The error occurs because it can't retrieve the font from the system, because it doesn't exist on the machine. When MarbleBlast launches, it retrieve fonts from the system that it needs, and it stores it a a cache. MarbleBlast has its own store from when it was downloaded, inside the application, under common/ui/cache/, and with the extension .gft. For what it lacks, it retrieves from the system, and puts those fonts in the game's modifiable space, in ~/Library/MarbleBlast, at common/ui/cache as before. (The user's personal library folder, where all your prefs are stored.) When you wiped your personal game data, it likely took those fonts with it (assuming it ever had them). So it falls back on a backup font, which is available, and uses that instead.
Now, one can easily fix that issue by giving MarbleBlast what it wants, which is the font. MarbleBlast will happily use any needed font from its cache, if it has it. To do so, you need to copy the font DomCasualD_36.gft to the common/ui/cache/ folder, in either the game or the library. Adding it to the application itself will ensure that it doesn't disappear, but adding it to the library's cache will make it used by all MarbleBlast applications. If you have 1.20, the font actually exists, in the folder platinum/core/ui/cache/ inside the application, as before. Copy it over and it will work.
Now, something I should note is that in my version of MarbleBlast, I have 1.5.3 as stated in version.cs, and even without that font in my MarbleBlast Gold application's cache, it works. What I do have is DomCasualD_32.gft, which I can only assume to be the font used in the high score list, as shown below the dialog box. For me, the high score list and the text box text, in my version, both use size 32 and are exactly alike, and so it doesn't need size 36 of the font from the system.
If you can't find it, I'll send a PM with a link to the file. Copy to the location as stated above, and it will work as expected.
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