jul 2014 18:06 - 31 Jul 2014 18:25 #5
I have Fraps, and my videos come out as .avi automatically. Do I need a different recorder program to get .recs?

Also, does my youtube upload quality matter? Currently the best i can get is 240p when i upload to youtube. Does this matter?

And two things to clarify: 1. Can I claim my marble now or do I need to get a WR first...? 2. Say the WR from WRR #3 was 12.00 on a level. If I get 12.03, but nobody else does better during this WRR, will my run be shown in the video?
Last edit: 31 Jul 2014 18:25 by Frostfire.

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31 Jul 2014 18:38 - 31 Jul 2014 19:11 #6
1) That's the resolution of the MBG WRR #3 videos, so we're keeping it the same. That means I have less to re-record in a new resolution all the videos. Secondly Airwalk and Fan Lift really hate non-standard resolutions (e.g. 1280x720) and I really don't want to rerecord them or make Pascal do that.
2) Read the above again and carefully. You can send me a quality test video, and if the quality is good enough in your lossless compression, and I can re-encode it properly to AVI, then you can do in mp4.

Frostfire: .rec is the internal MBG recording system, see this topic:
Your youtube upload quality may not matter. However you cannot upload to youtube the videos because I'm not recording off of it. YT does its own encoding method which is bleh.

1) You can claim your marble now, but if you end up with no records then anyone who does have a record can use your marble instead.

2) If the WR in #3 is 12.00, I still have the video for it. Read above, I have all the original AVI files so I can re-use them. Only runs that beat the current records listed on SDA get shown.
That means if you can't beat SOTF 6.777, then that get re-used.

The preference for .rec file is because I can control the recording and it'll be instantly output for me. This means less work for you in terms of having to worry about a quality test or sending me 1GB of video.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
Last edit: 31 Jul 2014 19:11 by IsraeliRD.

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31 Jul 2014 21:10 - 01 Aug 2014 20:18 #7
My SDA name is "Trevor 'm2mm4m' Davidson"
Use the texture for all my runs.
Jump Training: 3.791 (September 2nd, 2013) (HOLY! It's been almost a year!)
Pitfalls: 10.406 (July 28th, 2014)
Gravity Helix 5.133 (July 28th, 2014)
And I have a Space Slide blooper!

with the music and the lights and everything :P
Last edit: 01 Aug 2014 20:18 by Kasper. Reason: Missed Gravity Helix's time

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31 Jul 2014 22:04 - 29 Dec 2014 21:49 #8
My SDA name is Stewart 'StewMan46' Inglis.
I will use one of my MBSuper marble designs (can be used in MBG)
Platform Training - 4.781 (29th Dec 2014)
Last edit: 29 Dec 2014 21:49 by ----------------------.

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01 Aug 2014 00:13 - 03 Aug 2014 15:16 #9
I'll use the same format as stewman i suppose.

Name: 'Frostfire' (I may add my real name, unsure)
EDIT: Metallic marble from mbp 1.50, as long as it isn't taken yet.
No WRs yet but if I get one I'll edit.
Last edit: 03 Aug 2014 15:16 by Frostfire. Reason: marble change

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01 Aug 2014 03:26 - 01 Aug 2014 03:27 #10
SDA name is Kalle29
Darwin's Dilemma: 3.884 (May 29th 2014)
Dive!: 12.153 (July 10th 2014)
Great Divide Revisited: 8.268 (Feb 26th 2014)
Grand Finale: 30.872 (July 27th 2014)
Great Divide: 17.675 (June 21st 2014)
Monster Speedway: 7.698 (May 19th 2014)
Monster Speedway Qualifying: 15.928 (June 11th 2014)
Twisting the Night Away: 18.237 (Feb 22nd 2014)
I also have an Eye of the storm 2.65, but that's a tie with Pascal...

I'll update this later with the skin I wanna use

And Matan, if you want bloopers, I can send you ~100 of them.

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Last edit: 01 Aug 2014 03:27 by Kalle29.

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01 Aug 2014 08:10 - 01 Aug 2014 11:43 #11
Bloopers are accepted, yes. I usually select the best of them (that I think are the better ones anyway).
Note that the bloopers I include from people are the ones they have records on by the time the rampage finishes.
It also helps a lot if you pick the best ones as well and only send those.

Regarding EotStorm: if you have better than 9 in your decimal place (e.g. 8 or less), then your .rec can replace that of Pascal's.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
Last edit: 01 Aug 2014 11:43 by IsraeliRD. Reason: This isn't where my Q&A was parked

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01 Aug 2014 12:35 #12
Time to lose all my records. Good luck all.

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01 Aug 2014 20:07 #13
Maybe not all your records, hehe.

with the music and the lights and everything :P

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01 Aug 2014 20:50 - 01 Aug 2014 23:04 #14
Yeah Xelna, you were beast!! I don't know if you'll lose your records to us, but if you do, then it was for the best. I have to admit, I think you are one of the best.
Last edit: 01 Aug 2014 23:04 by ----------------------. Reason: Grammar Error

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01 Aug 2014 21:09 #15
I wouldn't say he were one of the best, he still has almost half of all records, which is far more than any other person has right now.

Also, my EotStorm time for some reason isn't in my prefs.cs file. I'll get another 2.65 and see if this solves the problem

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01 Aug 2014 23:04 #16
Thanks for that Kalle29. Edited earlier post.

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03 Aug 2014 13:30 #17
First update done. Please note there are errors and stuff all over the place.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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03 Aug 2014 19:02 - 03 Aug 2014 22:28 #18
Breezeway: 2.567 (27 May 2013)
Plumber's Portal: 16.906 (28 July 2013)
Three-Fold Maze: 18.781 (22 Aug 2013)
Block Party: 20.797 (25 Aug 2013)
Natural Selection 5.782 (4 March 2014)
Path of Least Resistance 2.843 (4 March 2014)
Thrill Ride: 3.157 (9 March 2014)
King of the Mountain: 2.938 (15 March 2014)
Gauntlet: 8.906 (21 March 2014)

Matan, I think u already have all the .recs for these records. Though if it's easier I could resent them all in one e-mail?

Edit: .recs are sent.

I'd prefer not to have my full name appear, so I'll just stick with just Regislian.
Last edit: 03 Aug 2014 22:28 by Regislian.

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03 Aug 2014 19:03 #19
OK, I've sent my stuff.

༼ ͡◕ ͜ ʖ ͡◕༽ You have been visited by the Nivea™ Donger of moisture. Soft skin and good fortune will come to you, but only if you post "thank you Mr. Skeltal" in this thread ༼ ͡◕ ͜ ʖ ͡◕༽

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03 Aug 2014 19:58 #20
I believe you made an error on Gravity Helix. It was actually on July 28th, 2014!

with the music and the lights and everything :P

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04 Aug 2014 04:15 #21
I thought 6.63 on Free Fall was Moshe

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04 Aug 2014 11:46 #22
Fixed GHelix.
Added Kalle29, Regislian, filled in Powerjohn's stuff and added new .rec - tightrope.

Due to a bit busy schedule it's unlikely to be updated (or me watching/confirming .recs/vids) for the next 48 hours.

We're also at 46 improved levels. Almost half of the game!

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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05 Aug 2014 02:50 - 05 Aug 2014 02:50 #23
OK, a few things:

1. I finally found a consistent way to get 2.65 on EotStorm instead of 2.66, a new WR should be coming soon.

2. Is the Siege time really a new WR? It has those *** things around it and it is better than the time on SDA, but the 18.24 was included in the WRR#3 on Youtube.

3. I've been reading through this thread, and several levels have better times listed there than here. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that these have already been improved although they are not listed as such in this thread: Learning to Roll, Learn the Super Jump, Platform Training, Learn the Super Speed, Air Movement, Gyrocopter, Time Trial, Super Bounce, Shock Absorber, Trapdoors!, Tornado Bowl, Hoops, Tri Twist, Upward Spiral, Around the World in 30 seconds, Ordeal, Battlements and Pinball Wizard. I can't really remember who did what though.

4. Take the High Road is listed with the time 6.278 here, I thought it was 6.28...

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Last edit: 05 Aug 2014 02:50 by Kalle29.

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05 Aug 2014 06:56 #24
I have 4.836 Platform Training (FRAPS), but the filesize is too large to send.

with the music and the lights and everything :P

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05 Aug 2014 08:10 #25
Are you allowed to reserve times?

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06 Aug 2014 11:21 - 06 Aug 2014 11:36 #26

1) Cool

2) It's not a new WR, but it is better than the SDA time (just like Spork), hence it gets the *** tag.

3) I did notice I am missing Xelna's 10.35 upward spiral so I'll find where it is found it. Regarding the rest of them no one sent me videos/.recs but you probably can find them on YouTube which is why you see times on it.
If you can find the people who got all those records and pester them for the original raw videos/.rec files then no problems.
Xenox doesn't ever .rec or .avi file, ever. Likely done on LBs. Good luck finding him and getting him to actually do something.
Same to well most people on the list actually haha

4) Could've been a mistake. I'll fix.

m2mm4m: read the first post, either dropbox/ or do a quality test and if it's good enough then you can do videos that way (for restart screenshot glitch).

StewMan46: no

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
Last edit: 06 Aug 2014 11:36 by IsraeliRD. Reason: I forgot I got an external HDD

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06 Aug 2014 11:55 - 06 Aug 2014 12:06 #27
Updated new stuff from powerjohn, except for his wtf failed block party (do check the .recs work before submitting kthx).
Updated TTHR ty kalle29
Updated Free Fall 3rd dec got contact w/ moshe

Also can someone beat powerjohn's winding road. An edge hit did improve but honestly overshooting the SJ and stopping well after it is no excuse.
Powerjohn: Please don't just beat the time just to have your name next to a level. This is MBG WRR. We want optimization.
In addition WR for mudslide is 9.57 but no video from pascal. It can go 9.50s/9.49s so again your time is "easily" beaten if someone tries because there's plenty of optimization. Whirl pascal has 4.43 and it can go 4.41.

File Attachment:

File Name: WindingRoad1012.rec
File Size:7 KB

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
Last edit: 06 Aug 2014 12:06 by IsraeliRD. Reason: lol mehing

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06 Aug 2014 20:13 #28
Eye of the Storm 2.658 (05-08-2014) .rec sent. The trick was to go more to the left, it saves a few milliseconds for whatever reason.

Regarding winding road, I tried it and got a 10.18. I'll try to improve it later but I'm off to Scotland for a few days and can't play while I'm there. I would go for mudslide WR as well if I only knew how to do it. Right now I don't even know how to get sub 10.

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06 Aug 2014 20:31 #29
Nice! By the way, where in Scotland are you going, Oban? Glasgow? Perth? Other places?

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06 Aug 2014 20:43 #30

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