The long-awaited rampage was promised for years, and in the last 9 months, progress really picked up. The result is something no one expected: these 16 runners have shattered all 147 levels, achieving a World Record in each and every one of them. As of 5th April (release date of Beginners), all 147 videos in this compilation are World Records.
This section contains the intermediate levels. There are tons of all new paths, tricks and small tweaks coupled with a ridiculous amount of optimization and plenty of Ramp Matrix-ing gems and so much more.
Enjoy! (with POPCORN and DRINKS and what not)
Q: The videos seem to be quite different in some cases, such as runners using different marble skins, different resolutions, UI etc.
A: Some videos were done before PQ was released and some runners recorded themselves rather than using the .rec/.rrec formats. Once PQ was released .rrec became a requirement for all runners, and those that had videos before PQ was released could have used those. As such, several runners used different marble skins back then. Likewise PQ also progressed and UI might have changed in a few spots, but it's relatively consistent.
Q: Which versions of the game were used?
A: Marble Blast Platinum 1.7.42 and PlatinumQuest 2.3.5. Any other version may make some routes impossible to replicate or are easier to do. This is especially true for versions before MBP Version 1.50.
Q: How come 3rd decimal place is used in this video's final time? I thought no one looks at it.
A: While most don't bother, I thought it would be cool to have the third decimal place since some find it necessary. If you wish to know the final time, just deduct 178 milliseconds from the end time shown in this video.
Q: What tricks and techniques were used in these videos?
A: A lot of the things seen here can be quite technical. This thread lists all the advanced techniques and more:
Q: Why does the marble sometimes pause for a frame or two, or sometimes wraps to different spots, and the end time changes right before the marble finishes?
A: The .rrec system uses a marble position/rotation based system instead of the .rec input system. As this was created from the ground up, its main problem has to do with timing differences. While these are usually 1-2 frames, they are clearly visible.
Q: The start of a lot of levels is really weird! What's going on there?
A: PQ and the .rrec system use a half-second delay when starting in order to get a lot of things in-game working properly. Rest assured everything is fine.
Cinematic Hybrid Music by NCM Epic Music Ender Guney
Rock Thing by Creo (youtube channel Free Vibes)
'Sanfter Flügel Weilt' (Jazz Be Damned) by HeavenWraith
The Sims 3 Main Theme by Vector Squad
"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.