Reply: Marble Blast Gold Launching to Black screen

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Topic History of: Marble Blast Gold Launching to Black screen

Max. showing the last 20 posts - (Last post first)

  • Kalle29
  • Kalle29's Avatar
22 Sep 2022 21:20

Have you tried setting fullscreen to 1? Sometimes that has helped with black screens.

  • BobMcBobinstine
  • BobMcBobinstine's Avatar
20 Sep 2022 12:52

Hello! I just moved to a new computer (running windows 10) and now I can't get marble blast to launch properly. It opens to a black screen now. I know it's at least running because I can interact with the menu, I just can't see anything. I've tried the previous recommendations, but I don't seem to have a "prefs.cs" so instead I've been editing the default.cs located in that same folder, although that hasn't helped. Here's what the video section of defaults looks like now

$pref::Terrain::DynamicLights = 1;
$pref::Interior::TexturedFog = 0;
$pref::Video::displayDevice = "OpenGL";
$pref::Video::allowOpenGL = 1;
$pref::Video::allowD3D = 0;
$pref::Video::preferOpenGL = 1;
$pref::Video::appliedPref = 0;
$pref::Video::disableVerticalSync = 1;
$pref::Video::monitorNum = 1;
$pref::Video::resolution = "800 600 32";
$pref::Video::windowedRes = "800 600";
$pref::Video::fullScreen = "0";

Any tips?

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